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MP3's of C64 audio? Or CD's of Rob Hubbards work?

Posted: 12/12/2005 - 13:19
by Ben Frain
Hello all, my first post here so hello one and all...

I am not sure if this is a foolish question but I hope some body can guide me...

I am looking to get a CD of Rob Hubbards work. I have seen on various sites that they are available as emulator files but I use a Mac and I'm not enough of a tech head to understand (or even want!) to get these files up and running.

Therefore my question is - is there anywhere that C64 tunes can be bought as MP3 files or as a music DC?

I have seen the back in time CD's but they are all compilations and I am after specific tracks.

Hope someone can help me, I would be looking for Sanxion, Wizball, Thrust, Armalyte, Rambo loader etc

Regards - Ben

Posted: 12/12/2005 - 14:20
by Chris Abbott
An iTunes style C64 service for the CD tunes is overdue and in the works. Since you seem to be interested in Martin Galway's stuff as well, why not buy "Project Galway"? It's all SIDs, recorded from Martin's SID chip. There won't be an equivalent Project Hubbard because apparently out of the tens of thousands of Galway fans, only a few hundred deemed recordings from his own soundchip worthy of their time and cash.


Posted: 12/12/2005 - 15:12
by Waz

Sidplay for MacOS is a joy to use and it's really simple, honest. I'd really give that a go first, then download the whole HVSC at

Failing that, try Kenz's Pure 6581 compilation - lots of MP3s recorded from a real Commodore 64:

Posted: 12/12/2005 - 15:56
by Andreas Wallström
Ben, get free MP3's from some quality CD's (mainly from Mr Abbott) at

Posted: 12/12/2005 - 20:54
by ifadeo
Ben, why not take a look at !!!
there you can find c64 remixes of any kind & quality...

FOR FREE!!! it's a good point to start!!

...and welcome to the world of c64 remixes.... :wink:

cheers ifadeo

Re: MP3's of C64 audio? Or CD's of Rob Hubbards work?

Posted: 13/12/2005 - 12:13
by Tonka
Ben Frain wrote:Hope someone can help me, I would be looking for Sanxion, Wizball, Thrust, Armalyte, Rambo loader etc

Regards - Ben
Kenz @ Binary Zone will do you a compilation CD for much cheapness :)

Go here:

I can also recommend the 'Sound Interface Device' CD's for the cream of popular C64 music, recorded directly from a C64.


Posted: 14/12/2005 - 0:08
by tony.rc
Chris Abbott wrote:There won't be an equivalent Project Hubbard because apparently out of the tens of thousands of Galway fans, only a few hundred deemed recordings from his own soundchip worthy of their time and cash.
Its their loss!! I really like Project:Galway and Last Ninja CDs.

Posted: 14/12/2005 - 9:56
by merman
How much would you charge me for a one-off, special limited edition Project Hubbard just for me, Chris? :wink:

Posted: 14/12/2005 - 19:59
by weblaus
Chris Abbott wrote:There won't be an equivalent Project Hubbard because apparently out of the tens of thousands of Galway fans, only a few hundred deemed recordings from his own soundchip worthy of their time and cash.

I've been waiting for this compilation ever since the first time it was mentioned and would love to buy it... but apparently I missed the bit where there was some sort of pre-order count then? Hrm...

Posted: 14/12/2005 - 20:17
by Chris Abbott
weblaus wrote:
Chris Abbott wrote:There won't be an equivalent Project Hubbard because apparently out of the tens of thousands of Galway fans, only a few hundred deemed recordings from his own soundchip worthy of their time and cash.

I've been waiting for this compilation ever since the first time it was mentioned and would love to buy it... but apparently I missed the bit where there was some sort of pre-order count then? Hrm...
What would the point be? Promised pre-orders have never been a reliable method of establishing demand (people are fickle), and real pre-orders require a commitment to the product.

Also, logic applies. If this CD has hardly anything new, and doesn't have a unique selling point (it wouldn't have been recorded from Hubbard's SID chip, for instance), then why would people buy it? We know from PG that you can only sell x hundred if you've got the best selling point ever.

One thing I've learnt over the years is that enthusiasm for a project on a niche forum doesn't translate into support, because the people on a forum such as this are not a random sample of a population. Generally they're nearly the entire population! Well, OK, that's not exactly true, but the logic of "If I think this, so must x hundred other people" doesn't usually apply.

Sorry to disappoint you, though.


Posted: 15/12/2005 - 13:14
by Tonka

What would the point be? Promised pre-orders have never been a reliable method of establishing demand (people are fickle), and real pre-orders require a commitment to the product.

Also, logic applies. If this CD has hardly anything new, and doesn't have a unique selling point (it wouldn't have been recorded from Hubbard's SID chip, for instance), then why would people buy it? We know from PG that you can only sell x hundred if you've got the best selling point ever.

One thing I've learnt over the years is that enthusiasm for a project on a niche forum doesn't translate into support, because the people on a forum such as this are not a random sample of a population. Generally they're nearly the entire population! Well, OK, that's not exactly true, but the logic of "If I think this, so must x hundred other people" doesn't usually apply.

Sorry to disappoint you, though.

Man... This last post kinda sums up the sad state that the scene is in right now, and depresses me a little bit!

On the whole, people expect stuff for free these days. Commercial software, music, films are all down-loadable from one source or another and everybody (it seems) is 'at it' to a certain degree...

Even WITH a unique selling point, people are going to be reluctant to pay for something they will eventually be able to get for free (or at a vastly reduced price due to poor sales - see some of the prices @

The C64 remix scene is now saturated with remixes of all different styles - I can't keep up, there are just too many and that alone puts me off downloading any...

C64 remix releases are no longer a novelty - they are common-place. Anyone with a handful of VST's can knock together a half decent C64 remix and get it on KWED - it's not as difficult to do or impressive as it once was, and interest (certainly for me) has dwindled...

So what do we really want now?

New pure 3 channel C64 SID tunes? I doubt it.

The SID tunes I love are inextricably linked with loading screens, fit-inducing loading stripes and fond memories of spending hours playing a new game, listening to new music - this could never happen again, could it?

More remixes? Sure, if they are free - just don't make me pay 'cos there's load of free ones on KWED... :)

Seriously, if Rob and Martin sat down with a C64 and wrote an album full of new material, then would we be happy? Probably not - Rob and Martin had both kinda lost it toward their last C64 days, and who's to say that they could ever get 'it' back again? I think we had their best years, so possibly even THEY could not entertain us for the future, even if we were prepared to pay them (which we're not)...

I for one don't really know what I want from the scene anymore - I'm just kinda waiting for something to happen...
