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Some people are never pleased

Post by tomsk »

An incredible admission from Rob at the latest Copenhagen concert. Extract quote from C64hq .............

Rob :
"I believe that some people expected something more like hardcore retro – SID tunes with beats or remixes. I did get some hassle from people about what we played, but on the whole it was successful."

God help me - the idea of Mad Fiddler and Rob doing something arranged for CD excites the hell outta me, but you can't help feeling that the greater talent out there will be put off doing such projects, perhaps now or in the future.

Watch the concert footage and listen to some superbly constructed SID tunes played on piano. Now take out all those little errors - add a hugely talented Mad Fiddling type person, and let them produce one amazing C64 music experience. Who the f*ck needs Sid + drums. Obviously, some people still do.

I suppose some people attend these events without any prior knowldge of where the scene has gone, and how much it's developed. Shame really, as they don't know what they're missing.

Dear me....rant over....going to bed...had a few drink ya see.

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Post by madfiddler »

lol - good rant... Rob and I have been talking about doing something (cos I want you guys to hear me play in tune for once, haha)... kinda got put on the back burner...
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Post by Max Levin »

I think you should talk about releasing a SID80's album.
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Post by madfiddler »

We have talked about it... but being in so many different countries makes it difficult.

I'm gonna go through the Copenhagen recordings to see if that can be used as a starting point... but I'm in no hurry so don't hold your breath.

Thanks for the vote of confidence though :D
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Post by Sidman 64 »

madfiddler wrote:We have talked about it... but being in so many different countries makes it difficult.

I'm gonna go through the Copenhagen recordings to see if that can be used as a starting point... but I'm in no hurry so don't hold your breath.

Thanks for the vote of confidence though :D

Well my friend I think that if we all buy YOU & ROB a few MERRY BOTTLES OF VODKA then you might just
get some kind of a CD finished :lol: :lol:

Seriously I do think that if its possible then you guys should do a CD - SID80'S :D

If its not possible I.E other members all over europe etc etc !!!!
Then why not just you - ben & rob do the ground work for the track and am sure MR DRUMMER BOY can
provide drums via midi & email :wink:
Oh not forgetting MR MARCEL !!!!! :wink: Oh and MR HARE with the bottles of VODKA & Sensible Soccer :lol: :lol:
OH I forgot THE GUITAR LINES OF COURSE !!!! :twisted: :lol:

You - ben & Rob are more than capable of producing a MEGA FANTASTIC CD !!!!!! :lol:
You know that its more than possible, but I agree with what you say about time etc etc. !!!!
I think you should get it on !!!!! :)
If you need any help then just call :lol: :lol:

It would be MEGA if you could do a CD !!!!
After all you are the only group which have not produced a cd yet !!!! :shock:
And if you did it would be THE BEST BY FAR !!!!!
No disrespect to the others "P.P.O.T - Visa Roster - etc etc " but you guy are the best and everybody knows this anyway !!!!! :wink:

Speak soon

Last edited by Sidman 64 on 10/01/2006 - 17:15, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by merman »

There's a selfish, completist part of me that says "Get SID80s in the studio NOW! I want that CD ON MY SHELF!"

Then there's the live atmosphere vibe, pretentious muso part of me that says "Keep music live, and keep SID80s live!"

Watching Rob play has been fantastic every time. Watching Rob and Mark play with each other (fnar) is great. Any recording that I can obtain would be superb and help me relive some really happy moments.
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Post by tas »

madfiddler wrote:lol - good rant... Rob and I have been talking about doing something (cos I want you guys to hear me play in tune for once, haha)... kinda got put on the back burner...
Tubular bells was all recorded out of tune in 1973.. it took til 2003 for a corrected reworked version to come out...

