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Karsten Obarski´s Sleepwalk (Firefox Original Remix) RELEASE

Posted: 30/06/2006 - 12:44
by Firefox
Here it is. My tribute to the great guru himself, Karsten Obarski! This is one of the songs that made me start tracking on the Amiga.

I wanted to make it like the original and to capture the essence and soul of it. Hope that you think I managed to do that.

Download it here.

Hope you like it and that it gives you some listening pleasure.


Posted: 30/06/2006 - 13:32
by Monty
My remix of the Year! :hooray:
Thanks, man!

Greetz to Karsten Obarski.

Posted: 30/06/2006 - 14:05
by gibs
At home in 60 minutes :)

Posted: 30/06/2006 - 15:23
by gibs

Posted: 30/06/2006 - 15:49
by Firefox
Thank you very much! I'll even work harder on the next remix then *S*


Posted: 30/06/2006 - 18:39
by Matrix

I first heard this on a Borris Vallejo art disc from 17bit software :lol:

Awesome to hear it again !

Posted: 01/07/2006 - 10:45
by gibs
Firefox, is it possible to put your little bounce of the enigma on the ftp ?

Posted: 02/07/2006 - 10:22
by Analog-X64
Nice remixes.

Hmmmm why does the name Karsten Obarski sound so familiar. Hmm....

here is an interview. ... =interview

Posted: 03/07/2006 - 8:07
by Firefox
I'll se if I could sqeeze it up tonight Gibs....


Posted: 04/07/2006 - 15:39
by Makke
Excellent stuff, Firefox!

I only have one complaint; the arp-stuff were a bit too sharp for my ears when blasted least on my speakers, which in all fairness are pretty old JVC-speakers, so they might not be the best. Still, I don't hear that on other stuff.

Posted: 04/07/2006 - 20:30
by Firefox
Well I think you are right Makke. I spoke to Pex and he also made the same observation. I haven't bought myself any studiospeakers yet. I have mixed the song on a Logitech z-680 or whatever they're called 8) .

I have some contact with Gibs and he is going to put som slow rythmic acoustic guitars on it. So i guess it wasn't 100% ready but when is a song 100% ?? :shock: .... I thought to lower the arpeggios and just use them in the chorus part. That is my Ideah anyway....

Always nice with constructive criticism, and it is much appritiated.

Will post a new version when it's done :rock: ...

Posted: 05/07/2006 - 3:28
by Analog-X64
hehehe.. This thread has inspired an Amiga Remix. :)

So now I got 2 C64 Remixes and 1 Amiga Remix on the if only I had more time. I put in 84 hours at work in the past 7 days. PHEW!!!

Posted: 05/07/2006 - 6:12
by Firefox
That's great news Analog-x :w00t: . The Amiga community needs remixes and good ones aswell. There aren't many good remixes in the Amiga community. Not that I think my Karsten Obarski remix is one of the best but I do try rather hard :D .

So wich ones are in work then Analog?


Posted: 05/07/2006 - 10:00
by beyond
Firefox, you spend too much time in this forum... You could be working on Enigma!!! ;)

(it's one of my all time favorites, so... gimme gimme gimme!)

Posted: 05/07/2006 - 10:22
by Firefox
Hehe, I'm workin' on my stats aswell 8) ....

Gaaaaaahhhhh!!!! :duh: ... So much to do so little time!!!!!