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2006 Gothenburg Gathering picture galleries

Posted: 06/08/2006 - 13:45
by fnordpojk
Post your gallery here!

Mine's here.

Mooie's is here.

Ph0B1uS's is here.

Posted: 06/08/2006 - 17:11
by trace
Good pictures, not so fun to tilt your head to see them though ;)

I had a camera with me but i couldn't be arsed to take any pictures :shock: :bash:

Anyway, I had a great time meeting you all, diddn't catch all of your names though ;) This comunity is only getting better and better :)

Posted: 07/08/2006 - 5:57
by Analog-X64
That is just too Hilarious!!!

Posted: 07/08/2006 - 8:40
by Enno

Thanks for a really cool weekend, everyone (there, finally, my first post on these forums ever). It was fun meeting you all. I wish I had some pictures of my own to share, but my camera got "lost" on the way to Gothenburg, so no dice.

It would be great to have names/comments on those pictures - any chances of that? Even though I was there, I still can't remember who half of these people are.

Posted: 07/08/2006 - 12:07
by Ziphoid
I'll try to sit down and do a similar imagemap with the group picture as I did from the Stockholm gathering, but that'll take a while, so if anyone of you other guys want to give it a go, feel free... ;)

...and btw, I had a GREAT time and it was so fun to meet you guys... ...and Tron and Misser; I SO do miss you guys already. REALLY looking forward to October when I get to meet you again.

@Tron: Only 13 more days left now, mate... Get shoppin' already! ;)

Posted: 07/08/2006 - 13:48
by Larsec
Ziphoid wrote:@Tron: Only 13 more days left now, mate... Get shoppin' already! ;)
@Tron: I was a witness... We'll hold you to it...

Posted: 07/08/2006 - 14:13
by FFRenzy
hmmmm, more bugger-a-Tron people ! Well, the more the merrier :D

( too bad that Tron doesn't really read this board, AFAIK )

Posted: 07/08/2006 - 14:14
by Ziphoid
@FFrenzy: We'll make him. ;)

Posted: 07/08/2006 - 14:23
by Waz
Hang on one sec!

Was that a Theatre of Magic pinball machine I saw in one of the Phobus pictures? Darn, you lucky so and sos..

I just wondered if any of you heard the woman on the machine say the illustrious words "You must concentrate" and then promptly yell in agony as the ball goes right down the middle between the flippers?

Brings back memories for me and Dan G that does...

Posted: 07/08/2006 - 14:28
by FFRenzy
Waz wrote:Hang on one sec!

Was that a Theatre of Magic pinball machine I saw in one of the Phobus pictures? Darn, you lucky so and sos..

I just wondered if any of you heard the woman on the machine say the illustrious words "You must concentrate" and then promptly yell in agony as the ball goes right down the middle between the flippers?

Brings back memories for me and Dan G that does...
[offtopic]Try looking into Visual Pinball and PinMAME. I've got "Theatre of Magic" on my PC that way :wink:

Posted: 07/08/2006 - 15:21
by Makke
Ziphoid wrote:...and btw, I had a GREAT time and it was so fun to meet you guys...
Oh yes, I had feckin' awesome time! I just wish I had more time to speak to everyone who were there. There were some I barely spoke a word to. I also wish I'd brought my reporter kit, now that we never made it online to make a live show from Kville. :(

Some of the most memorable highlights for me were when some "happy fans" were yelling "OH MY GOD! I TOUCHED HIM!!!", and Sara (my girlfriend) shouts "OH MY GOD! I FUCKED HIM!!!", the 64 Bacardi on the rocks of course, and signing one of my albums "To eBay".

I hope everyone else had a great time, and I hope I'll see you all again. :D

I would also like to say a public THANK YOU to fnord and Ã…sa for housing Sara and me over the weekend.

Posted: 07/08/2006 - 15:24
by Romeo Knight
I wished I could have been there.
With so much Bacardi and fucking around! :)

Posted: 07/08/2006 - 15:51
by Slaygon
Just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to everybody who turned up and made the weekend such a good time! Thought it would be hard to top last years Gathering, but apparently it was doable! =)

I had a really good time. Only regret is that we never got the internet thingy online at Kville Biljard (their modem burned up or something just as we were getting ready to start airing). Bleh. Sucks and all that, but that's life I guess. You can't have everything!

Anyway, hope you all were having a great time!