Free MP3's from the two Visa Röster CD's

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Andreas Wallström
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Free MP3's from the two Visa Röster CD's

Post by Andreas Wallström »

Get a total of eight free MP3's from the two top CD's "*** Commodore 64 *** Vocally" and "READY. Vocally Too" by Visa Röster. Download these files and then, for the love of Giana and Rockford, BUY these fine CD's.

More info in the Audio/Video section at

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Post by LMan »

@Mahoney: Do you think it's a good idea to give them away for free already? There are little enough buyers anyway for those scene CDs and I would think every track you give away for free is one argument less for buying a CD. Of course it may be regarded as advertising, but I fear the majority of people will be happy to get stuff for free and won't bother buying the CD anymore.... anyway your call, it was just a thought. :)
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Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson
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Post by Pex `Mahoney` Tufvesson »

@LMan: It's Christmas time, you know... :D

...and if we wanted to turn Visa Röster into a money making machine, we would not be doing this at all! We would be performing at events all night: There's the same amout of money in "20 minutes of performance in front of 100 people at a company event" compared to "just half a year of arranging, recording and selling a Commodore 64 CD + setting up a 40 minutes concert".

A recent poll in Sweden showed that approximately 50% of all males in the age of 15-25 in Sweden have been doing filesharing this year. And, I personally think that's marvellous!

We do fine, despite (or even thanks to) all the free-stuff-people and copy-all-your-mp3s-to-your-friends. 8)

By the way, the surplus from the Copenhagen Retro Concert (which Visa Röster did a 40-minute part of) will be given to charity, to the victims of the earthquake in Pakistan. So, Rob Hubbard, PressPlayOnTape, Visa Röster and SID80'ies are all donating their surplus to Pakistan. :D
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Post by LMan »

Hehe I wasn't implying any "money machine" issue at all! I was rather thinking along the lines of Chris Abbott who has done so much, and in return got into real financial trouble because noone bothers to buy the cool stuff he offers in his shop anymore. So it's nice to hear you've made so much surplus with VR - and donating that to charity is a noble gesture.
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Post by Chris Abbott »

@Pex: LMan (bless his little heart) was just worried about our welfare in that post. I can't think of anyone less worried about money making machines!

Won't somebody PLEASE think of the children?
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