SLAY Radio & Radio (name removed) - The future.

Radio shows, podcasts, live events, CD releases, etc...

What's the main reason not listening our station?

The language
Only live shows unfitting in your time plan.
No votes
The moderators
No votes
Technical reasons
No votes
The program structure / Themes in our program
No votes
All of that / Don't like at all
Other reasons (Please specify as posting)
Total votes: 15


SLAY Radio & Radio (name removed) - The future.

Post by PARALAX »

I know that some people will get confused about this thread but you know, I just say what I think.

That's because I note, that almost no guys are posting in our threads if we're announcing a show like every week. So I ask myself and I ask you:

Where's the difference between their and our live shows (expect the points I'm listing now)???

1. The language:

Do you only prefer english shows because you think it's "more exciting"? It's to disturbing for you with a language which you not understand if the music do the rest?

2. The availability:

It's important for you to access a retro radio really 24hrs. per day??? Maybe there are some guys don't liking live shows?

3. The live shows:

There are too less or too much shows we're offering, even with video stream (there was no retro radio before which support it).

4. The Team

Are you bored from shows with too much informations about the songs or histories about the games? What do you really makes a show so "special" in this way if we want to offer it in a serious way?

5. The Moderator

Do you have personal reasons with one of our moderators or more special preferences to SLAY Moderators, if...why???

That's all for know I remembering but there are possibly much more points which many users don't thrust himself to speak out and that's what we wanna know now for increasing our famous...that's because we're needing your help. So, do you thrust yourself beeing honest to us and say what you think???

You also could vote anonymous here but I don't think that's really helping for us and you to build a bridge to Slay which we want...

We're spending a huge of time preparing a live show filling with informations with a minimum of reaction, even here in this forum. We're using very expensive equipment for our shows, everything is planned until the last second and even not: Live is live!!! - But what's for you?

A wrong placed kind of object which doesn't worth to support here?

Shell we cancel our presence here so that you're satisfied???
Last edited by PARALAX on 02/06/2006 - 18:21, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by LMan »

It's easy, really.

The language is of course a major problem, you can't count on the music here - the spoken parts make the difference between a radio show and a playlist.

But the main reason is that SLAY Radio took years to establish itself into the position it is today. They didn't get their listeners overnight, and so won't Radio (name removed). Such things take time, and a lot of continuous effort.
Shell we cancel our presence here so that you're satisfied???
That last sentence was completely unnessecary and contraproductive.
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Post by jgb »

(I rarely listen to SlayRadio either...)

My guess for major reason that you do not get many responses is this; SlayRadio has been around for ages and people know the .

Quick answers to your numbered questions:
1. Yes. I prefer Enligsh since I understand it.
2a. Not important at alls with the 24/7 access if the shows are good.
2b. Very true, some people do not like live shows, they feel it is disturbing with people talking.
3. No idea.
4. No idea.
5a. No problems with your "moderators", even if you might seem to be a whiney when posting stuff like this.
5b. I know the guys doing shows for SlayRadio, if that was the question?

So. Why should you leave the forum? Stick around, be nice to people, chat a bit, get to know people better, keep posting details for shows and such. Sooner or later people will have a listen to the shows and post a comment.
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Post by tas »

Mostly your catering for the german public which for a smallish comunity is even smaller. When you consider that although germany has a strong presence in the scene it probably only makes up around 20% of the total audience. Thats a whopping 80% of potential listeners missing out. When i first saw your radio station i visited the site with interest but it was all in german and so after a moment the curiosity vanished.

Also, things take time. Slay Radio hasn't grown into it's 150/200 listener socket until reciently. I remember it not so long ago as only having 40-50.

Rather than cancel Radio (name removed) re-think how it is currently operating, personally i can't give any advice to the content of the station because i don't understand a word of it being a native of the english tongue.

I would think your first priorty is to change it all to English.
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Post by Chris Abbott »

Imagine there's a party. There's about 100-200 people. Everyone likes the music, they're having a good time, they're mates with the DJ and the guys holding the party, they've all met before...

