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The Hospital Trend Continues.....

Posted: 06/03/2006 - 23:24
by Subzero
Well, Im off to hospital on march 20th, for an appointment with the orthopaedic specialist for a thorough examination of my neck/shoulder area. I havent worked now since december 29th and im barely living off my SSP (Statutory Sick Pay), if the specialist cant find anything that hes looking for theres every chance he might want to operate so to say im scared would be an understatement, I've never been in hospital before (apart from when i was born) so if he has to operate it'll be new territory for me...I was hoping that 2006 was going to be better than 2005 was (worst year of my life so far)but hey I guess I'll just have to see what happens on march 20th....

Posted: 07/03/2006 - 0:23
by FFRenzy
Well, what can i say but..... GOOD LUCK !

Posted: 07/03/2006 - 1:01
by StormKeeper
Good luck man

Posted: 07/03/2006 - 4:50
by Matrix
2005 was a sucky year for sure....

Im in for an op myself this May (date TBC)... cold laser shit again...

Sounds like fun and games for all, so far 06 has brought nothing but crap for almost everyone I know !

Posted: 07/03/2006 - 8:18
by LMan
Hey subby, good luck, and good recovery! Think of the cute nurses! :doctor:

Posted: 07/03/2006 - 8:25
by dan gillgrass
Best of luck Subby!

Posted: 07/03/2006 - 11:36
by skitz
Get well soon Mr Zero.... I am sure they will find out the cause and fix you up no problems.... 2006 is definately turning into the year of hospitalisation! :D

Posted: 07/03/2006 - 14:05
by FFRenzy
skitz wrote:Get well soon Mr Zero.... I am sure they will find out the cause and fix you up no problems.... 2006 is definately turning into the year of hospitalisation! :D
maybe they'll finally institutionalize Boz then :wink:

Posted: 07/03/2006 - 17:04
by Vosla
Off to the hospital then, Robin... err... Subzero!
Good recovery, mate!

Posted: 08/03/2006 - 19:42
by tas
Dont worry sub... Surgery isn't all that bad. Sounds worse than it actually is in truth.

Hurts like buggery for the first few days but its amazing how quickly the discomfort wears off!

Corrective surgery as was mine is really not so much of a big thing, but can understand your worry. You'll be right in no time.

Hope it all goes well and good luck.

Re: The Hospital Trend Continues.....

Posted: 08/03/2006 - 21:06
by Analog-X64
Sorry to hear about your medical problems. My wife and I have had all kinds of medical problems since 2004 and it sucks.

Just try to stick your daily life routine as much as you can, it will make things easier and if surgery is necessary well than be it.

You just to take things one day at a time.

Posted: 20/03/2006 - 15:47
by Subzero
UPDATE: had my orthopaedic appointment today. Got some x-rays, got whacked with that silly wee thing to test my relflexes....getting sent for an MRI scan next. Its definetely a neck/spine related problem.

Posted: 20/03/2006 - 16:39
by madfiddler
hope you get it sorted mate.

Posted: 20/03/2006 - 17:10
by Vosla
Dislocated disc in the neck or something in the past?
If not handled properly this kind of trauma to the neck could result in awful things like disfunctions of the limbs or simply nasty headaches. :-/

Well, at least your head is still on the neck, I guess...
I hope your doctors will find a solution very fast and you'll get well sooner than soonish...

Posted: 20/03/2006 - 19:48
by Kenz
Here's what you people need!

