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What have I done?

Posted: 07/08/2006 - 10:08
by k_rostoen
Sorry to bother you with this, but I really think I messed up things.

On Saturday I got... married. I'm finished, over with, sold.

But I got to look at this with positive eyes. She's damn beautiful, funny, intelligent and all that rubbish, but far more important: I've heard nothing attracts other women more than a ring on your finger, so I think this will be allright afterall.

Just kidding, I just wanted to congratulate myseslf ;)

Posted: 07/08/2006 - 10:20
by FFRenzy
congratulations !!

BTW, you do know that scientists have finally discovered the substance that is responsible for women wanting to have LESS sex, do you ? it's called "weddingcake" :wink:

Posted: 07/08/2006 - 11:28
by trace
Congratz mate and welcome to the wierd and wonderful world of marrige :shock: :lol:

Posted: 07/08/2006 - 11:39
by k_rostoen
Thanks, guys :)

FFRenzy: I also believe there is a secret message behind the wedding night. Something like: Enjoy it while you can, this is your last time ever.

Posted: 07/08/2006 - 12:28
by Tonka
k_rostoen wrote:Thanks, guys :)

FFRenzy: I also believe there is a secret message behind the wedding night. Something like: Enjoy it while you can, this is your last time ever.
Till they want kids - then you're TRULY fucked (for the last time) ;)

Congratulations, anyhow :)

Re: What have I done?

Posted: 07/08/2006 - 12:52
by Romeo Knight
k_rostoen wrote:...She's damn beautiful, funny, intelli...
Send Pix!

Posted: 07/08/2006 - 13:16
by k_rostoen
Tonka wrote:Till they want kids - then you're TRULY fucked (for the last time) ;)

Congratulations, anyhow :)
Thanks :)

We already have a son, but she wants a girl too so I try to tell her we need to practice. Practice a lot. Because if we don't practice she might just end up with another boy, and we don't want that, do we? ;)

Re: What have I done?

Posted: 07/08/2006 - 13:30
by k_rostoen
Romeo Knight wrote:Send Pix!
Would you believe me if I told you it was

No? Shit. In that case you'll just have to wait. We'll get the photos from the photograper in about 3 weeks time. I'll see if there is one decent enough to be uploaded here ;)

Posted: 07/08/2006 - 14:10
by the_JinX

I've been married for 3 years now (well next week actually)..
And have to say I don't regret a day of it :)

Happily married.. it does exist :lol:

Posted: 07/08/2006 - 14:20
by 2more
Gratz, k_rostoen.
And no, I'm not married. Would be much too early for that - plus, I don't have the intention to marry someone in the future.

Posted: 07/08/2006 - 20:28
by Analog-X64
Welcome to the institution called Marriage and now you belong to the club of married men. :) yes I'm married.

Congratulations on your marriage.

"Love is but a wonderfull dream"
"Marriage is the Alarm Clock"


Posted: 08/08/2006 - 7:11
by LMan
Congratulations! :cheers:

Posted: 08/08/2006 - 7:19
by ifadeo
congrats and welcome to the club.... :wink:

i`m married since 6 years and i'm still happy with my wife...!!

cheers ifadeo

Posted: 08/08/2006 - 7:39
by Romeo Knight
Well, then the 7th year is just ahead.... :wink:
I'm not married for almost 9 years and still happy with my!
And my girlfriend of course! :wink:

Posted: 08/08/2006 - 10:50
by Phantom66uk
Congratulations! :)

A couple of my friends are getting married in September & I'll be the only one left in the group still 'free to roam' :P

I'm not frightened of getting married, and if you've met the right partner then I see no reason not to tie the knot at some point. The sex doesn't have to stop because you're married, you've just got to get more 'interesting' in the way you go about it :wink: