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Smashing a PS3 :)

Posted: 18/11/2006 - 17:40
by Analog-X64
Brought to you by the same people who smashed an XBOX360 on release day.

Posted: 18/11/2006 - 20:53
by Waz
They need more training to be real pros like in Office Space with smashing up equipment lol....

Posted: 20/11/2006 - 1:27
by Matrix
That HAS to be the STUPIDEST thing I have EVER... SEEN !!

*The 360 one I actually agreed with ;)

Posted: 20/11/2006 - 2:59
by Analog-X64
Here is the WII Being smashed.

Crazy Canucks!! (Slang for Canadians) :)

Our local news actually interviewed these guys after smashing the PS3.

Posted: 24/11/2006 - 14:47
by Moad'Dib
Matrix wrote:That HAS to be the STUPIDEST thing I have EVER... SEEN !!

*The 360 one I actually agreed with ;)
You're wrong!!! 360 rulezz! I've got one and it's a great console. Have you ever try one???
Btw: I will buy a Ps3 too...

Office Space Rulz!!!!

Posted: 25/11/2006 - 4:59
by Steve B
want a PS3
want a WII
EksBocks can go suck me
dont like Micro$oft @ all
i bought a £1500 PC in 97 with Windoze 95 build 2 (fat 32)
a year later i had to spend another £100 or so on Windoze 98 to correct some of the crap that 95 had created.
next thing i know 98 sucks too
(too late to do anything about it..)
but hold on ... Windozybugger 2000 fixes all that crap !!
woo hoo! £120 later .... no it doesnt :evil:
aaaah but windies eks pee will
ok micro$oft here is my £ 240 make eks pee pro solve all my problems (that YOU created!)

oh, hold on. you say i need Service pack 1 ?
why ?
oh. to fix the bugs...
what do you mean 'dont connect to the internet without service pack 2'
your pc can be attacked within six seconds without it you say. gosh.

ah but visa .. sorry, visTa can make the bad things go away.
at what cost ?

and you want me to buy a console with an MS OS ????
are you MAD ?

Posted: 25/11/2006 - 20:44
by Moad'Dib
Steve B wrote:want a PS3
and you want me to buy a console with an MS OS ????
are you MAD ?

Well... Am I mad??? Maybe it's could be!
But why I read so much hate, fustration and almost insanity from your comment? Such a kind of oppinions can't really convince me. :lol:

Henceforward I have to say that x360 is a great console!!! I will tell my experiences about PS3 when I'll get one.
Till then just belive me: x360 is gooood... 8)

P.S: I have no any problems with Xp too.... :lol: :wink:

Posted: 21/12/2006 - 17:05
by StormKeeper
I'm kinda glad that down the line, I'll be able to get a free copy of Vista through my university, but I'm waiting about a year from release, so all the bugs are fixed before trying it. Thinking of installing XP 64 bit at some point, mind.

Posted: 21/12/2006 - 17:08
by Steve B
StormKeeper wrote:Thinking of installing XP 64 bit at some point, mind.
do it as a second OS .. not as the main OS.

I had it for a while, but got rid of it due to very poor driver support.