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The Noble Way

Posted: 20/06/2006 - 10:00
by Makke
Makke returns to the world of nerds, with a brand new bi-weekly show - The Noble Way! You can expect a larded show, where you can look forward to such things as the System Specific Half-Hour (30 minutes of music from this weeks dedicated platform), What’s Hot At OCRemix?, Platforms Compared (this week featuring Double Dragon) and much much more!

Tune in, and tell your friends!

On air Monday the 26'th of June, at 20:00 CET!

Posted: 20/06/2006 - 10:40
by FFRenzy
WOOOOT ! Makke's back on air.
Seems like an interesting concept, BTW

Re: New show on SLAY Radio - The Noble Way

Posted: 20/06/2006 - 19:04
by weblaus
Makke wrote:Makke returns to the world of nerds, with a brand new bi-weekly show - The Noble Way!
So we shouldn't call it whatever we want to call it?

Re: New show on SLAY Radio - The Noble Way

Posted: 20/06/2006 - 21:20
by Makke
weblaus wrote:So we shouldn't call it whatever we want to call it?
Well, you may call it whatever you want, but I'll call it The Noble Way*. ;)

* The Noble Way being a "Swenglish"/twisted translation of the road I live on now, Nobelvägen in Malmö.

Posted: 21/06/2006 - 0:34
by Ziphoid
I'm REALLY looking forward to this show, matey... :)

...and I KNOW it'll be kick-ass!

/ Ziph

Posted: 21/06/2006 - 9:24
by FunkyM
Sweet :)

BTW, you all healed up from that nastiness a while back yet?

Posted: 21/06/2006 - 12:31
by the_JinX
Yey.. A new show..

And a Makke show at that.. it will be GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD !!

Posted: 21/06/2006 - 14:27
by Artlace
I've never heard a Makke show (live), so I am definitely looking forward to it!

Posted: 04/07/2006 - 19:32
by Makke
From :
Makke nobly returns with yet another The Noble Way. This weeks System Specific Half-Hour will celebrate the NES (any requests on NES tunes you want to hear, get in touch via makke[AT]slayradio[DOT]org), and in Platforms Compared we take a closer look at various Mortal Kombat implementations! We’ll of course also take a look at what’s hot at and much much more!

Tune in – for it is The Noble Way!
Monday, July 10 - 2006 - 20:00 CET

Posted: 21/08/2006 - 18:21
by Makke
The Noble Way with Makke
After a short break, the Noble returneth! Yes, Makke will once again enrage and amuse by playing assorted game and computer related music. In addition to listener requests, there will as usual be a System Specific Half Hour, this time focusing on the Sega Mega Drive (which in the US of A was known as 'That infernal machine from the very beginning of the Bible'). Due to popular demand, this week's Platforms Compared will take a look at yet another game that was complete rubbish on the Amiga, namely Out Run!

Yes, one could say that this week's show will be something of a Sega-special! Noble all the way!
Monday, August 28 - 2006 - 20:00 CET

Be there (or somewhere else)!

Posted: 21/08/2006 - 18:38
by dan gillgrass

Well, actually I can, I have a geek Warcraft run on a monday but thanks to Blizzard everything runs fine in the background... Ill tune in and check it out whilst SLAYing some bastids

Posted: 20/09/2006 - 10:15
by FunkyM
Hey, Danny G! Wot Realm you play on? I'm on Dragonblight. (under the name Ravenbeard, at least on Monday nights, or Me L46 Warrior Simonius on Wednesdays) :D

Posted: 20/09/2006 - 16:05
by dan gillgrass
FunkyM wrote:Hey, Danny G! Wot Realm you play on? I'm on Dragonblight. (under the name Ravenbeard, at least on Monday nights, or Me L46 Warrior Simonius on Wednesdays) :D
Me, Tas, Retro/Wispa and er, I think Trooper all play on Aszune :D