Now imagine someone runs into the party saying "Come and join the party I've got next door! I've got lasers!". Most people's response would be to look out the window, and then think "But I've got everything I need right here".

Listeners relationship with Slay Radio is a love affair.

And, IF you're doing this radio primarily for the "fame", then you might as well give up now. Slay Radio was created for the same reason a Remix64 and because it had to be. They started off small, and grew with their audience. You've got to be in it for the long haul. It's not a question of elitism, it's about commitment over time for the right reasons. The people who have "made it", to use a vulgar phrase, in this scene have made it because they put the work in, didn't make too much of a song and dance about it, and because they wanted to make people's lives better. In this case with C64 music.

You've had some genuinely good ideas, such as the video stream, but you're coming across as so needy and desperate you're putting people off. People are creeped out by "needy". The most popular characters are generally those who project an air of casual confidence, such as Boz. People feed off that, it makes them feel safe. Boz is like their naughty Uncle :)

Won't somebody PLEASE think of the children?
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Re: SLAY vs. Radio (name removed) - What's missing?

Post by Slaygon »

I've been staying away from these discussions before seeing that I'm kind of (teehee) biased towards SLAY Radio, for obvious reasons. I will try to remain objective in my answers though.
(name removed) wrote:1. The language:
I prefer english because I understand it. And that goes for most of the listeners of SLAY Radio. If I were to change the official language of SLAY to Swedish, the listener count for live shows would drop radically because people just wouldn't understand.

The fact that SLAY Radio offers both live shows and playlist based music, both of which the listeners can affect and hence have the feeling they are part of "the program".
(name removed) wrote:2. The availability:
See above.
(name removed) wrote:3. The live shows:
I am very doubtful the amount of live shows has any weight in how your particular radio station is perceived.
As for the video stream, we've had Makke stream live video at one point. And we had to cut him short due to ... erm... inproper content, to put it mildly. *grin* ... Any which way, you need to decide if you want to be a TV station or a radio station. Video streams are nice and all, but does it really do anything to better your radio station?
(name removed) wrote:4. The Team
See my answer to question 1. I couldn't possibly answer this, because I don't know the language.
(name removed) wrote:5. The Moderator
SLAY Radio is built around personal relations. All the DJs are friends with each other in one way or another, and they in turn know a lot of people that want to hear them do a radio show. Every new listener that tunes in to a live show discovers that there are indeed some songs worth listening to even though, at least to start with, they think the idea of listening to music re-created from music made on an ancient machine may sound weird. They create an account on the SLAY Radio page, and request the songs they want to hear, hence, creating the feeling that they are part of it all.

So, to answer your question; Yes, I believe the case is that people prefer SLAY Radio DJs for the simple reason that they know them.

(name removed) wrote:for increasing our famous...
Now this would be one of the reasons you may be running in to some problems. The only reason SLAY Radio even exists is the love for the music and because it's a fun project. Not fame. This goes for,,, the c64 take-away and all the other things I've forgotten right now. The main drive is the music, the want or need to spread it to a wider audience to show them where we're coming from. What we loved back then, what we still love.
(name removed) wrote:We're spending a huge of time preparing a live show filling with informations with a minimum of reaction, even here in this forum. We're using very expensive equipment for our shows, everything is planned until the last second and even not: Live is live!!! - But what's for you?
Once again, if you are talking in a language very few people understands, then it is quite a natural thing nobody comments either.
And for the equipement, that is entirely up to you what you want to use. The Z Show (long running show on SLAY Radio hosted by Boz and Kenz) started out with just a regular sound card and some crappy microphone. So did Makke. So did Alice. So did I.
Now, you could argue that it would make a better show if you have loads of gadets, but if don't know how or when to use them, then no, it doesn't. It's about, as you say, the content, not the effects you use.
As a side note, most of the SLAY Radio DJs have now upgraded their gear, but it's still not very expensive gear (see gear list here:, but it works.
(name removed) wrote:Shell we cancel our presence here so that you're satisfied???
And again, you're displaying the need to gain fame instantly instead of actually doing this because you think it's fun. My personal opinion is that you stay and keep working on your station. Things like these don't happen over night. Trust me. I've been running the station for more than 6 years now (must be some 7 year now, but my memory is not that good =). Up until about 2 years ago, the listener count never went above 100. Things do happen, but slowly, and you need to know that.
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Re: SLAY vs. Radio (name removed) - What's missing?

