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C64 tunes inside real commercial tracks - post 'em here!

Posted: 19/09/2006 - 15:36
by kernel panic
There's probably a topic like this already, but I couldn't find it, sorry.
Check out this tune:
Pimp! Code - We Are The Best
or rather
Pimp! Code - We Are the Best (Rob Mayth Remix Edit).
Methinks that the artist has been playing a bit of Arkanoid. :D
You'll find either of those tunes on several trance collections and probably from several webstores. If you know others like these, post their names here.

Posted: 19/09/2006 - 15:42
by Chris Abbott
At this point I'll say that I don't have to stress about this because Taito still own the rights :)


Posted: 24/09/2006 - 1:49
by Analog-X64
That was hard to track down. Its nifty, a tad repetitive. :)

Posted: 25/09/2006 - 7:34
by Romeo Knight
OMG, what kind of junk music is this. :roll:

Posted: 25/09/2006 - 8:06
by Ziphoid
Scooter used the bassline from Crazy Comets in 'Burn The House' from the album 'We Bring The Noise' released in 2001. They've also used the main melody of the track 'Freedom' from the Amiga game Turrican 2 in 'Level One' from the album 'The Stadium Techno Experience' released in 2003.

maybe a bit tenuous but...

Posted: 01/11/2006 - 20:36
by freakybun99
Hi, another month another forgotten login. Hope I remember to keep this one this time.

Anyway, I heard this the other day channel surfing:

Hall and Oats Man Eater.

If you can put up waiting hours for youtube to get you to 2:40, I challenge you to try not to think of One Man and his Droid. If you can't I bet you can't put a fruit pastel in your mouth without chewing it.

Strange coincidence? Whats Rob not telling us?

Posted: 01/11/2006 - 22:29
by the_JinX
Who.. indeed !!

Re: maybe a bit tenuous but...

Posted: 02/11/2006 - 17:59
by Makke
freakybun99 wrote:Hall and Oats Man Eater.
The singer looks like Dennis Leary. ;)

Re: maybe a bit tenuous but...

Posted: 02/11/2006 - 18:08
by Chris Abbott
freakybun99 wrote:Hi, another month another forgotten login. Hope I remember to keep this one this time.

Anyway, I heard this the other day channel surfing:

Hall and Oats Man Eater.

If you can put up waiting hours for youtube to get you to 2:40, I challenge you to try not to think of One Man and his Droid. If you can't I bet you can't put a fruit pastel in your mouth without chewing it.

Strange coincidence? Whats Rob not telling us?
Since OMAD is a 100% almost-yet-original crib of Magnetic Fields 1, I don't think it has any percentage left to be derivative of anything else :)


Posted: 11/07/2007 - 8:06
by Floaf
Hmmm. Anyone heard Dj Activator - Crap Out?
It IS a crappy tune imho (besides the druid 2-part ofcourse :-))

Posted: 11/07/2007 - 9:28
by o2
I dont think Apoptygma berzerk used any c64 song inside their own songs. But i know they have done a remix of their song Kathys song sounding like a c64 (tho the 5 first secs sounds like the sound from Knuckelbusters, but its probably not). I think theyve done a few other songs c64 sounding, not sure tho.


Posted: 11/07/2007 - 12:09
by LMan
Björk / Earth Intruders

Produced by Timbaland AFAIK, dunno if the SID sound is a rip or some generic stuff.

Posted: 12/07/2007 - 0:33
by Analog-X64
Here is an instrumental of Bjorks song... you can hear the instrumentation better.

Posted: 12/07/2007 - 1:03
by Razmo
Since OMAD is a 100% almost-yet-original crib of Magnetic Fields 1, I don't think it has any percentage left to be derivative of anything else
I have to disagree with this... now I can hear that it has some resemblance, but OMAHD is much more energetic, has much better melody lines than Jarre's track if you ask me... OMAHD is my alltime favourite of Hubbard, and funnily enough I've not even recognised the faint resemblance to Jarre's track until now... so to call it a 100% almost rip is in my eyes a bit exagerated.... but again, that's my opinion :)