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New here ^^

Posted: 23/11/2006 - 0:30
by Rizelmine
Hello... I am new here on the Commodore Remix forums... I registered here cause I have downloaded soo many remixes of good old C64 songs and would now like to see if I can be able to contribute to the scene aswell.

I have'nt been working with computerbased recording since I made songs in protracker on my Amiga many years ago... I have heard alot of good things about Reason but something inside me made me get Cubase SX instead.
Soo that is what I will be using.

Now enough of that... I have started to make my own remix of the highscore song from "Monty on the run"... I would like some oppinions on this one for what could be improved etc.
I am also not sure what I should use for a better, more fitting sound for the bass... any VST plugins you would recomend?

thanks ^^

EDIT: OOOPS!!! forgot to post the link for my tune... here it comes :oops:

Posted: 23/11/2006 - 8:26
by ifadeo
welcome to the c64 remix world!!

cheers ifadeo

Posted: 23/11/2006 - 10:57
by Romeo Knight
Welcome here!

Well, now the chewing out :) :

I won't recommend any software or equipment - first of all it's all about your creativity and skills, so neither special stuff won't help you at this early state.
1. Try to get more changes and dynamical movement into your remix, means: different instruments for different parts, adding instruments not being in the SID, modulate instruments in sound and intensity, make changes to the arrangement throughout the song. The target is to let the music sound exciting, not boring. This is essential for music making in general IMO.
2. Improve the mixing. Where is the bassdrum? Is the bass supposed to only be heard on 30" speakers? Why has the snare cathedral-like reverb?
Everything sounds like the (virtual) musicians overdosed their tranquilizers (sorry for that). Do you do your mixing on headphones?
3. Listen more carefully to the original and at best try to catch the spirit of the SID. The technical side: The chord changes at 1:47 - 2:08 are wrong, some melody notes either. DO changes to the SID because you WANT to, not because you can't do better.
4. Consistently compare your result to your personal reference mix of similar style and tweak your mix. After that, tweak again.

I think that's it for the moment. Sorry for some harsh words, I'm just trying to be helpful. :) Don't give up, take the challenge!

Posted: 23/11/2006 - 12:50
by Tonka
Hi Rizel - welcome to the forum.

Basically, the original MOTR music is very boring and repetitive :shock: (wwwaaaaaiiiiittt for it)!!!!


It remains sonically interesting simply because of the sounds used. Rob was a master of the SID chip, and this is where the ear fodder lies for this particular SID tune, IMO.

The problem with your remix at this stage can be blamed pretty squarely on the sounds you have used. I agree with Romeo that the production, mixing and even arrangement is also not up to scratch, but at this stage it is just a demo, so lets get the basics right first :)

As far a synth sounds go, you can't get much better (or cheaper - i.e. FREE) than 'Synth1) ... The sounds shipped with it are rubbish, so download some more banks, or even make your own 8)

Your drums are also pretty dire. Go here for a list of free drumsynths and samples:

If you have some cash to spare, you may want to look at buying a workstation vsti. The best budget workstation synth has got to be Purity @ $199.00 USD:

It has a knack of sounding very crisp with very little effort, and has a very good drumset. Ignore the demo MP3, it can sound a LOT better than that ;)

Finally, you may want to look at continuing to use a tracker, rather than jumping into Cubase. Renoise should be familiar territory for you, and it's (kinda) free.

Don't give up & may the force be with you :lol:

Posted: 23/11/2006 - 14:06
by Rizelmine
Thanks for your oppinions... I am basically posting this thread to get some feedback, I am used to harsh words soo I dont mind as long as I get a chance to hear what other people think... good or bad :wink:

Now... Romeo you asked if I where mixing this on headphones, and yes right now I dont have any other options but to do that... I am planning on buying a pair of active monitors but I guess I have to wait until after christmas :cry:
On the other hand I did'nt know what to use for either drums or bass soo I toned the sound of the bass down pretty much because I hated the sound of it.
The drums is EZDrummer with drumkit from hell.. I did put some weird reverb over it because I wanted the drums to sound more soft.
I have a feeling though that drumkit from hell is'nt really a good choice for this one.

As for Synth1... is there any place you could recomend for downloading banks?

Either way I will play around with those links and see what I can find any use for.

There is a reason for me to choose Cubase over anything else, and that is because I mainly play guitar and have many songs that I would like to record.
I am not sure what you can do with Renoise as I have only heard about it and thought it was a commercial product, but now that you told me it is freeware there is no reason for me not to try it out :)

Cheers! ^^

Posted: 23/11/2006 - 15:43
by Vosla
Welcome to the board! :D

Apart from this message, I'm not of any use but feel yourself quite at home, Rizelmine...

Posted: 24/11/2006 - 10:32
by Tonka
Rizelmine wrote:As for Synth1... is there any place you could recomend for downloading banks
Try a KVR search (you may need to register) - ... ynth1.html

There are probably more - just Google :)


Posted: 05/12/2006 - 16:33
by Wavedancer
Hi there,

I want to remix some tunes, too. But make it sense as composer to try to remix a tune? And would I get with the right samples good quality in ModPlug Tracker?

Posted: 05/12/2006 - 17:58
by Tonka
Wavedancer wrote:But make it sense as composer to try to remix a tune?
Makes perfect sense to me :)
Wavedancer wrote:And would I get with the right samples good quality in ModPlug Tracker?
It's my firm belief that a musically interesting remix will transcend any mixing or production shortcomings, and it has been proven here many, many times. ModPlug's audio output should be fine :D

Posted: 05/12/2006 - 18:58
by Wavedancer
Well then. I have to finish a promised song for my girlfriend, then I begin with a tune. I think Enduro Racer should be good for the beginning. Short, easy, perhaps boring, but cool 8) And it isn't so much remixed tune like Lightforce :wink: