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Posted: 30/12/2005 - 17:50
by Sidman 64
Firstly hope you all had a GREAT XMAS & all the best the the NEW YEAR :wink:

Well if you did not know this already then here goes.
I got myself a Sony PSP for Xmas as my sons all so got one each and wanted dear old dad to play as well :lol:

Best thing about this machine "apart from the games being fantastic to play " is I found out that it was possible to run all the old computer games from Spectrum - Super Nintendo - Megadrive and best of all THE MIGHTY C64 :shock:

Anyway I have now figured out how to run these games and I tell you that the C64 games are just perfect in everyway :D
I have played Commando - Rambo - Delta - Saxion - Wizball - Outrun - IK+ - Last Ninja, and they play and look just like they did 20 years ago !!.
The sound on these games are perfect as well and it really is amazing to be able to play all these old games on this high tech handheld console
You can even save your progress within the game "AMAZING".

So as I said if you did not this was possible then you do now !!!!
If you do have a PSP then get playing these games.
It will only work with versions 1.5 or 2.0 , not the new 2.5 versions as you have to downgrade the firmware to version 1.5 to be able to play the retro stuff.

Checkout this site

Everthing you need is on there.

Enjoy the good old days on the PSP :wink:

Posted: 30/12/2005 - 20:30
by skitz
Right... you've sold me... just brought a Giga Pack from - guess it will arive next year :D

Posted: 30/12/2005 - 21:15
by Sidman 64
skitz wrote:Right... you've sold me... just brought a Giga Pack from - guess it will arive next year :D

Hi Skitz

Unfortantly mate the giga pack machine is version 2.5 :cry:
This means that you cannot downgrade your firmware to version 1.5 !!!

Best advice Paul is to buy "if you can find one" The Value pack which is version 2.0, they retail at £180. - try HMV - Morrisons or Tesco.
If you get this then you will be able to downgrade the machine.
Send me a private message and I will let you know how to downgrade and how to run the C64 games etc.

The only other option is to buy the Value pack or the Jap version 1.5 off Ebay !!!!.
I have a Jap 1.5 version and they say its got a better screen as they are made by Sharp - the english version is made by Samsung.
Oh well hope this helps mate , right back to Wizball !!!!! :wink:

Posted: 30/12/2005 - 23:12
by skitz
Chances are the Giga Pack will still be 2.0 although even if it is 2.5 it will be cracked eventually.... Sony will never learn! :)

I like the features they added in 2.5 so will probably move to that version anyway - plus some of the proper games I want to get for it will only run on 2.0 or above..

Posted: 31/12/2005 - 2:09
by Sidman 64
skitz wrote:Chances are the Giga Pack will still be 2.0 although even if it is 2.5 it will be cracked eventually.... Sony will never learn! :)

I like the features they added in 2.5 so will probably move to that version anyway - plus some of the proper games I want to get for it will only run on 2.0 or above..

Well mate there is a rumour that there is a chip coming out for the PSP so you don't need to downgrade the machine :wink:

It should be out around FEB time :D

This will allow version 2.5 machine + the other versions to load all retro games and copied games without any software cracks :D

Oh well back to DELTA :lol: :evil:

Posted: 31/12/2005 - 17:03
by Matrix
Essentially, a portable C64 !! YES ... *hits ebay*

Posted: 01/01/2006 - 19:44
by Bog
Awww, snot.

Awww snog smeg and poo.

That's just plain not the hell fair.

*wanders off to get his PSP*

Though I do have video of Jovial Jops playing Cannon Fodder under Amiga emulation on my PSP from the Mank Hester jolly :D

Posted: 02/01/2006 - 0:48
by sumppi
...and when you get tired of Sony trying to make homebrew software on PSP impossible, go and get the GP2X. It's at least open for everything, supports Frodo/VICE and tons of other emulators like SCUMMVM etc.

After unpacking, it took me 15 minutes to play Commando and about an hour for helloworld in C to display some pixels on the screen. Great stuff, although it does lack the coolness factor of PSP.


Posted: 02/01/2006 - 22:02
by Bog


I've downgraded my PSP from OS 2.00 to OS 1.50 using the overflow hack from

Yep. Runs at full speed. SID emmy is mainly OK, some glitchy.

Raid over Bungeling Bay runs fine. Paradroid is well squirrelly - it seems to have gotten it's speed by limiting the number of active sprite collisions per timeslice. Takes a second or so to re-establish live collisions.

So. A big advance - but not there yet. But worth downgrading my OS for. Nice one, pard - thanks :D

Posted: 06/01/2006 - 1:53
by Subzero
My giga pack was 2.0 but without realising it I went and upgraded to 2.6 DOH!!!

Posted: 14/01/2006 - 10:18
by Jax
One word:


(OK, I fudged it, but it is pretty cool - I have some really crappy old games on my MemoryStick - but it makes me feel like I'm 15 again...)

Posted: 14/01/2006 - 15:50
by FFRenzy
For all those interested, rumor has it that the 2.6 firmware has been hacked already !

Posted: 14/01/2006 - 15:58
by Jax
FFRenzy wrote:For all those interested, rumor has it that the 2.6 firmware has been hacked already !
Do you have a link?

I'm happy with my 1.5, but some buddies at work got stuck with 2.x firmware...


Posted: 14/01/2006 - 16:01
by Steve B
have a look here:
he has created a boot loader that will allow 'some' homebrew to work on 2.x os

Posted: 17/01/2006 - 23:02
by Subzero
roll on the eboot for 2.6!!!