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Possible Name Change?

Posted: 05/05/2006 - 4:02
by Analog-X64
I'm aiming to release an official C64 Remix sometime no later than August of this year. With that in mind. I've been thinking of changing my name.

I originaly began as "Software Demon" on C64 Circa 1983-1985 and that was my SYSOP name as well, after purchasing my Amiga 1000 it soon turned into "Digi Master" again I used that as my Sysop name as well. Than I ran into an awesome Demo on my C64 by X-Ample Architectures and I though cool logo and like the word play on the X. Being an Analog Synth Freak, I borrowed the "X-" Theme idea and came up with Analog-X, this is ofcourse pre-internet. But there appears to be a very popular programmer by the same name and I always get asked if thats me, which is not.

SO!!! what do you guys think? Should I change my Name? and If so would you help me create a new one?

I dont want to start releasing C64 remixes and have to change my name midway.

Posted: 05/05/2006 - 6:33
by ifadeo
we need more remixers featuring a X inside the name.... :wink:

cheers ifadeo aka X-Klang

Posted: 05/05/2006 - 7:23
by Romeo Knight
Don't change. It makes things even more complicated.
"Are you the guy formely known as Analog-X who programs all this nice music software?"
(He doesn't have a dash in his name btw)

Posted: 05/05/2006 - 7:58
by Tonka
I'm with Mr.Knight - don't change. I changed my name to 'iRiDiUm' for the BIT 3 CD (I was a bit embarrassed about my Wizball 98/2000 mix, y'see AND was cheesed about being labelled a 'dance re-mixer')!

Anyway, it didn't bloody work and people still called me Tonka (and hated the name 'iRiDiUm')! :)

What's wrong with Analog-X anyway (apart from that it contains the word 'anal'?... ;)


Posted: 05/05/2006 - 8:45
by Analog-X64
Thanks for the support, thanks for making me the light :)

Tonka: You are right if I change my name than You guys wont be able to make any "Anal" Jokes....hehehehe

Posted: 05/05/2006 - 10:39
by Tonka
Analog-X wrote:Thanks for the support, thanks for making me the light :)

Tonka: You are right if I change my name than You guys wont be able to make any "Anal" Jokes....hehehehe
LOL! I've been pretty lucky so far - nobody has picked up on the fact that 'Tonka' rhymes with 'Plonker', yet...

DOH! Me and my big mouth... :roll:


Posted: 05/05/2006 - 11:45
by Romeo Knight
"Did you know of Tonka?
He's a fat old plonker!"

Satisfied?! :)

Posted: 05/05/2006 - 12:11
by Matrix
You could always do what prince did, and become [SYMBOL] previously known as... analog-x


But what symbol I wonder - hmmmmmmm :wink:

Posted: 05/05/2006 - 12:24
by Tonka
Romeo Knight wrote:"Did you know of Tonka?
He's a fat old plonker!"

Satisfied?! :)
WOW! It's almost like you can SEE through my monitor!!! :lol:


Posted: 05/05/2006 - 12:51
by Nickenstien
or how about this for a ryme

"That Romeo Night, his
remixes that are realy ............................................. great"



Posted: 05/05/2006 - 16:55
by Vosla
Sorry, I've been one of those guys asking if you are the "other" AnalogX. But I think you should stick to it, nothing wrong with it.

And for a new name... surely there is somebody already using that new one whatever you come up with, so it's pointless to change the old one.

I took an old nickname, converted it using a primitve English > Huttese tool and came up with the generic word Vosla. I was happy until I discovered that there was a kind of typewriter with the same name, heavy loading sheaves with the same name and vosla all over slavic languages. And a jewish synagogue named the Valley Outreach Synagogue Los Angeles

There was even a DJ Vosla. Aaargh!

Could have been worse. Just think of Viagra slightly misspelled... :lol:

Posted: 08/05/2006 - 12:23
by Moad'Dib

What about Analog-Y


Posted: 08/05/2006 - 21:06
by Analog-X64
How about Analog-XYZ :)

Posted: 09/05/2006 - 23:44
by Retrovertigo
Banaan Amaan!

Posted: 10/05/2006 - 9:16
by Moad'Dib
then....what about...

