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Well, ta-ta for a while........

Posted: 26/04/2006 - 15:10
by Sonic Wanderer
Too much is going on in my life to actually get anything reasonably properly done unless I just step on the breaks and focus on sorting things out.
Some of you know what's going on, and some don't.
Nothing terminally serious, but enough to start breaking up *my* entire existence. And eventually it can ripple disasterous effects, and I don't want it to go that far. It's tearing apart everything that I am.
Doing things I used to love, like making music, is starting to feel more like a curse, pain in the back and a hassle than being fun, so I need to slow down and gain some kind of grasp on my own situation.
This, among other things, means a break from most things scene-related for an unknown period of time, most likely atleast half a year, probably more.
To start with, me and Mrs. Sonic are going for a one-week vacation to Greece (Crete), leaving tomorrow, thursday 27/4. After that, who knows when I will pop back in. Only time will tell.

Some might remember me taking breaks like this before, but this time is much more serious, but luckily I know a lot more about the cause now.

So, take care, and see you in that there future-thingie.


Posted: 26/04/2006 - 15:23
by Ziphoid
Take care mate, and make sure you get enough rest to be back, better than ever, whenever in the future it'll be. We'll be here for you when that time comes... :)

...and oh, I'll keep on hosting your site even though you won't be around... ;)

/ Ziph

Posted: 26/04/2006 - 17:52
by StormKeeper
Good luck man, and hope you feel better soon.

Posted: 26/04/2006 - 20:49
by Vosla
:shock: Uh!Oh! This is not good news...
Take your time and come back when you feel like it...
I wish you all the best.

Posted: 27/04/2006 - 5:26
by LMan
Take care, mate. Hope everything turns out best for you!

Posted: 27/04/2006 - 8:37
by merman
Best wishes mate, and come back with some more killer remixes when you are ready...

Posted: 27/04/2006 - 16:00
by dan gillgrass
WTF? no more sonic booms for a while? take care mate and all the best, hope to see you sooner than later!

Posted: 30/04/2006 - 10:10
by Aero
Take care and take your time. I hope things get sorted out for you.
The remixes you've made already is good enough to never be boring anyhow :)

Posted: 01/05/2006 - 15:33
by trace
Have a good trip mr.sonic :)

Wish i could do the same for me and my wife but we don't have any babysitters here :(

So we are stuck with our kids til they can take care of them selves :shock: :lol: