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Worst week of my life.....

Posted: 10/06/2006 - 9:49
by Subzero
Just thought Id let everyone know that I've just had one of the worst weeks of my life.

My 5 year old son was rushed to hospital with a temperature of 103, was taken straight to ninewells and placed in the HDU unit of the childrens ward (High Dependancy Unit).

Menengitis we were told.....but what type of menengitis? They werent sure to begin with. He didnt have a rash, but he had the high temp, double vision, sore head, sore neck, lifeless, sleepy etc.....Theres only one way to find out which strain of menengitis he had......lumbar puncture!!!!! (If any ladies have had an epigural, its like that but lower in the spine). So he had the lumbar puncture, and had 5 machines attached to him, wires everywhere, what a scary sight.

He was eventually diagnosed with pnuemococcal menengitis - the 2nd worse strain there is. His treatment lasted 10 days, hes now out of the hospital but hes still very lethargic, he cant run 5 yards without being exhausted.

Im glad hes out now, as its completely exhausted me too, I travelled 60 miles by train every day to sit at his bedside from 10am to 9pm before having to come home again, I havent slept properly in 10 days and I feel completely drained, but nevermind about me, I just hope my son makes a complete recovery.

Posted: 10/06/2006 - 9:57
by oj oscillation
sad to hear such a story. i wish the best for your child to come back to a good life.

Posted: 10/06/2006 - 10:20
by StormKeeper
Sorry to hear about that mate... I'm glad that your son is out of hostpital now though. I hope he gets better soon.

Posted: 10/06/2006 - 10:38
by Steve B
fingers crossed for a full recovery.
(i had a lumbar puncture a few years ago, the reason i missed bit live at the time, and it was one of the worst things i have ever had done. wish your son well from me, poor little thing)

Posted: 10/06/2006 - 13:16
by Analog-X64
Sorry to hear about your son's illness hope for a quick recovery. Now did they give him a lung exercise machine?

My dad was in a vey bad car accident and broke ribs etc.. they gave him an lung excercise machine to bring the lung capacity back to normal.


basically you blow into it and try to keep a plastic ball floating as much as you can, this builds up your lungs capacity again.

Posted: 10/06/2006 - 13:27
by Subzero
it didnt affect his lungs analog

Posted: 10/06/2006 - 22:18
by Vosla
I hope your son will fully recover very soon!!!

Posted: 11/06/2006 - 1:53
by Analog-X64
Steve Dee wrote:it didnt affect his lungs analog
Excellent!!! I'm glad to hear it. one less thing to worry about.

My Prayers for a quick recovery for the little one.

Posted: 11/06/2006 - 6:15
by LMan
Steve, that's terrible. I hope for a quick and full recovery!

Posted: 19/06/2006 - 7:50
by Moad'Dib
Dear Steve!

My older son 5 years old too. So what can I say... A felt deeply terrible when I read about your son.
Was any premonitory sign of this? It's frightful.
Nobody know any of that was going to happen whit their children. So suddenly...

I wish a quick and perfect recovery for your little son!

Posted: 19/06/2006 - 8:39
by Boz
Bloody hell Steve... I wish your son all the best, and I hope you're all doing OK too.

Posted: 25/06/2006 - 15:25
by Romeo Knight
Wish you all the best for your child!

Posted: 29/06/2006 - 11:34
by Thunderer
Hope the worst is behind you! I pray for a speedy recovery!

Posted: 05/07/2006 - 18:53
by Subzero
He's made a complete recovery folks :)


Posted: 05/07/2006 - 18:55
by Noir
Oh he is reeeeeally cute!
Great to hear that everything is fine now. :D