To Dimmignat...

Have you released a new remix at Remix.Kwed.Org, AmigaRemix or somewhere else on the web? Tell the community about it here!
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To Dimmignat...

Post by richerich »

Like u all are saying, all makes music in their own way... As goes for me... If i want to make music like I do now, then I´m not going to change... Even if it´s better to make music in FL Stuio... I do use FL Studio, but not in the whole track... I make music in my own way, and u make music in your own way... It´s that simple... All u have said to me to trash eJay, but isn´t that a musicprogram too? Why learn something I already know?
Download my songs at:

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Post by Romeo Knight »

Anyones's free to do music how he likes to.


But not anywhere. Period.
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Post by Vosla »

Romeo Knight wrote:Anyones's free to do music how he likes to.
But not anywhere. Period.
To put it into perspective, the last sentence doesn't quite hit the fan, RK.

IMHO everybody should have the right to stay at this place, no matter how worse his attempts in remixing are.

BUT! This is a mature audience. Most of the people around here are more or less professional musicians and are able of fair critizism.

If your remix is taking flak here, there is reason for it!
Can you take it?

Yes? Ok!
Stay, listen, learn, improve.
Choose this path, see how people will help you!

If not... this isn't the forum you are looking for!
All is lost.
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Post by Dimmignatt »

You still haven't get the pictured that I tried to help you out in the beginning ???

Face the fact of what is true !!
Stop bending and twisting everything..
This is my last words to you !! If you cant handle it or keep on going like you do.. That's not my problem !

I told you in the beginning when we talked what I thought of your music and what you could improve and change !!
I didn't force you to do it !!
Of course you are free to do music as you want..
But when you say that you cant make good music until you get Reason.. well that made me confused to be honest.. Since FLstudio is a great program.. Sure I think Reason is better because I use it myself and I'm used to it. But´!! and you cant ignore the fact that you started to get "nasty" and slightly hostile when we told you to reconsider you're options of musicprogram choice and the way you do it in !!
We only said that as a Tip.. (suggestion) if you took that in a wrong way.. well I'm not sorry for that because we explained in so many ways for you so there couldn't be a chance for you to miss it .. but you did and just started to be defensive and taunt us and started screaming in the IRC..

So if you don't think about what's been said the last week and on this forum.. Don't bother talking to me anymore !!!

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Post by sumppi »

Oh yes, at last some action in the forum, a real flamewar!

You were getting all soft and boring anyway...

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Post by C64GLeN »

Hmmm, I think richerich needs to calm down and take a step back, everyone else shouldn't feed the trolls. :lol:
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Post by Makke »

Romeo Knight wrote:Anyones's free to do music how he likes to.

True, but the problem is people who suck use it as an excuse to keep sucking. ;)

That said, I love experimental music...when done competently (is that even a word?).
Vosla wrote:BUT! This is a mature audience. Most of the people around here are more or less professional musicians and are able of fair critizism.
Actually most of us are utter amatures, and the only response we'll get on our music is from people who're kind enough to give their time to listen and write us about what they thought was good and what could be improved.

Some will give you useless "advice" and critisism. The trick is to learn which critisism to take serious and which not. And the best thing to do with information you don't need is to ignore it, not to bite the hand that fed you the information (even though it is rather tempting from time to time).
Vosla wrote:this isn't the forum you are looking for!
Hehehe, and these are not the druids you're looking for.

Hahaha! ;)
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Post by C64GLeN »

Makke wrote:True, but the problem is people who suck use it as an excuse to keep sucking. ;)
I stand by my right to suck (musically)
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Post by Romeo Knight »

Vosla wrote:
Romeo Knight wrote:Anyones's free to do music how he likes to.
But not anywhere. Period.
To put it into perspective, the last sentence doesn't quite hit the fan, RK.
Well, this is not my personal opinion, it's even worse :wink: : I think this is an universal law.
Otherwise there wouldn't be any remixes that get rejected due to quality reasons.
Otherwise there wouldn't be any protest if I'd put on some death metal at someone else's partyplace.
And so on.
The audience decides what's played, it's as simple as that. Luckily the remix64 audience is open minded most of all, what is really rare in the music community
Vosla wrote: IMHO everybody should have the right to stay at this place, no matter how worse his attempts in remixing are.
Absolutely right. I didn't say anything against this. But I think we all agree upon that richerich has to improve his remixes to get them published at rko. And if I understood him right he opened this thread saying he's not willing to work on his production skills. That's what I meant.
Tell me if I got this wrong.
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Post by gibs »

sumppi wrote:Oh yes, at last some action in the forum, a real flamewar!
You were getting all soft and boring anyway...
If you want to fight, my post are always opened :lol:

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Post by richerich »

I simply saying that Dimmignat doesnt understand me... I didnt say that i cant make good music untill I get Reason... I said that Reason was better, if u know Reason good enough... And I did say that I use FL Studio, but not to complete tracks... END OF DISSCUTION, DIMMIGNAT!! I know what I´m doing!!

And Skitz... If it whould be appropate, can I send u my newest remix? Its better, i think, than the perivious once :P It is Commando this time :D
Download my songs at:

Or if u just want to listen direcly, download these:
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Post by Dimmignatt »

richerich wrote:I know what I´m doing!!
Now that sentence I'm willing to discuss !!!!!
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Post by skitz »

richerich wrote:And Skitz... If it whould be appropate, can I send u my newest remix? Its better, i think, than the perivious once :P It is Commando this time :D
Is it is FLStudio project? If so just send it to my email address below..
DJ Skitz
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Post by ifadeo »

did i miss something....? :lol:
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Post by Larsec »

richerich: There is a private message function on these boards so if you have something to say to Dimmignat, use that function or send him an e-mail. Don't use the messageboard to start those arguments...

<--- I went that way --->