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Sweet dreams...

Posted: 06/12/2006 - 8:08
by omoroca
You know, lately I have been having all these strange kind of dreams.

I saw arrangers, angry arrangers who didn't like my reviews everywhere. I was being chased through tunnels, endless tunnels, they were after me, hunting. They kept saying: "Who are you to disapprove?" What does it mean? I want to know what it means, YOU HEAR THAT? I'd like to be normal, whatever It'll cost, please make me normal... :confusion:

Posted: 06/12/2006 - 8:56
by Tonka
It's not about being normal (we all listen to computer game music from a 20+ year old computer = not normal);)

It's about being respectful and constructive. If you can't tell the difference between:

1) This remix is shit - go and die somewhere...


2) This remix needs work - here are some suggestions...

then frankly, you're fucked :D

Re: Sweet dreams...

Posted: 06/12/2006 - 8:57
by Chris Abbott
omoroca wrote:You know, lately I have been having all these strange kind of dreams.

I saw arrangers, angry arrangers who didn't like my reviews everywhere. I was being chased through tunnels, endless tunnels, they were after me, hunting. They kept saying: "Who are you to disapprove?" What does it mean? I want to know what it means, YOU HEAR THAT? I'd like to be normal, whatever It'll cost, please make me normal... :confusion:
It means your reviews say lots about you and virtually nothing about the remix. Psychologically this means that you've been too friendly with your inner child, and have projected your shortcomings onto other creative types. This, combined with an Oedipus complex and a Sudofed* complex means that your inner sense of self-worth is proportionally increased by criticising talented people, although there is no rational reason why this should be so. Your dream also shows that lots of angry arrangers have been given your home address and are even now hunting you down like a dog.

Hey, you asked :)


* It's a cold world

Posted: 06/12/2006 - 9:01
by Tonka
...and that...what Chris just said...up there...

Re: Sweet dreams...

Posted: 06/12/2006 - 9:13
by omoroca
Chris Abbott wrote:It means your reviews say lots about you and virtually nothing about the remix. Psychologically this means that you've been too friendly with your inner child, and have projected your shortcomings onto other creative types. This, combined with an Oedipus complex and a Sudofed* complex means that your inner sense of self-worth is proportionally increased by criticising talented people, although there is no rational reason why this should be so. Your dream also shows that lots of angry arrangers have been given your home address and are even now hunting you down like a dog.

Hey, you asked :)


* It's a cold world
Wow! Arranger, Zen master and professional psychiatrist! You're really suprisingly many-sided!

Thanks for the analyses, I'm already feeling much better! :duh:

Posted: 06/12/2006 - 9:34
by C64GLeN
Another thread about you? Awesome, Please post some more.

Posted: 06/12/2006 - 10:30
by Condor
[quote=Tonka]It's about being respectful and constructive[/quote]

I agree :) By the way, ommoroca, you should vote also for the good and average tracks. & most of these people make music for at least a decade, choose your comment wisely, listen to music.
If track is inspiration from Enigma, id does not mean it is a cheap Enigma-like remake.
If you think remixing a SID with good result is easy, try it.

Posted: 06/12/2006 - 10:56
by Analog-X64
"Man who scratch ass should not bite fingernails."

Ooopps sorry wrong thread.

Posted: 06/12/2006 - 11:17
by Tonka
Analog-X wrote:"Man who scratch ass should not bite fingernails."

Ooopps sorry wrong thread.

Posted: 06/12/2006 - 16:23
by omoroca
Condor wrote:I agree :) By the way, ommoroca, you should vote also for the good and average tracks.
Hey! Have a look at my member page!

More than 50% of my votings are positive and most of the time very enthusiastic. Just as enthusiastic as I myself have been about the whole C64 remixing thing for quite some years now! And if you then click "My Reviews", you'll find 8 positive feedbacks from me vs. only 1 single negative one. And I didn't alter, add or delete anything due to "public pressure".

Thus, like agent Smith said in The Matrix: "I'm not so bad, once you get to know me!" :twisted:

Posted: 06/12/2006 - 18:45
by C64GLeN
Hey everyone look at me, I'm on the internet

Posted: 06/12/2006 - 18:49
by Wavedancer
Cool, bake a cake :P

Posted: 06/12/2006 - 18:53
by Analog-X64
C64GLeN wrote:Hey everyone look at me, I'm on the internet
But the real question is.....

Are you watching Porn on the Internet??

Posted: 06/12/2006 - 18:56
by Chris Abbott
Analog-X wrote:
C64GLeN wrote:Hey everyone look at me, I'm on the internet
But the real question is.....

Are you watching Porn on the Internet??
He's on ur Internet...
Watching ur pornzz!

Posted: 06/12/2006 - 23:40
by Dumper
Chris Abbott wrote:
Analog-X wrote:
C64GLeN wrote:Hey everyone look at me, I'm on the internet
But the real question is.....

Are you watching Porn on the Internet??
He's on ur Internet...
Watching ur pornzz!
There's porn on the Internet? Where? :lol: