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How about a C64 Concert in Manchester 2006 ?????

Posted: 02/02/2006 - 1:41
by Sidman 64
Well I have wanted to organise this for sometime now, but it would help to get feedback from the scene if they would like another concert in the UK.
I would need to speak to Chris but I would be willing to organise this myself if there is enough interest.
I think we need to keep the scene going and what better way than putting on another concert here in the UK
Anyway please post your thought's here.
I know I could get Madfiddler and Rob to play "VODKA ON TAP" that's them to signed up :lol:
How fantastic would it be to see ROB play live again but this time play the set he played at B.I.T Brighton 2003 which contained more C64 tunes.
When he played that amazing mix of Sanxion at B.I.T Brighton, well that was just fantastic and well worth seeing again.
There's no problem with the venue and P.A, Just need to contact the musicians.
Come on lets get this on for May 2006.
Markie from Retrovision is up for this and we are looking at a Retrovision type day event :wink:

Posted: 02/02/2006 - 11:16
by merman
Go for it, I'll be there!

Posted: 02/02/2006 - 15:55
by dan gillgrass
Like the sound of it :)

Posted: 02/02/2006 - 16:15
by merman
Oh, and I'm starting a petition to get Octave Sounds up on stage and performing some live music...

Posted: 02/02/2006 - 16:18
by Chris Abbott
I can't really take organising another one, but all it really takes is contacts and an open wallet. I can see a number of problems though:

1) People's expenses are quite steep, even when they're not making any money themselves (greedy airlines and hotels!). If this has got to be covered from ticket prices, then the maths start to involve stupid ticket prices.

2) Difficulty in selling the tickets: VAT gets involved if I do it.

3) Difficulty in getting people back to that venue from a long way away. Diminishing returns and all that. You might not even get as many people as BIT Lite. If you're going for a different venue that's more central, then the economics change of course, but they might get even worse...

Basically as soon as talent gets involved, the maths become scary (primarily because there are so many talented people!).

[edit: well, if it's only madfiddler and Rob playing, then the economics look better, but are the fans keener on a rock sound?]


Posted: 02/02/2006 - 16:19
by Chris Abbott
merman wrote:Oh, and I'm starting a petition to get Octave Sounds up on stage and performing some live music...
Could people take that sheer amount of stage charisma without fainting?


Posted: 02/02/2006 - 20:19
by madfiddler
I wouldn't expect just Rob and me to sell enough tickets...

It's the same old same old of being in the UK. If Europe, then yes it would work and PPOT/Axis Denied would be a lot cheaper... and I think more people would go...

I dunno.. The UK is just shit generally...

Posted: 03/02/2006 - 10:42
by dan gillgrass
Chris Abbott wrote:
merman wrote:Oh, and I'm starting a petition to get Octave Sounds up on stage and performing some live music...
Could people take that sheer amount of stage charisma without fainting?

Thats a bit harsh Chris, no wonder he was pissed of at St. Lukes

Posted: 03/02/2006 - 11:21
by Chris Abbott
dan gillgrass wrote:
Chris Abbott wrote:
merman wrote:Oh, and I'm starting a petition to get Octave Sounds up on stage and performing some live music...
Could people take that sheer amount of stage charisma without fainting?

Thats a bit harsh Chris, no wonder he was pissed of at St. Lukes
I was just joking: I make worse jokes about myself, frankly, but I didn't mean to offend Jeff. If I did: sorry Jeff.

FYI, I know what happened at St. Luke's, and it was nothing whatsoever to do with what you're implying. Indeed, the implication is a lot harsher than my original joke.


Posted: 03/02/2006 - 17:10
by RetroMarkie
mmm .... well, Danceaway has spoken with me on the subject and I'm interested... but as Chris says, there are a lot of maths involved. Also, and on top of hotel and flights we really need to start looking at giving the artists some dosh...

Posted: 03/02/2006 - 17:13
by RetroMarkie
With all due respect to the public when it comes to ticket time we struggle like hell to cover the costs... it's really hard!

If anyone has £3000 to spare then we can really do this, then ticket sales to provide a good part of the musican fee + bits and bobs . . .

Posted: 03/02/2006 - 20:03
by Sidman 64
Well I do agree with both Chris & Madfidd's about the various issue's and overall cost etc.

So I have an idea.

Last year I organised a charity event at The Avenue in aid of Cerebral Palsy, my son has this disabilty.
I sold 230 tickets at £10 each, plus more people turned up on the night, so all in all around 250 people.
We had a Fantastic act on and Pete did the DJ & Lighting etc, everybody loved it and after paying out for everything we raised £1165 for the charity :D

So my point to all this is,
I am in the process of organising another charity event this year, This time I am doing it to raise money for the school my son goes to which is charity funded.
I can organise the charity event for May but as the MAIN part to the evening entertainment we have B.I.T Lite etc.
This way if we sell 50 to 100 tickets from our C64 scene for B.I.T, add this number to the number of tickets I will be selling which will be between 180 to 250
we could get close to 300 people.
I really think this would be a great way to get the B.I.T event this year and hopefully I will be able to give some money to our performers as well :D

As Chris and Madfiddler have pointed out, in the UK it's costly with regards to the getting performers here etc - and also getting enough people to the event
to cover the costs and to give it abit of atmosphere.
If we could arrange for ROB - S.I.D 80's and a couple of the P.P.O.T guys to play then I think its possible.
The over good thing in this is not only do you get to see our C64 performers again but you get all this as well.

TOP ACT "Who puts on a great performance for one hour"
Plus lots of raffles - "Buy a ticket for £1" and win some TOP prizes which will include "XBOX OR PSP"

I am going to be organising this charity event anyway, but I would like to see B.I.T again so what better way to do this.
Plus we raise money for a great cause at the same time.
So I think its possible and would like your thoughts.

Danceaway :wink:

Posted: 03/02/2006 - 20:41
by Chris Abbott
Sounds quite sensible, as long as the figures still work, though you might get the whole "talking through the music" thing again.


Posted: 04/02/2006 - 12:49
by madfiddler
Chris Abbott wrote:Sounds quite sensible, as long as the figures still work, though you might get the whole "talking through the music" thing again.

Perhaps it should be advertised that anyone talking will get poked in the eye with an unbreakable carbon fibre violin bow ??

Posted: 04/02/2006 - 13:22
by Chris Abbott
madfiddler wrote:
Chris Abbott wrote:Sounds quite sensible, as long as the figures still work, though you might get the whole "talking through the music" thing again.

Perhaps it should be advertised that anyone talking will get poked in the eye with an unbreakable carbon fibre violin bow ??
Tough, but fair :)