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Ow! But hopefully I'm better now...

Posted: 17/05/2006 - 17:09
by Chris Abbott
Had my operation today: they ended up making a hole about the size of a pound coin in my face, but it looks like they did a good job reconstructing it :)

So, I'm clear now... but have to rest for a day or so. Jan, do you mind giving me a day or so? :)


Posted: 17/05/2006 - 17:48
by DHS
So, you're ready for acting in the next Baywatch season, aren't you? ;)

Posted: 17/05/2006 - 17:55
by Vosla
Have a good and quick recovery, Chris! :)

Re: Ow! But hopefully I'm better now...

Posted: 17/05/2006 - 18:52
by Steve B
Chris Abbott wrote:they ended up making a hole about the size of a pound coin in my face, but it looks like they did a good job reconstructing it


damn right :D

good luck on the recovery period m8y

Re: Ow! But hopefully I'm better now...

Posted: 17/05/2006 - 19:18
by Tonka
Chris Abbott wrote:Had my operation today: they ended up making a hole about the size of a pound coin in my face
Cool! Now you have somewhere to keep your spare change! :lol:

I must have missed something 'cos I have no idea why people are cutting holes in your face M8, but hope you get well soon :)


Posted: 17/05/2006 - 22:03
by Waz

Just imagine what they were saying during the op:

<Peter Kay> "Your ones, your twos, your fives, your tens, your twenties..
One drill going in!"</Peter Kay>

Seriously, fingers crossed everything goes well and that you make a fast recovery.

Posted: 17/05/2006 - 22:26
by Analog-X64
Hoping for a fast recovery. Face Coin Purse hmmm.... it must be a new thing.

Posted: 18/05/2006 - 0:05
by Bog
MadHippo's brother does metalwork, I'll see if he can make you a Mean Machine Angel dial to go in the hole ;)

Speedy healing, dude.

Posted: 18/05/2006 - 0:07
by Kenz
Looks like the operation was a complete success! :D


Posted: 18/05/2006 - 1:28
by Matrix
Be Well Mr Abbott ....


Posted: 18/05/2006 - 9:52
by StormKeeper

Glad to hear your op went well... hope you feel better soon :)

Posted: 18/05/2006 - 10:03
by merman
Maybe the world just wasn't ready for his good looks?

Get well soon Chris!

Posted: 18/05/2006 - 14:24
by Makke
Good to hear, Chris!

Get well really soon. :D

Posted: 18/05/2006 - 14:26
by Boz
Great news Chris... all the best!

Posted: 18/05/2006 - 15:38
by tony.rc
I'm glad it all worked out!