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Lotus 3 Theme

Posted: 27/12/2005 - 15:45
by HungryHorace
hiya guys,
first, a quick hello from a long time listener, a couple of times submitter, and first time forum poster!

i basically wanted to start a thread to get some feedback for my remix which some of you have been very kind to vote for (and not one under "good" so far!) - thanks to woody and Lomaxx for the kind reviews too. :worship:

In reply to Lomaxx (i hope you read this mate!) - yes i did conciously remove the pitch-bending from the lead line, although i am *fairly* sure there is not a single (actual) wrong not in there, just notes which no longer bend. (please correct me if i'm wrong, and track times would help!) I had considered adding the bends, but i happened to like the mix so much at that stage i really didnt want to overwork it. Perhaps for you, i'll do a "with pitchbends" mix! :wink:

i am a little bit disapointed (ha! look at me - moaning already??!) :roll: that my Lotus3 remix currrently has a lesser voting score than my Cybernoid remix, considering i think it is vastly superior (what with 5 years more experience in music between them!) but maybe people just remember Cybernoid better!

:offtopic: to anyone interested; "Super Wonderboy in Monsterland" is up next in my remix list, and i hope you'll all like that too!