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SLAY Radio Gathering @ Stockholm

Posted: 16/05/2006 - 20:37
by Ziphoid
Howdy peeps!

So, it's just about summer and to try to keep the tradition of a gathering for the SLAY Radio DJs and listeners I've decided to try to hold somewhat of such a thing up here in Stockholm/Sweden.

Btw, just to clarify some things, there WILL be a Gathering in Gothenburg as well. The date is not exactly set yet, but it will be early August.

The actual day of choosing is Saturday, July 8th, 2006. To explain why only ONE day is the actual day is simply because that's the day we try to gather as many people together as possibly, but this doesn't mean that it stops there. I mean, it's quite a bit to travel if you're nowhere nere the middle part of Sweden and to do it for only one day? No. Not good. This all adds up to the fact that there will most certainly be some kind of gathering on the friday as well... ...and some sobering up-time on the sunday, I suppose... ;)

Anyhoo, what I really want/need to know now is how many of you that can manage to get your lazy behinds up here and join us for a weekend of pure fun and havoc. Exactly what we'll do will probably be decided later on, but just meeting is well fun enough for a start. Exact details about where and when will be posted here at a later time.

Just pick an option in the poll above and I'll at least have a preliminary count to base my ideas on. It would also be appreciated if you either leave me a PM with your thoughts or even better, write it in this thread.

Keep the ideas flowing if you feel that you would like to do something special during the gathering. For instance, if you feel up to the challenge of trying to beat one of the SLAY DJs in beer drinking (apart from me, that is... ;)), then enter that one as an option as well.

Oh, btw, if you want to come and just don't have anywhere to stay during the weekend, give me a PM and I'll see what I can do about accomodation. I won't be able to host anyone myself though, apart from our beloved DJs, that is. ;)

I will edit this message and update it with the people that are sure to attend and such right after you enter your interest to do so.

Currently known participants:
Dimmignatt + Nina
Andreas Wallström
herbaculum + Gulrak
Sonic Wanderer + Loova
GrAx + Gotica
+ all sorts of loose people, like some other c64 + Amiga people...

Posted: 16/05/2006 - 20:55
by the_JinX
Sorry, Ziphoid.. My monetary situation at the moment doesn't allow for me to take trips to Sweden..

I'd love to come over some other time though.. Say in a year or two..


Posted: 16/05/2006 - 20:55
by Dimmignatt
I will definetily be there, along with Floaf I guess.. and my girlfriend..
Since I have a place to stay that won't be a problem either =)

Can't wait.. The last gathering was the best thing I've ever been on in my life.. So fun.. So many people that shared my love for C64 !!!! :lol:

Posted: 16/05/2006 - 20:57
by Ziphoid
@the_Jinx: Aww, too bad. Feel free to bring the Mrs and come visit me some other time, then. :) Just gimme a howl. ...and I just might make it to .nl in October... VERY tempted I am, yes... ;)

Posted: 16/05/2006 - 21:04
I've planned to visit Stockholm in October with "Rainbow Tours" for 2-3 days with a cheap, german travel company but not mainly for a radio meeting.

Normally I wanted to visit it in Summer (to enjoy the midsummer nights I heard a lot about) but unfortunately the Summer-Tours only starts from Hamburg and that's to far from me.

So I'll visit the town in October, starting from Essen or Cologne.

Posted: 16/05/2006 - 22:07
by Nappe1
right now I am not yet sure about that weekend, but if I am at stockholm, It will be the saturday.

the major problem is that on next weekend from that I am arranging YANCTLN, (Yet Another Nut Case Trip to Lappland by Nappe1) which means that I might have quite lot of stuff to go thru before trip starts...

but I am not yet saying no for SLAYRadio meeting at Stockholm. :) I need to look in to it.

Posted: 16/05/2006 - 22:20
by merman
That now makes three different things I've been invited to that evening, sorry I can't make it to Stockholm...

Posted: 17/05/2006 - 7:02
by Makke
I hope Sara and I can make it. I'll have to get back to you about it later once the smoke from recent events have cleared a bit. Sara and I are moving this weekend, and I just found out that the job I was promised this summer vanished into thin air. So I'll have to wait a few weeks before making any plans. ;)

Posted: 17/05/2006 - 7:33
by Andreas Wallström
I'm there duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude! And I'll bring some other people from and the demo scene.

Very good idea my friend!

Posted: 17/05/2006 - 16:43
by Misser
Frell, i'll be off to Germany (Ijffel) the 10th so no can do. But you lot are invited for the BBQ the 12th somewhere in the Ijffel :)

Posted: 17/05/2006 - 17:33
by Waz
Lack of money is my enemy at the moment which is the main reason I couldn't make it.

Also, a lack of direct flights from Manchester make it a very long journey in terms of time. If I want a direct flight, I've got to go to London and either go from Stansted to Skavsta, or go via Heathrow to Arlanda :( The other options involve changing at Copenhagen or Amsterdam, which would take 7 hours in total, and by the time I'd get there on the Saturday everyone would be well in the party spirit and already drinking themselves silly. And these days I tend not to drink much, if at all. I know, I know, I'm too bloody square and sensible these days.

Still, the best of luck for the gathering and hope it all goes well.

Posted: 17/05/2006 - 17:37
by Ziphoid
@Waz: Actually, there are direct flights from Manchester to Arlanda if you fly with Finnair. I did when I went to the BITLite concert last year. It's not as cheap as Ryanair or similar, though, but it's not THAT expensive either. :)

...but, I totally understand the money-problem, since that's an all too common problem these days... ;)

Take care and we'll meet up some other time... :)

Posted: 17/05/2006 - 17:42
by Waz
Ziphoid wrote:@Waz: Actually, there are direct flights from Manchester to Arlanda if you fly with Finnair.)
There was, but according to their timetable they're not doing them from the middle of June onwards until 2 weeks in August, and that's it. Bah!! It's then changing at Helsinki which seems a bit pointless. ... inavia.pdf

Posted: 17/05/2006 - 17:44
by Ziphoid
Ouch, bugger... Well, perhaps you'll be able to make it to the Gathering in Gothenburg early august instead? :)

Posted: 18/05/2006 - 13:21
by Dimmignatt
Makke wrote:I hope Sara and I can make it. I'll have to get back to you about it later once the smoke from recent events have cleared a bit. Sara and I are moving this weekend, and I just found out that the job I was promised this summer vanished into thin air. So I'll have to wait a few weeks before making any plans. ;)
There is 2 seats available in the car if you and Sara wants to tag along ?? hehehe
I will not listen to your directions this time though ;)
Especially not Sara's and Nina's !!!!!!