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BozSong 1 and 2. And a video (maybe)

Posted: 10/03/2006 - 14:55
by DHS

If today you feel a little masochist, you can download both BozSongs HERE.

While at it, is there anyone who wants to make a little flash video of one of the song, as a tribute to our radio personality of the year? ;)

Posted: 10/03/2006 - 15:01
by the_JinX
Lol.. Downloaded and playing now..

Also lol @ bozhitler :)

I'm no flashartist but if I find the time to play with ktoon this weekend I might make a little doodle of a flash video ;)

Posted: 10/03/2006 - 15:01
by FFRenzy
Good idea ! i wish i could use flash....maybe an incentive to dive into the program and try something.

A flash of the "Wank" song would be great too, BTW.

Posted: 10/03/2006 - 15:34
by Max Levin
FFRenzy wrote: A flash of the "Wank" song would be great too, BTW.
That's words taken out from my brain
I have an idea for a fitting semi-interactive flash video(guess how "interactive" gets into the picture), so if anyone can suggest some flash artist good at this kind of stuff then please tell me!

Posted: 10/03/2006 - 16:58
by LMan
Unzy and funny. :)

Posted: 10/03/2006 - 21:52
by Chris Abbott
/me quietly shelves "Songs in the Key of Boz" album...