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Visa Roster are bastards...

Posted: 08/11/2005 - 10:46
by Chris Abbott
They made me shed a tear with Zoids and Rambo from their latest CD... *sniff*

Just working on the clips now, btw. Hence the reaction...


Posted: 08/11/2005 - 11:59
by merman

Posted: 08/11/2005 - 16:13
by Steve B
chris, do you still have my card number ?
if so, i would like the two Visa Roster CD's

Cheers :D

Posted: 08/11/2005 - 16:15
by Chris Abbott
Steve B wrote:chris, do you still have my card number ?
if so, i would like the two Visa Roster CD's

Cheers :D
Will do :)


Posted: 08/11/2005 - 16:22
by Steve B
damn good service there m8y :D

Posted: 10/11/2005 - 22:25
by Kenz
Just listened to the CD ... Thrust & Rambo ... Beautiful!!

Buy it people - just buy it. :D

Re: Visa Roster are bastards...

Posted: 11/11/2005 - 10:44
by Slaygon
Chris Abbott wrote:They made me shed a tear with Zoids and Rambo from their latest CD... *sniff*
Calm... Seriously, how awesome is it to hear the familiar notes of your own tune sung by these wonderful people? I love you guys! (yes, you too DHS!)
I am deeply honored! Thank you!

Rambo... Been listening to this on repeat all morning... Sends chills down my spine! It is simply beautiful!

Posted: 11/11/2005 - 11:01
by Chris Abbott
Talking of which, who uploaded Thrust to the RKO queue?


Posted: 11/11/2005 - 11:06
by Slaygon
Chris Abbott wrote:Talking of which, who uploaded Thrust to the RKO queue?
Hm. From the album?

Should be fairly easy for Kwed to find out.

Posted: 11/11/2005 - 11:09
by Chris Abbott
Slaygon wrote:
Chris Abbott wrote:Talking of which, who uploaded Thrust to the RKO queue?
Hm. From the album?

Should be fairly easy for Kwed to find out.
He just told me it was Pex. So, nothing to see here, nothing to see... plenty to listen to, but nothing to see here... except Hanna... nothing to...oh, wait... :)

Posted: 11/11/2005 - 11:10
by Slaygon
Chris Abbott wrote:He just told me it was Pex. So, nothing to see here, nothing to see... plenty to listen to, but nothing to see here... except Hanna... nothing to...oh, wait... :)
Woot! ;)

Posted: 11/11/2005 - 11:42
by Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson
I uploaded Thrust. It's already in Jan's Pod-Cast episode 016, and well, not everything in this world should be paid for, there's gotta be free stuff as well... Some people would never pay for a Visa Röster CD, and I really think they should get a hint of what Visa Röster stands for! :D I don't wanna lock anybody out completely!

Hey, Slaygon... Calm... you're welcome!

Posted: 11/11/2005 - 14:33
by Phantom66uk
Kenz wrote:Just listened to the CD ... Thrust & Rambo ... Beautiful!!

Buy it people - just buy it. :D
With lots of thanks to Chris Abbott (what a guy 8) ) my copies of Both Vocally 1 & 2 turned up today, and I am totally blown away by the work of Pex and his team.
It's already in Jan's Pod-Cast episode 016, and well, not everything in this world should be paid for, there's gotta be free stuff as well... Some people would never pay for a Visa Röster CD, and I really think they should get a hint of what Visa Röster stands for! :D
That's an excellent way of thinking Pex, you've got through to me! :P

Posted: 11/11/2005 - 14:46
by Chris Abbott
Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson wrote:Some people would never pay for a Visa Röster CD
I think there some natural kinds of people in the world (stereotypes, natch):

Person type 1 (Sane, Rational, Handsome ;-))

Person: I love you! I want your babies!
Hero: Well, I've just done this music. How about you buy it?
Person: Oooooh, I'll get my wallet.

Person type 2:
Person: I love you! I want your babies!
Hero: Well, I've just done this music. How about you buy it?
Person: Wooah, there tiger. You've already got my love! Why would you want anything else? Now, give me it for free, since you owe me for my worship.

Person type 3:

Person: I love your music! I want its babies!
Hero: Well, I've just done this music. How about you buy it?
Person: I don't give a shit about you. Just give me your music NOW! And be grateful you've got an audience you greedy moneygrabbing has-been bastard!

Person type 4 ("Ipod guy")

Person: I love you! I want your babies!
Hero: Well, I've just done this music. How about you buy it?
Person: I'll just download it on the Internet. I can get blank CDs much cheaper. No offence, but I haven't bought a CD since they were invented and I'm not starting now.
Hero: :confusion: :x

Person type 5:
Person: I love you! I want your babies!
Hero: Well, I've just done this music. How about you buy it?
Person: Give me a copy and I'll play it on my podcast, you sexy beast*

Person type 6 ("unimpressed", inspired by "Flip" from the CRC):
Person: Oh, so you're hero. Why are you here? Why aren't you playing your old stuff? What the fuck was the violin and piano about?
Hero: Fuck off!

Person type 7:
Person: Hanna, I love you! I want your babies!
Heroine: Mark, get the bow out of there...

Person type 8:
Person: Hey, hero, fancy ten vodkas?
Hero: Don't mind if I do :)

There was an actual quote on the main Sony DRM thread at, where someone actually asked how come they were selling Audio CDs at that price when blank DVDs were cheaper... :duh:

* May not be what kwed would actually say! Your results may differ ;-)

Posted: 11/11/2005 - 15:06
by Slick2097
Lol :) quality.
