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Possibly out of a Job Today.

Posted: 28/11/2006 - 2:21
by Analog-X64
Well by the time you guys in the U.K. read this I maybe out of a job.

I was protected from the past couple of layoff session because I was working on the Chrysler project in the U.S. now that I'm back I dont have any protection.

And for sure tomorrow the head choppers will be in at work chopping people. My gut tells me I'm on the list.

If nothing happens than I just continue working and worry about a chop in the near future.

If it happens it could be a good thing or a bad thing.

Good thing: I can catchup on some of my housework and finish off tasks from the Honey Do List, and finally connect my new Midi Controller which has been sitting in the box since I bought it a couple of weeks ago.

Bad thing: I don't how long it would take to find a new job and what kind of strain this will have financially.

Crossing my fingers.

Posted: 28/11/2006 - 2:50
by madfiddler
wanna join my club ?? :(

Posted: 28/11/2006 - 8:24
by ifadeo
good luck, mate....!

this kind of situation also happend to me in the past
and i've managed it.....

cheers ifadeo

Posted: 28/11/2006 - 9:55
by beyond
Good luck with it!

(need I point out that that was your posting number 666? :evil: )

Posted: 28/11/2006 - 10:52
by merman
Fingers crossed for you Analog! Tough time of the year to lose a job, too.

Posted: 28/11/2006 - 10:58
by Tonka
Hang in there chappie :)

And if it's not your turn to be chopped, get looking for a new job anyway - nobody should have to live with that kind of job insecurity. Be proactive, get a new job and then FUCK 'EM! :lol:

Posted: 28/11/2006 - 15:01
by Analog-X64
My Gut is always right. I got "downsized" today.

So now I'm at home, going to take a nap let my thoughts settle and later start to think about what I'm going to do next.

In this last stretch I was there for 10 years, and another 6 before that. I left and came back in between. You get a bit comfortable when you work somewhere for that long.

Posted: 28/11/2006 - 18:11
by Vosla
@Analog-X: I hope this will be an opportunity for you. Being on the dole myself for some time now, you have my full sympathy.

Posted: 28/11/2006 - 19:50
by Bog
:( *Hug*

Posted: 28/11/2006 - 20:19
by ifadeo
shit! :(


Posted: 28/11/2006 - 21:15
by Makke
I hope you'll be able to enjoy your "time off", and that you find a job you're happy with as soon as you need/want to. :|

Posted: 28/11/2006 - 23:15
by trace
Sorry to hear that :( all the best to you mate!

Posted: 29/11/2006 - 22:27
by Steve B
best of luck Analog m8.
i know what you mean about being in one place for a while.
i have been in my (only) job for 21 years now and always felt secure.
that may be changing in the next 2 or 3 years ..

i hope you get sorted soon

Posted: 30/11/2006 - 12:51
by tomsk
Sorry to hear the news buddy. Some people say being paid off after such a long period in the same job gives them the 'kick up the arse' they need to go onto better things.

Whatever, I do hope you find something pretty quick and until then try to keep your spirits up and take care. Maybe put that new USB midi keyboard through it's paces !!!!

Posted: 30/11/2006 - 14:26
by Marcel Donné
Good luck to you mate. Hope you find something a lot better soon!

I'm joining you in unemployment as today is my last day after 11 years. At least the severance pay is quite satisfactory and I can't wait for it to come into my bankaccount