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Retrovision 2007 - May 11th-13th 2007 Oxford Pub Gig

Posted: 27/10/2006 - 18:33
by RetroMarkie

The official date for RV2007 has now been set. This being May 11th to 13th 2007 in Oxford at the Port Mahon on St.Clements.

Although it is still early days I am already working towards the gig ... much to prepare!

This gig is not open to the general public ... it is an extention of the Llamasoft Jolly.

If you will allow me I would like to keep this thread updated as news comes about and looking forward to a rather fab session next year.


ps: I already have several copies of Blitz Basic to give away ;-) How good am I! /runs for door ....

Posted: 30/11/2006 - 22:51
by RetroMarkie is now LIVE and the shop is open.

thank you

Markie! :-)

Posted: 01/12/2006 - 13:07
by Bog
Get your SIDs out for the lads!


Posted: 01/12/2006 - 17:49
by dan gillgrass
Cant make it due to costs, in London in Jan, March and then June grmbl

Posted: 01/12/2006 - 18:32
by Matrix
dan gillgrass wrote:Cant make it due to costs, in London in Jan, March and then June grmbl
There's a travel fund to help with that, dunno if it extends to non-llamasofties though.

Posted: 21/12/2006 - 16:51
by StormKeeper
What would one have to do to become a member? i'm thinking that I'd constitute "general public", but I'd be curious to see what goes on at an event like this...

Posted: 22/12/2006 - 10:19
by merman
StormKeeper wrote:What would one have to do to become a member? i'm thinking that I'd constitute "general public", but I'd be curious to see what goes on at an event like this...
Multiplayer games on projectors.
Rude Pictochat sessions.
Raffles with Blitz Basic as one of the prizes.
Pink Faerie armed with a marker pen.

There's very little on Earth that can recreate the camaraderie, the jollity and the SMELL of so many geeks/nerds/gamers in such a small area ;)

So if you'd like to spend the weekend in a pub with lots of people of varying degrees of madness, join in...

Posted: 22/12/2006 - 10:52
by Steve B
you mention the drinking and gaming and drinking and hugging and drinking and raffles and drinking and multiplaying and drinking ... but you forgot the chatting to other retro freaks about everything 80's (and Futurama .. Hi Bog)

Posted: 22/12/2006 - 12:07
by RetroMarkie
StormKeeper wrote:What would one have to do to become a member? i'm thinking that I'd constitute "general public", but I'd be curious to see what goes on at an event like this...
As a member of this forum you can come along ... when ordering tickets you will see a drop menu, just select this forum and in you go!


Simple ...

Posted: 22/12/2006 - 20:13
by StormKeeper
merman wrote:
StormKeeper wrote:What would one have to do to become a member? i'm thinking that I'd constitute "general public", but I'd be curious to see what goes on at an event like this...
Multiplayer games on projectors.
Rude Pictochat sessions.
Raffles with Blitz Basic as one of the prizes.
Pink Faerie armed with a marker pen.

There's very little on Earth that can recreate the camaraderie, the jollity and the SMELL of so many geeks/nerds/gamers in such a small area ;)

So if you'd like to spend the weekend in a pub with lots of people of varying degrees of madness, join in...
Sounds like fun! :D I'm mad myself, so I bet I'd fit right in!

RetroMarkie wrote:
StormKeeper wrote:What would one have to do to become a member? i'm thinking that I'd constitute "general public", but I'd be curious to see what goes on at an event like this...
As a member of this forum you can come along ... when ordering tickets you will see a drop menu, just select this forum and in you go!


Simple ...
That's cool, thanks mate :)

I'll definately be thinking about going along to this, given I'm fairly close by and all!

Posted: 23/12/2006 - 5:00
by Matrix
You forgot camera's.. theres LOADS of cameras..... 8)

Posted: 03/01/2007 - 14:47
by Bog
Matrix wrote:You forgot camera's.. theres LOADS of cameras..... 8)
And the huge stack of DSes on a table... if one goes flat while you're playing, put it on the "Dead" pile and grab one from the "charged" pile...

(Amazingly, yes, everyone did get the right DS back intact, if drained)

Posted: 01/03/2007 - 16:30
by RetroMarkie
We will soon have to put a limit on tickets for RV this year ... so if you are coming along now is the time to let us know :-)

It's shaping up to be another rather cool game / drinkies / prizes / fun thing as usual with myself in Green and Kenz in sparkly Space Invaders jumper! YAY ... :-)

Posted: 01/04/2007 - 9:56
by renegade_si
hmmmm, since I wont be going to bit 2007 maybe ill come to this....oxfords not THAT far away....

Posted: 01/04/2007 - 18:45
by RetroMarkie
renegade_si wrote:hmmmm, since I wont be going to bit 2007 maybe ill come to this....oxfords not THAT far away....
Rock on in fella ... the beer is flowing!