I hope you fare a little bit quicker ;)
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Post by madfiddler »

Paul - lol. Well yes, of course. Rob is up for it, we're just both busy people. The strange thing is the possible sales forcast isn't actually that great really. Now me, I work full time so have a guarenteed salary but Rob works for himself so has to make the best use ot his time. This is why I suggested to him a piano/violin CD. All he needs to do is work out his arrangements, and play. We're too far apart to do it in a studio so, sorry to the pureists, but it would be done with MIDI. Rob can record his stuff when he feels like it, and I can record my parts when I feel like it.

As for SID80s, Andy was my big worry. It's a rule of thumb that you should always record drums first and everything else after - if you arn't recording together. So, we'd need placeholder recordings which Andy records to, then everything else re-records afterwards. Whether this is possible with the Copenhagen tracks I dunno as I haven't checked them out yet, but I'm thinking not.. from what I remember. Otherwise, there's the expense of some kind of recorder to ship around Europe for everyone, which isn't going to happen either.

So has Rob joined SID80s then Paul? lol

It's true that SID80s haven't brought out a CD, but then we're the only ones who blag every gig cos we're spaced so far apart ;) As for being the best, well thanks for the kind words... I just think we're a bit different... Each gig depends on.. um.. rehearsal time, and hope much Vodka I've drunk... how much I've upset Andy... how many kilos of synth Marcel decides to bring etc. etc. :)

... and yes, TB did come out in 1973... and it was great.... (n.b. was I the only one to do an amiga mod of TB - albeit only part 1).

night night...

thanks for the support.

Andy - sort out the fecking website...


Oh, and I remember the guy who had a go a Rob.. I meant.. wtf? Ah well, there's no pleasing some people ;)
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Post by tomsk »


I hear what you're saying regarding Rob's time being his own, and therefore precious to himself as well as financially. However, during the last UK gig I asked him why he hadn't thought of doing a CD, and he said it was because he didn't have a studio. Had I been less drunk I could have commented that studio's are not a 'must have' these days.
I think the main point I'd like to make (although this applies more to Rob than to Mark) is that it would a lovely project to tackle in regard to the end product would be a catalogue of Robs favorite tunes from the C64 era done in a professional way. Just to be able to put it on 5 years after and listen - I know I get a really warm feeling listening to my early tracker stuff that I made years ago.
And of course of top of that there would be an audience out there who would appreciate this so much. I know you (Mark) have done quite a few commercial projects, but you have to badger Rob into doing this.
MIDI or not, the Hubbard Knight combo is most exciting newsm and should the project fall through I'd be gutted.

Oh and that ar$e who made the comments that sparked my original rant might just realise that there's more to SID music nowadays...although probably not ;)

Take care and keep us updated on any news.

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Post by Bog »

Screw the naysayers with big screwy things. Rob's playing is gorgeous, Mark's playing is more fun than a basket of collie pups. To hear 'em playing together is a thing of grace and beauty (even more so when he's wearing my own art (inane grin)).

More! More!
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Mark "Bog" Hennessy-Barrett. Chris says you should ask me about the Wizball video ;)
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Post by madfiddler »

Well it is a good shirt matey :D Guys at work like it too!!!!

I guess I'll get on the case with Rob, but I've recently been asked to do some music for Populous 4 which is an unofficial fan based game, based on Pop 3.
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Post by Mayhem »

merman wrote:There's a selfish, completist part of me that says "Get SID80s in the studio NOW! I want that CD ON MY SHELF!"

Then there's the live atmosphere vibe, pretentious muso part of me that says "Keep music live, and keep SID80s live!"
Simple solution... a live recordings album ;)
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Post by Chris Abbott »

Mayhem wrote:
merman wrote:There's a selfish, completist part of me that says "Get SID80s in the studio NOW! I want that CD ON MY SHELF!"

Then there's the live atmosphere vibe, pretentious muso part of me that says "Keep music live, and keep SID80s live!"
Simple solution... a live recordings album ;)
Simple? SIMPLE? *runs screaming* :eekout:
Last edited by Chris Abbott on 09/01/2006 - 23:33, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by madfiddler »

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