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Posted: 19/09/2006 - 13:58
by Lexx
And what will happen if no one votes it :?: Will the mess from summer continue again or can we expect a matured Manuel this time :?:

As i told u through the email conversations last times, when u discussed with Skyscraper & fired him u remember, ...i respect everyone & a second or also a third chance may or could happen but must not. Ur major problem is ur labile mental capacity. Example when people don't pay u enough attention to ur effort with ur radio or tracks...u start to take it personal, that they ignore it by purpose, that they neither don't care & respect ur work it appears for u as it would like the end of the world & therefore ur blackouts.

That will allows happen aslong as ur thinking is wrong. U take urself a little bit "too important". All the famous & beloved people here went a different way like u. They didn't have expected anything from the remix64 community as to be treaten as a human being with that has heart & a soul. And u can't claim that the Remix64 community didn't tried to help & accepting u. Even if u are crazy guy with a tragic long as u are friendly, helpful, understanding & above all courteous & decent person u automaticaly will get more attention as u ever expected or dreamt of.

But if u seek only for fame, if use all retro-forums just for promoting ur ass...pls continue but don't expect love & much attention.
Example: How would u think about me, if i wouldn't chatting with u & ur people on (name removed)-forum....just to visting ur board to promote my music or radio programm....i guess u would assume that i'm not interested in u, in ur community at all in term of "being together". Also u might suppose that i plan to stealing ur people to my board, to my music, to my station. I could also flame on ur board by calling my radio, my music, my board as the best or even better thing. Silly sheeps will jump over to me but the intelligent part will stay at ur boards because they like u. So ur people would like to say the same thing as i trying to explain now to u...that i should leave when i'm not realy interested in the (name removed) community. And even when i would apppologize right after....ur people couldn't forget the flamewar easily. They propably would trying to respect me for sake of fairness & peace...but they wouldn't pay much attention to my promotion material for my radio, my music the same as urs. Logic to u too :?:

What i have written to u on the PSB remix thread was only my personal opinion...that "i" and might just only me who thinks, that the pet shop boys don't need to get they also remix themselves too. And according to the Full Contact thread....pls....don't misconceive the sense behind my post when i simply giving u constructiv reviews. It seems as u can't separate a constructiv opinion/critic from a absolute disctruction. I ask u...why else are u here, why do u keep posting ur it because u like to hear opinions or helpful advises or is it just for the sake of promotion :?:

Do u realy think that even a professionel DJ/Musican doesn't need recieving detailed reviews about his/her work :?: So the next question is just as common as the basic reason of a forum, u expect feedback :?: Of course...yes u do because ur latest blackout in summer happend as u thought that people didn't noticed ur show promotions on the certain threads. So therefore u exploded. Now u expect feedback, yes or no :?:

When the question will be answered with yes then accept any kind of opinion which means such...suggestions, ideas, advices etc... the opinions may happen in a very positiv, a normal or a negativ form as it is impossible to satisfy everyone's taste. So if u won't all that, the helping resources...then u fail to understand the bascis of a forum. And u also would disregard the helping hands by the community. Again...u may try to hype urself as the best DJ with an important radio station.....pls do if u need this but then don't expect any applaus, much attention or feedback because u don't want it.

As far as i understood ur lines...u don't care what people are wanting from u. Nor for ur employees nor for other communties because u take ur own nose too important. And that's the reason why ur inner world can't harmonize with the outside. Therefore...first at all learn to love urself then expand ur love to others. I say this not because i'm a bhuddist only ...i report this to u because i figured that u seem to be in disharmony. So for balance....adjust ur thoughts into positiv....don't think so negativ when something didn't come true in the way how u dreamt of & respect others interests & thoughts too. Because the others interets should be urs too as we all are the same however we are looking different, speaking a different in a different fatasie world, suffering different problems etc...

But u my friend...u are a isolated person & that's a thing u heard from ur doctor too. So i want to close my roman with the following sentence:

People who often use i, my, me get hard attack.

I'm not ur enemy & no one here is. But we are all irritated as we don't know what u are expecting from us.

Posted: 19/09/2006 - 14:06
by xo
Oh please. Can we just drop all the gibberish and move on.

Posted: 19/09/2006 - 14:33
by Lexx
exoskeleton wrote:Oh please. Can we just drop all the gibberish and move on.
Hope for DJ Parlax understanding. From my side it was the last trying to sort out the things, to explain him his deficiency & why the next trouble could happen. And when he again gets a blackout, seeks for revenge thanks to his wrong thinking then i will giveup & understand him as insolvable who won't to learn ever from his misstakes.

Posted: 19/09/2006 - 15:26
by Chris Abbott
Personal criticism and/or lifestyle advice should be left for PMs.


Posted: 19/09/2006 - 15:32
by Vosla
Chris Abbott wrote:Personal criticism and/or lifestyle advice should be left for PMs.

:Thumbs up:

@Parallax: Had a listen. First impressions:
Solid stuff, loses drive in the later half.
Easy listening stuff like elevator music; good for background music, not good for concentrated listening with headphones.
Later half very close to amiga sound (though I can't remind the original tunes).
I know, it's personal taste but overall it's not annoying but sooo short of being boring, though there are some funny bits like the lemmings sound "Let's go!" for example.

Posted: 29/09/2006 - 13:58
by onlineamiga
I really liked this it gave me that "Amiga Feeling" 10/10 :)
Been a bit down this week due to some tradgic news, so this has been nice :)

Posted: 02/10/2006 - 8:49
by gibs
Lexx wrote:And what will happen if no one votes it :?: Will the mess from summer continue again or can we expect a matured Manuel this time :?:

As i told u through the email conversations last times, when u discussed with Skyscraper & fired him u remember, ...i respect everyone & a second or also a third chance may or could happen but must not. Ur major problem is ur labile mental capacity. Example when people don't pay u enough attention to ur effort with ur radio or tracks...u start to take it personal, that they ignore it by purpose, that they neither don't care & respect ur work it appears for u as it would like the end of the world & therefore ur blackouts.

That will allows happen aslong as ur thinking is wrong. U take urself a little bit "too important". All the famous & beloved people here went a different way like u. They didn't have expected anything from the remix64 community as to be treaten as a human being with that has heart & a soul. And u can't claim that the Remix64 community didn't tried to help & accepting u. Even if u are crazy guy with a tragic long as u are friendly, helpful, understanding & above all courteous & decent person u automaticaly will get more attention as u ever expected or dreamt of.

But if u seek only for fame, if use all retro-forums just for promoting ur ass...pls continue but don't expect love & much attention.
Example: How would u think about me, if i wouldn't chatting with u & ur people on (name removed)-forum....just to visting ur board to promote my music or radio programm....i guess u would assume that i'm not interested in u, in ur community at all in term of "being together". Also u might suppose that i plan to stealing ur people to my board, to my music, to my station. I could also flame on ur board by calling my radio, my music, my board as the best or even better thing. Silly sheeps will jump over to me but the intelligent part will stay at ur boards because they like u. So ur people would like to say the same thing as i trying to explain now to u...that i should leave when i'm not realy interested in the (name removed) community. And even when i would apppologize right after....ur people couldn't forget the flamewar easily. They propably would trying to respect me for sake of fairness & peace...but they wouldn't pay much attention to my promotion material for my radio, my music the same as urs. Logic to u too :?:

What i have written to u on the PSB remix thread was only my personal opinion...that "i" and might just only me who thinks, that the pet shop boys don't need to get they also remix themselves too. And according to the Full Contact thread....pls....don't misconceive the sense behind my post when i simply giving u constructiv reviews. It seems as u can't separate a constructiv opinion/critic from a absolute disctruction. I ask u...why else are u here, why do u keep posting ur it because u like to hear opinions or helpful advises or is it just for the sake of promotion :?:

Do u realy think that even a professionel DJ/Musican doesn't need recieving detailed reviews about his/her work :?: So the next question is just as common as the basic reason of a forum, u expect feedback :?: Of course...yes u do because ur latest blackout in summer happend as u thought that people didn't noticed ur show promotions on the certain threads. So therefore u exploded. Now u expect feedback, yes or no :?:

When the question will be answered with yes then accept any kind of opinion which means such...suggestions, ideas, advices etc... the opinions may happen in a very positiv, a normal or a negativ form as it is impossible to satisfy everyone's taste. So if u won't all that, the helping resources...then u fail to understand the bascis of a forum. And u also would disregard the helping hands by the community. Again...u may try to hype urself as the best DJ with an important radio station.....pls do if u need this but then don't expect any applaus, much attention or feedback because u don't want it.

As far as i understood ur lines...u don't care what people are wanting from u. Nor for ur employees nor for other communties because u take ur own nose too important. And that's the reason why ur inner world can't harmonize with the outside. Therefore...first at all learn to love urself then expand ur love to others. I say this not because i'm a bhuddist only ...i report this to u because i figured that u seem to be in disharmony. So for balance....adjust ur thoughts into positiv....don't think so negativ when something didn't come true in the way how u dreamt of & respect others interests & thoughts too. Because the others interets should be urs too as we all are the same however we are looking different, speaking a different in a different fatasie world, suffering different problems etc...

But u my friend...u are a isolated person & that's a thing u heard from ur doctor too. So i want to close my roman with the following sentence:

People who often use i, my, me get hard attack.

I'm not ur enemy & no one here is. But we are all irritated as we don't know what u are expecting from us.

Posted: 02/10/2006 - 14:46
by onlineamiga
lol gibs couldnt agree more i couldnt be bothered to read all the crap :) I just appreciate the sound i heard when i played it :)

Posted: 03/10/2006 - 21:53
by d.a.wilson
It was really cool hearing my version of Pandemonium in your AmigaRemix Mini-Mix '06 - nicely morphed into Full Contact... superb.. Cheers :D