Post by Makke »

Personally I've not had time to listen. I've not even heard that many SLAY Radio live shows so far this year.

Another reason I don't listen is because I don't understand German. Why would I listen to a show where I don't understand the language? Because of the music? Sure, but I can download the music anywhere and listen whenever I want. A live show has to offer something more than just the music, some kind of experience I could not get anywhere else.
(name removed) wrote:We're spending a huge of time preparing a live show filling with informations with a minimum of reaction, even here in this forum. We're using very expensive equipment for our shows, everything is planned until the last second and even not: Live is live!!! - But what's for you?

A wrong placed kind of object which doesn't worth to support here?

Shell we cancel our presence here so that you're satisfied???
I love how you make it sound like we owe you to listen.
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Post by moog »

I think that is other (one more) reason of SlayRadio popularity, namely that the whole RKO'n'Remix64 community is complementaring
this station. People who are active remixers and forum disputants are also active Slayradio listeners. Besides i saw that
this community has grown up for last few years. It's obvious that such connection has to develop for years to
attract some other people.

Personally I've known Slayradio for few years, but i've listened it rarely. When i hazardously ran in the RKO web page,
i've started to listen slayradio more often and started with anew making remixes (i had some break with that :D ).


It's my only opinion :D
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Re: SLAY vs. Radio (name removed) - What's missing?

Post by Boz »

(name removed) wrote:
A wrong placed kind of object which doesn't worth to support here?

Shell we cancel our presence here so that you're satisfied???
<Sigh>... :? I'm could have SWORN I've had this conversation with you on IRC a while back... maybe I'm dreaming.

I'm not going add very much more to the conversation; all the other guys have said what I would have said - the main two points being that SLAY Radio didn't suddenly appear out of nowhere and shout "ooh, pick me!"; and secondly none of the DJs do it for fame or fortune; we do it because we love the C64 Remixes...

Personally, I also do it because I love the general banter I have with the listeners too. THAT doesn't happen automatically either. I respect them, they respect me. And we have a laugh while doing it.
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Re: SLAY vs. Radio (name removed) - What's missing?

Post by FFRenzy »

Boz wrote:I respect them,
they respect me.

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Post by DHS »

I don't see any reasons why there should be such a competitive behavior to get listeners in a community with so few ppl in it.

I don't listen to (name removed) because there's already slayaradio.
I don't listen to Paralex because i don't understand german.
I don't listen to (name removed) because all my retro needs are already fulfilled by slayradio.

On the other side, i listen to slayradio because it features good shows, hosted by good friends and i love them all (shows and friends).

And, i love Boz because he's so horribly stupid :D
DHS of The SoundWavers
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Post by Chris Abbott »

And while I'm about it I spent years on my shop at, and STILL a lot more people buy at Shall I shut down my shop? Are you HAPPY THEN?

Won't somebody PLEASE think of the children?
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Re: SLAY vs. Radio (name removed) - What's missing?

Post by Waz »

(name removed) wrote:1. The language:
Language is a bigger issue for some than you'd think. In most European schools, English is traditionally one of the other languages you learn, and so for most of them, it's their second tongue. We Brits on the other hand, although we sometimes do French and German, aren't always encouraged enough to use it because of our (incorrect, admittedly) misassumption that everyone will understand English.

