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Thank You!!!!

Posted: 30/05/2006 - 18:26
by Analog-X64
I dont think I can say this enough times, but Thank You!!!.

You are all a great bunch of talented people, with Music, WebDesign, Graphics and everything else.

Thanks for sharing your Art, it is appreciated.

My work Laptop is full of your music and that is what I play all day on heavy rotation. You guys are my Heros!!!

I'm glad I found this palce. :wink:

Posted: 30/05/2006 - 19:32
by Matrix
No sir - Thank YOU :D - you help make this place what it is :)

Posted: 30/05/2006 - 20:55
by Vosla
Analog-X scares me. :shock:
I was about to write the same text except for my laptop which is a Colani cripple and can't play MP3s...

Posted: 31/05/2006 - 6:22
by Analog-X64
Vosla wrote:Analog-X scares me. :shock:
I was about to write the same text except for my laptop which is a Colani cripple and can't play MP3s...
What is more scary is I typed this on a None Colani laptop and it now appears that my PgUp and PgDn, Home, Insert, Delete, End buttons are not working.

Might need a re-boot.

I just wanted to convey how much I appreciate this Site and everybody on it, a very cool place to hang out.

Posted: 31/05/2006 - 7:31
by Kenz
Hehe, I have moments like this too - where I just want to type "dammit, I love you guys" after enjoying a neck-hair-prickly remix moment, or hearing a specific SID track that reminds me why I'm here ... Maybe we should have a sticky (eww!) thread devoted to the luuuuurve of the scene!

My most recent neck-hair-prickly moments - Thomas Schneiders Last Ninja End Credits (4 minutes in) - WOW!!! That happened while I was driving home from work yesterday ...

And Binsters Ghouls & Ghosts - WWWOOOWWWW!! :D

Posted: 31/05/2006 - 10:53
by Makke
You're welcome, Analog-X, and may I also say THANK YOU to all the friendly and talented people I've met through this place over the years!

It's a pretty amazing thing when you think about it. :)

Posted: 31/05/2006 - 11:55
by Moad'Dib
Hi guys!

May I join to Analog-X?
I started to read this forum about 2 years ago. I'm always here and reading, but only recently write some comments. Soon maybe I'll reach the point when I'll put my lamer remix to kwed. :D

This site is a source of my nostalgia satisfying.
When I listen your C64 remixes, I feel like a child again...

So thanx guys!

Posted: 31/05/2006 - 14:33
by ifadeo
thank you!!! all you nice ppl here at remix64 & rko for downloading
my cheesy remixes and give me from time to time a review or comment... :D

long live the remix64 scene!!

..and thank you LMan, Chris, Tas, Jan, Slaygon, Boz and Kenz..for the hard work!!!

cheers ifadeo

Posted: 04/06/2006 - 0:28
by StormKeeper
This is like a group hug :D

Posted: 05/06/2006 - 7:58
by Slaygon
Now this is the reason to continue doing what we're doing. At least a reason for me, and I think I'm speaking for everybody else who contributes in any way to the scene.

Thank you all remixers for feeding my craving for new remixes!
Thank you Chris for sharing the music and the live events with me and the rest of the listeners of SLAY Radio.
Thank you LMan for being such a genuinly good guy and driven in his quest to make the best it can be!
Thank you Jan for all the hard work he puts into R:K:O and the c64 take-away!
Thank you Boz for being such a good friend and inspiration!
Thank you Andreas Wallström for the new SLAY Radio logo and for being my other girlfriend (sorry Lisa! =)
Thank you Makke for all the help I've gotten through the years with various things like providing me with VST's, ideas and Mastering Swedish!
Thank you Marcel for always being there, ready to whip some jingle or station ID together! And for my own, personal version of the CS80 only Sweet!
Thank you DHS for the Slaygon & ziza edit of our favourite remix "Foreign girl"!
Thank you fnord for hosting the SLAY Radio gear while I had no internet connection at home, and for all the help on live events!
A big thank you to the rest of the SLAY Radio Staff for being there, being supportive and a good source of inspiration and motivation!
Thank you all SLAY Radio show hosts, sidekicks and guests!
Thank you VERY MUCH to everybody who has donated bandwidth, time and energy on doing various stuff for SLAY Radio: stand-alone SLAY Radio player (hi StuC!), wallpapers (hi FFrenzy!), screen savers (hi Artlace!), numerous exclusives (hi all remixers! (again)), everybody who has the SLAY Radio banner on their home page (thank you LMan for updating the banner to the new design!)

And thank you Lisa for not only accepting my "taste" of music, but also embracing it and loving it equally much!

A special thank you goes to Robin, who must think he has the weirdest dad on the planet.

Hm. I just realised I could go on for ever, because I am endlessly thankful for each and every person involved in the scene, making it feel like a big, happy family!

Thank you!

[Edited several times by now... I am a forgetful person, so I may edit it more at some point. =)]
[Yup. Edited again at 13:53 SLAY HQ time]
[New edit at 13:58 SLAY HQ time]

Posted: 05/06/2006 - 11:44
by Kenz
[Edited several times by now... I am a forgetful person, so I may edit it more at some point. =)][/quote]

Don't forget all the Z-Show sidekicks out there. ;)

Posted: 05/06/2006 - 11:54
by Slaygon
Kenz wrote:Don't forget all the Z-Show sidekicks out there. ;)
Corrected. =)

Posted: 05/06/2006 - 13:26
by Analog-X64
I and thank me for starting this thread.



Posted: 07/06/2006 - 9:16
by FFRenzy
Aw shucks....never thought i would get mentioned in a thread like this ( thx Slaygon ) :oops:

and to keep in the spirit of things : thanks go to Slaygon, LMan, KWED, Wallstrom and Chris for their sites and other services, all the remixers for their remixes ( even the not so good ones) , the SLAY DJ's for their excellent shows, and of course all other people who happen to read this thread and everyone else i forgot to mention :D