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will there be a dvd or audio cd?

Posted: 08/11/2005 - 20:47
by zerozillion
too bad i didn't hear the whole concert on slayradio, awesome stuff so far i've heard :)

are there any chances that this will be put on dvd/cd somewhen next year?

on a sidenote - i showed the back in time live dvd to a lot of people (also people that are not familiar with c64). i know that such people are not the "primary target" for these dvd's - but i often thought - wouldn't it be nice to have the original c64 tune playing on the second audio track (in sync when possible?) so you can switch between these - it's surely not so much of work and it would be a great feature. if you take that idea further - the "video angle" button also could alternate between live video and the original c64 game (as far as possible copyright wise).

Posted: 08/11/2005 - 21:08
by Chris Abbott
Interesting idea: main problem is the speed differences between the C64 versions and the cover versions, and that the C64 footage would look crap at the bitrate you'd need to use to fit it on the DVD 9. Plus it's already been pressed, of course.


Posted: 09/11/2005 - 11:01
by merman
Or, how about expanding that idea?

Original game footage + remix / live track