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Sad that the amiga comunity is sleeping...

Posted: 25/04/2006 - 14:04
by gibs
All my computers were great...I enjoy really all of them (ZX81,Spectrum+,C64,CPC464, 520ST) ...but the most important one -for me- was the Amiga. and it's sad that it isn't supported a lot...

no reviews, no shouts, realeases take a while...WHHYY???

Noone to tribute Paula ?

Posted: 25/04/2006 - 15:11
by Kenz
The second 'One Man & His Mic' show is gonna be an Amiga special - featuring music recorded directly from the Amiga. :)

Keep an eye on for details!

Posted: 25/04/2006 - 18:24
by Matrix
Someone please include Chuck Rock and GemX :D :D :D :D :D

Posted: 02/05/2006 - 17:02
by Romeo Knight
I thought a lot about doing an AMIGA remix - since this was MY musical platform back in the days. But to be honest I didn't find a piece of music yet to remix- and I got a list of at least 20 SIDs I'd like to deal with.
So what's the point...

Posted: 02/05/2006 - 17:56
by Makke
When I try to remix Amiga tracks I always find myself trying to update the original sound, rather than finding a new approach. I either get bored with it or give up after a while because I can't find the right sounds.

As stated so many times before, the "problem" with Amiga tunes is that most of them already have a fixed sound and genre, where as SIDs are more open and easier to interpret in different styles - relying more on melody than the actual sound to define the track (a modified truth, I know).

I find that Amiga tunes take a lot more creative energy, and perfectly fitting sounds to pull-off. Few MODs are easy to port from one style to another, as they require some major re-thinking to get good. Maybe it's the "fixed sound" that makes it harder to form a different sound in the head.

Chris Hülsbeck's Turrican album is in my opinion the perfect Amiga remix-album. It has the exact same sound and feel as the original tracks, with updated sounds and bigger arrangements.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again:
In my opinion, an Amiga remix should sound like an "exact update" of the original, or take it in a completely different direction. Both of which are bleedin' hard to do (most of the time)!

Posted: 02/05/2006 - 23:39
by Analog-X64
My 2 Cents.

I loved the Amiga as much or more than my C64 because of the Enhanced Graphics and Digital Sound. But looking back now after all these years. The Amiga does not appeal to me as much as my C64. Who knows maybe I will change my mind one day when I get my Amiga 2000 Fixed and up and running.

Posted: 03/05/2006 - 6:20
by LMan
I have a bunch of Amiga Mods, is there some kind of collection like HVSC where I can submit them to? UnExotica archive perhaps?

Posted: 03/05/2006 - 7:18
by FFRenzy
LMan / Remix64 wrote:I have a bunch of Amiga Mods, is there some kind of collection like HVSC where I can submit them to? UnExotica archive perhaps? ?

Posted: 03/05/2006 - 8:28
by Makke
FFRenzy ?
Yeah, but is so painfully unorganized, I rarely even look there for stuff I want.

Posted: 03/05/2006 - 8:43
by FFRenzy
Makke wrote:
FFRenzy ?
Yeah, but is so painfully unorganized, I rarely even look there for stuff I want.
That's fact, there' s only 1 page on Modarchive i ever look at : :D

Posted: 03/05/2006 - 8:56
by the_JinX
Don't forget

Not just mods but also the other amiga formats..

Posted: 03/05/2006 - 8:58
by Makke
Exotica is great! It can be a bit of a hassle to find what you're looking for though.

Sometimes I Google for "Exotica [name of tune]" because that's faster than going through the Exotica pages. ;)

Posted: 03/05/2006 - 9:00
by FFRenzy
BTW, does anyone know what happened to Back2Roots ? It seems as if they have disappeared from the face of the ear....internet.

Posted: 03/05/2006 - 9:03
by Makke
Yeah, I've been wondering about that as well.

B2R is/was probably the best Amiga source site around, in terms of quantity and easy to search.

Posted: 03/05/2006 - 9:29
by FFRenzy
another Amiga mod site, looks nice :