Remix Contest in Germany (ambrosia related)

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Remix Contest in Germany (ambrosia related)

Post by pille »


the label StageDive Records starts the remix-ambrosia-contest. The winner of the remix contest will be distributed on the single of MC-61.
Go to to download the vocals of the rapsong.

Here are the infos about the remix contest:

With downloading the vocals you accept the following terms:

- you are authoprized to dispose the vocals of MC-61 "Hip Hop is scheisse" exclusively for the participation of the MC-61 remix contest
- you agree to the publishing of your profile and remix on
- your remix may only be published and utilized at the MC-61 remix contest
- the winner of the contest will be published on MC-61´s single "Hip Hop is scheisse". He will also be presented on
- StageDive Records will produce and distribute the single
- the winner gets 5 singles for free

The track has 87,5 bpm. The first downloadbutton loads the uncompressed wav-file, the second loads a compressed mp3-file.
To download the vocals to your files you right click the botton and choose 'save target as...'

Please send the remix to

Good luck!

StageDive Records
Last edited by pille on 20/04/2006 - 21:52, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Remix Contest in Germany

Post by DHS »

pille wrote:"Hip Hop is scheisse"
HipHop is shit?
pille wrote:- the winner gets 5 singles for free
DHS of The SoundWavers
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Re: Remix Contest in Germany

Post by Chris Abbott »

DHS wrote:
pille wrote:"Hip Hop is scheisse"
HipHop is shit?
pille wrote:- the winner gets 5 singles for free
Exactly what I was thinking. Forget eating and drinking, I just need five free copies of "Hip Hop is scheisse" and all my problems are OVER! Hahahahaha! Over!!!

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Post by Chris Abbott »

Incidentally, next time someone joins the forum just to post something like this which is nothing to do with C64 music, I'm going to delete it or fill it with references to Barbie.

People should get to know the forum first without spamming it.

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Remix Contest

Post by pille »

Yo, it means "Hip Hop is shit".

the winner will be part of the outcoming single CD.
There are many participants from Germany who made very good remixes. I think, as a producer, it's a good reference to be on a single which will be distributed professionally by a label.
the label will present newcomers.

perhaps you get some hot chicks and a mercedes when u are successful:)
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Re: Remix Contest

Post by Chris Abbott »

pille wrote:Yo, it means "Hip Hop is shit".

the winner will be part of the outcoming single CD.
There are many participants from Germany who made very good remixes. I think, as a producer, it's a good reference to be on a single which will be distributed professionally by a label.
the label will present newcomers.

perhaps you get some hot chicks and a mercedes when u are successful:)
Are you going to actively promote the winners to other record labels? Or just put their names in really small writing on the CD and leave it at that, having had your saleable product? It would be a real competition if you'd give paid work to the winners.

Also, all labels present newcomers. That's what A&R men do.

Can't fault the economics from your side though. Free remixes all round-tastic.
perhaps you get some hot chicks and a mercedes when u are successful:)
Up there with "get slim with extract of sea creature" as the ultimate myth which is supposed to turn the brain of anyone under 30 to mush. I'm glad you put the smiley, that's all I'm saying.

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Re: Remix Contest

Post by Romeo Knight »

pille wrote:..., it's a good reference to be on a single which will be distributed professionally by a label.
the label will present newcomers.

perhaps you get some hot chicks and a mercedes when u are successful:)
...and have no rights on your own song. (while I'm not sure that those "Teilnahmebedingungen" are judicial valid without further contract)
I've heard this too many times before.
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Re: Remix Contest

Post by Chris Abbott »

Romeo Knight wrote:
pille wrote:..., it's a good reference to be on a single which will be distributed professionally by a label.
the label will present newcomers.

perhaps you get some hot chicks and a mercedes when u are successful:)
...and have no rights on your own song. (while I'm not sure that those "Teilnahmebedingungen" are judicial valid without further contract)
I've heard this too many times before.
Yup, you picked the wrong forum here. We're all old and wise. Plus we have halos and our breaths collectively smell of ambrosia.

Just for fun I just stuck your rap lyrics into a song of ours which may well be broadcast on Slay Radio to be made fun of. We can send you five CDs of it if you like? Perhaps the exposure will enable you to buy a Lada and some 56 year old barmaids?

Didn't you know? By posting on this forum you gave away the rights to any MP3s you give the link to. It's all in the terms and conditions, dearie me, yes.

BTW: c/Hip Hop is scheisse/mc-61 is scheisse

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Post by Romeo Knight »

I'd have something interesting to add while we're at it :) :
The MC-61-site is run by the Keyboarder of the only band represented at Stagedive Records, "Runlet", he also owns its domain. You may guess now who runs the Stagedive Records site. (And those of the record companies' "partners") :roll:
But no offense here: This is a usual tactic to look more professional in this fucked-up music business.
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Post by Vosla »

EDIT: Joke's over. Look somewhere else!
Last edited by Vosla on 21/04/2006 - 17:35, edited 1 time in total.
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Remix Contest

Post by pille »

the stagedive site is not actual.
MC-61 has also a deal with the label. But Runlet and MC-61 are not alone.

Of course, the winner of the contest has to agree the terms in written form. You don't know the background of the contest.

We don't force you to take part at the contest.
Perhaps it is really the wrong forum. I thought it would be something different here - an old commodore sound combined mith actual lyrics and mixes would fit together in a strange but interesting way.

oh yes you are old and wise, so you better go out with the 56 old barmaids which look like ambrosia :wink: .

Nowadays I'm afraid that nobody has fun to make music for free. Unfortunately, the most important thing is money. But if nobody invest in work, nobody will reach something.

I know, my englisch is not the best, I hope you understand what I'm trying to explain.

but I'm glad that you rack your brains about that thing! :lol:
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Post by LMan »

Well, *everyone* here does music for free. The point is, we really give it away for free and not let someone else reap the profits.
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Post by Chris Abbott »

LMan / Remix64 wrote:Well, *everyone* here does music for free. The point is, we really give it away for free and not let someone else reap the profits.
/me gives Boz, Marcel, O2, Makke and most other remixers big virtual yachts :)
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Post by Markus Schneider »

Since I use a SPAM filter I get a lot of BEGs. What is BEG ? Well, its begging email garbage - they often start like this:

"I am a movie director and want your amazing music in my next (feature)film. I need in about one week and you will be credited in the outro."

"I am a professional writer of audiobooks (he is really well known). I would like to engage you as background music writer. I have several well known and promoted projects. Attached you find the scripts for about 70min. I need it in about 2 weeks and can pay about 150 EUROS."

"I write a game. Need your music. Can't pay."

Hello ?

Later at the supermarket:

"I need this tomatoes. But can't pay. Any problems?"
"Ah well. You can't take them then."
"What ? F*ck off."
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Post by Chris Abbott »

Hmm, well, I tend to be friendlier to young film-makers, but there are a lot of people who just want to fulfil their own needs and don't care that the artist is starving. Unfortunately there are so many wannabe musicians out there that they've kind of flooded the market. And there are always people who live on the kind of naive hope I lived on 10 years ago. Damn my inexperience :(

Then again, I've been awfully dependent upon "the kindness of strangers" (who then become friends, actually!) during's existence: it's scary to think of the number of people to whom I owe a huge debt (jeez, I'd like to give them yachts SOOOO badly!!).

It's an odd fact of the BIT series (and subsequent CDs) that the pieces which were "commissioned" (in the sense of, you choose an arranger, you tell them what to do, you pay them money, they do it) have almost always turned out much less inspiring than the ones that were done for free because the remixer had a love for the original piece.

Won't somebody PLEASE think of the children?
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