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Posted: 14/01/2006 - 7:54
by Jax
Hey guys - maybe this is a bit 'cheeky', as I'm not a musician, but I do dabble occasionally in my work...

Do any of you use QuadraSID in your remixing? I checked it out the other day and it seems pretty bloody smart! I've heard a lot of remixes that seem to have samples of original SID compositions, but I guess this offers a bit of flexibility in faking actual SID remixing as part of a new composition...

Jax :D

(Oh pap - I just realized 'ifadeo' posted a thread about Rob's patch bank for this :( - oh well, I suppose the question still applies...)

Posted: 14/01/2006 - 12:15
by ifadeo
i use quadrasid more for my own tracks then for remixing... :wink:'s a great plugin, it cant replace a hardsid or a sidstation but
i still like the raw sounds of quadrasid.....!

btw. i'm still waiting for octasid....(maybe x-mas 2006)...

cheers ifadeo

Posted: 17/01/2006 - 13:30
by Tonka
Hi Jax.

Quadrasid is fast becoming my main source for sounds.

There was a MASSIVE improvement in sound quality from v1.5 onward (current version 1.5.1). Refx have incorporated an 'enhance' button, which boosts the frequencies more in line with the likes of 'Vanguard', making it far more gutzy sounding right from the off (no more messing with the EQ to get a decent sound like in previous versions). It now has a very professional, slick sound.

Whilst I agree that nothing can really replace the original SID, Sidstation is far too expensive for what is actually does - it only has 1 sid chip and has nowhere near the control over parameters that Quadrasid does.

Hardsid (Quatro) is better, but a bit clunky to use and VERY NOISY with it's built-in fan. I never really got to using it for composition for that reason - the fan just got on my nerves...

Don't know much about Octasid other than that it's been on the cards for years and doesn't look like it will appear anytime soon (but there will be an upgrade path for Quadrasid users when it does, apparently)... Not sure what it will offer other than more SIDs (obviously) and built in effects.

Even if I wasn't a C64 fan, I think I would still be in love with Quadrasid. I don't know of any other synth (hard or soft) that gives the user so much control over the creation of sounds.

I, (obviously) thoroughly recommend it :) Try the demo, if you haven't already...


Posted: 15/02/2006 - 16:25
by westerling
I haven´t used it so much yet, but that´s because a lack of time. It seems easy to use and it sounds great.

Posted: 18/02/2006 - 1:50
by madfiddler
has anyone tried the Rob Hubbard patches?

Posted: 18/02/2006 - 11:59
by ifadeo
madfiddler wrote:has anyone tried the Rob Hubbard patches?
DHS has done that demosong for the r.hubbard soundbank! maybe he can told you more... :wink:

cheers ifadeo

Posted: 06/06/2006 - 8:42
by io
Am I the only one to find QuadraSID really buggy? On my setup it hangs midi notes frequently and behaves nasty in general.

I guess it could be that I am using Cakewalk Sonar as the host for the program..

Posted: 06/06/2006 - 13:23
by Tonka
Hmmm. I haven't found it excessively buggy, but it does play up a little (but what VST doesn't)?

I have used it in Fruity Loops and Renoise.

Both suffered from (sometimes) not playing the first note of a sequence when I started a song (rectified by making a few bars lead in).

Sometimes a sound's output will completely disappear and I have to load it into the channel again to hear it.

Otherwise, it's fairly stable for me :)

What version are you using, BTW?...


Posted: 06/06/2006 - 13:57
by Chris Abbott
io wrote:Am I the only one to find QuadraSID really buggy? On my setup it hangs midi notes frequently and behaves nasty in general.

I guess it could be that I am using Cakewalk Sonar as the host for the program..
I found it unusable: and I'm using Sonar too... hmm....


Posted: 06/06/2006 - 17:48
by tas
A review of QuadraSid can be found right here at Remix64. Reviewed by Thomas Detert..

Posted: 07/06/2006 - 0:19
by Analog-X64
madfiddler wrote:has anyone tried the Rob Hubbard patches?
Bought it a month ago or so I havent tried it yet.

Posted: 07/06/2006 - 0:23
by Analog-X64
Tonka wrote: Whilst I agree that nothing can really replace the original SID, Sidstation is far too expensive for what is actually does - it only has 1 sid chip and has nowhere near the control over parameters that Quadrasid does.
Hmmm... I purchased my Sidstation very early on and paid around $700 U.S. for it and I do recall the specs and pictures showing that it had 2 Sid Chips inside of it.

I just visited the sidstation site which I havent done in a long time, and noticed they no longer show the pictures of the internal workings and the price has jumped to $900+ U.S.

I dont blame you for not wanting to buy one.

Its very well built and I like the way the buttons and rotary wheel feel, very heavy weight.

I had to re-send my unit in after a week of use because the O/S got scrambled on me.

Posted: 07/06/2006 - 7:00
by io
Afaik I am running the newest version (v1.5.1 I think). But I believe the problem is related to the VSTi wrapper from Cakewalk/FXPansion.

I can live with "I refuse to play the first note in your sequence!", but when it comes to "I insist on playing a note until you kill this process, and if you really annoy me, I will play it @ 4 bit resolution!", well I just have to let it be.

Posted: 07/06/2006 - 8:15
by Tonka
io wrote:Afaik I am running the newest version (v1.5.1 I think). But I believe the problem is related to the VSTi wrapper from Cakewalk/FXPansion.

I can live with "I refuse to play the first note in your sequence!", but when it comes to "I insist on playing a note until you kill this process, and if you really annoy me, I will play it @ 4 bit resolution!", well I just have to let it be.
Fair enough - that would bug the hell out of me too :)

If you're using Sonar, take a good look at the 'Dreamstation' synth that ships with it. It can produce C64 sounds effortlessly, and I recall that the original soundbank was programmed by an X-C64 composer (though I can't remember for the life of me who it was)...

If you want me to upload the sounds (if they don't ship with the Sonar version), let me know.

The only thing it can't do is the drums and arps of course, but maybe your sequencer can compensate for that :)


Posted: 07/06/2006 - 8:21
by Tonka
Analog-X wrote:
madfiddler wrote:has anyone tried the Rob Hubbard patches?
Bought it a month ago or so I havent tried it yet.
Let me know what you think when you do - I bought them and wasn't overly impressed... :( Has anyone written a review yet?
