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My health situation...

Posted: 02/12/2005 - 9:15
by skitz
Greetings fellow C64 remix fans,

As some of you may already know (if you listened to Boz's Bollocks on Wednesday) I have been diagnosed with a primary brain tumour after an MRI scan last week.

At the moment I know very little about my prospects and what treatment I can have for this benign growth on the right side of my brain. I am now on tablets to control the epileptic type seizures I occasional have on my left hand side. The next step is likely to be a biopsy of the growth to decide on the best treatment. It's likely that i've had this growth for around 6-7 years as by the very nature of this kind of tumour it grows very slowly and is only now causing me symptoms.

At the moment I am optimistic about my long-term prospects as this is not likely to spread and there are many options available to me..

Short-term I am going to continue with my life as per normal and I am not going anywhere - mainly because I dont have a car anymore :D

Thankyou for all your kind words on Wednesday in the IRC room and I refuse to let this thing beat me.... I will fight it as best I can.


Posted: 02/12/2005 - 9:39
by Max Levin
Oh no! :(

Posted: 02/12/2005 - 9:41
by Romeo Knight
Oh Fuck! :shock: Honestly wish you all the best for the future!

Posted: 02/12/2005 - 10:09
by Makke
Jeez! :(

I missed the show on Wednesday, so I missed this information.

All I can say is that I hope they find a working treatment for it quickly. It doesn't sound like a very aggressive tumour, which I guess is a good thing (however a thing like this can ever be "good"). :|

All the best. And I'll speak to you soon.

Posted: 02/12/2005 - 10:12
by LMan
Skitz, that's terrible news :weep:

You will make it mate, you've got the right attitude!! Our prayers are with you.

- Natascha & Markus

Posted: 02/12/2005 - 10:13
by Chris Abbott
You've had such awful luck with your health, but you know we're all rooting for you, mate. Sounds like you're not going to let the bastard grind you down.

Thought: Maybe with enough extra Unz you can pound the thing into submission :)


Posted: 02/12/2005 - 10:53
by merman
Skitz, good luck and good health.

Posted: 02/12/2005 - 11:10
by Tonka
I'm sorry to hear this.

Don't know you personally Skitz, but reading peoples comments on forums - you kind of get to feel you know people, in a sense...

On a positive, recovery rates for this type of illness are getting better all the time and I'm sure (particularly with your present attitude and the fact it is benign) you will be fine :)

My very best wishes to you.


Posted: 02/12/2005 - 11:34
by Markus Schneider
Reading this really made me sad, Paul.
I honestly wish you all the best for the future.

Posted: 02/12/2005 - 11:54
by beyond
Skitz, that is terrible. But it is good to hear that your spirit is high and that the future looks good in terms of what you are experiencing.

Always remember that cancer can be beat---I am the living proof of that!

All the best!
-Theo, ex cancer victim.

Posted: 02/12/2005 - 12:26
by Max Levin
beyond wrote: -Theo, ex cancer victim.

Posted: 02/12/2005 - 12:59
by beyond
Well... At age 10 I had a Wilhm's tumor (malign) on one of my kidneys, had 1 kg of cancerous tissue removed (bad ass tumor stage, but with high differentiation), chemotherapy on and off during 1½ years. Got all the known side effects. 100% recovery, except for the missing kidney :)

Posted: 02/12/2005 - 13:29
by skitz
Sorry to hear about that Beyond.... must of been horrible being so young :(

This is why is confusing me - I thought all tumours were cancerous but apparently this is just a benign growth which probably started to grow over 10 years ago or something like that... so there is no chance of it spreading and the key is to stop it growing/shrink it and treat the symtoms.

I've got to go attack free for a year before I can drive again :(

Posted: 02/12/2005 - 13:29
by trace
Not good news :( ALL the best Skitz.

Posted: 02/12/2005 - 13:41
by Tonka
skitz wrote:Sorry to hear about that Beyond.... must of been horrible being so young :(

This is why is confusing me - I thought all tumours were cancerous but apparently this is just a benign growth which probably started to grow over 10 years ago or something like that... so there is no chance of it spreading and the key is to stop it growing/shrink it and treat the symtoms.

I've got to go attack free for a year before I can drive again :(
Yeah - this is a common misconception.

Medical definition of 'tumor' just = 'growth'. My daughter has had a 'Sterno-mastoid' tumor from birth (on her neck, under her chin- can't even notice it). It is completely harmless... I guess it just causes a few more complications when it's on the brain, but technically is just as harmless - this we can at least be thankful for! :)