I can get by in French and German reasonably okay but for most other European languages I'd be pretty stuck, to be honest. And no doubt part of SlayRadio's success is because it transmits in English. As Slaygon said, put that in Swedish and you'd lose listeners, not because of the music, but because you'd want to understand what the presenter's saying and how they feel emotionally about the tune they're playing.
(name removed) wrote:3. The live shows:
Live shows aren't necessarily the be all and end all. If a show has been recorded in advance and provided the sheer enthusiasm is there, it will still be well received whenever it's transmitted. If an institution like BBC Radio can broadcast stuff like recordings of concerts first played a few nights before, with a small intro and outro, probably pre-recorded too, then in theory it can be done with any station, no matter how big or small.

In the past I've had ideas for shows but I've not yet carried them through because of lack of equipment or talent, but not because of lack of enthusiasm. I'd pre-record it anyhow. And.. C64 Takeaway is pre-recorded before transmission and that doesn't stop it being the success it is does it?
Slaygon wrote: The only reason SLAY Radio even exists is the love for the music and because it's a fun project. Not fame. This goes for,,, the c64 take-away and all the other things I've forgotten right now.
Exactly right.

Parallax: Think also of the other C64 projects like Gamebase 64, Lemon 64, HVSC etc. They also exist for the same reasons, they do it for the love of the C64, and in HVSC's case, for the love of the C64 music. That's the whole reason the team still work as a team now, in fact, making people aware of the excellent sounds that musicians produced (and indeed are still producing, note) from the SID chip, and making it available to a wider audience who can't wait for the next update instalment.

Don't think of it as fame. Think of it as a hobby. You'll be much happier if you do that. Take it from someone who knows.
(name removed) wrote:Shell we cancel our presence here so that you're satisfied???
That last quote to be honest seems to be a little unnecessary and immature. Think about your actions more and ask yourself, honestly:

* Do I need fame, or am I doing this for the right reasons?
* Should I see myself as competition, and should I aim towards collaboration instead?
* Am I being counter-productive by shouting to make myself heard?
* What can I do to enhance the listener experience and make it more user-friendly? (language for example)
* Do I accept constructive criticism or do I see it all as negative?

I am sure people do want your shows and your station to succeed. However, you won't do this by feeling emotively hostile.
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Post by tas »

One thing to add to this discussion which hasn't been mentioned is...

1) Have an Identity. Do not try to emulate Slay Radio. Slay Radio does what it does, and it does it well. Lets call it "BBC Radio 1". Now, the thing to avoid is to have another "BBC Radio 1". It won't work! there's one already established and succeeding in what its doing. Slay Radio opens out to the world as jolly-cum-silly. Thats not a slander but its a way which works well for Slay Radio. I'm sure many people would appreciate a lets say "BBC Radio 2" style. A more serious, a more in-depth approach. I know i enjoy listening to Slay radio when i am in the mood for sillyness or that notion, but sometimes i want something different from that. This is what maybe you could consider.


Hey guys lets not be too hard on the guy, he's obviously a bit down in the dumps cos his listening figures arn't as good as Slay radio's; we all have silly moments when something isn't going right like some people don't enjoy reading negative reviews on their music. This is no different.
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Post by fnordpojk »

tas wrote:Slay Radio opens out to the world as jolly-cum-silly. Thats not a slander but its a way which works well for Slay Radio. I'm sure many people would appreciate a lets say "BBC Radio 2" style. A more serious, a more in-depth approach.
This is actually one reason why I don't even try to keep up with the live shows anymore - I've grown a bit bored of the format I call "Z-Boz", which almost all the DJs seem to have adapted lately: be silly, play requests from people, reply to IRC questions on air and.. that's it.

I find myself with less and less free time, and the free time I have I like to invest into something worthwile. The live shows are dropping on my priority list, and I find that kind of sad - I remember when I wouldn't miss a Z Show for anything.

So yes, I for one would like a "serious" live show alternative (such as some of Thalamus' shows - he does know a hell of a lot about the stuff he plays). But it would have to be in English - mein Deutsch ist sehr schlecht. :)