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Being Hated

Posted: 14/12/2006 - 12:00
by Dafunk
here's some unzy tune. actually it's a remix of a .v2m tune by some guy (don't know his name nor the tune title :\)...
made during a rainy and cold week, hope you enjoy it at least a bit...

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Posted: 14/12/2006 - 12:23
by the_JinX
Nice and unzy..
Great interlude..
I for one enjoyed it..

Posted: 14/12/2006 - 12:30
by Wavedancer
I like it, but the melody could be a bit louder :)

Posted: 14/12/2006 - 12:47
by Analog-X64
Great stuff thanks for sharing.

Posted: 02/01/2007 - 12:59
by Condor
Let's see

Great intro. But... I do not like 1:37 transition to lead.
Melody is cool, but nothing special, but this is a remix, rigth? :)

And where do you find that kick??? :) It rulezz!

Posted: 11/01/2007 - 13:03
by Dafunk
yah, the track is just an experimental rmx. 'bout that kick, well, it's a standard club kick but eq-ed to hell, boosting the attack...

Re: Being Hated

Posted: 29/08/2007 - 19:09
by wayfinder

the original of this track was made by me under my Tidex alias (and frankly, I have no idea how you could have the song and not know who made it). The artist/title of the song is Tidex - Short Stuff, it was released at Breakpoint 2006 (32k newschool executable music competition). As far as I know, I never released the .v2m, mind telling me how you got it? ;)

Here's the original (14kb executable and mp3): ... mall_stuff

btw. you got the key in the first part wrong (and the bassline), but the breakdown is very nice. Pretty good stuff.

PS: can you please adjust the file name and ID3 accordingly? Thanks.

Re: Being Hated

Posted: 02/02/2008 - 14:35
by Dafunk
Wow, i didn't check this thread for quite a while... but better late than never.
wayfinder wrote:Hi,

the original of this track was made by me under my Tidex alias (and frankly, I have no idea how you could have the song and not know who made it). The artist/title of the song is Tidex - Short Stuff, it was released at Breakpoint 2006 (32k newschool executable music competition). As far as I know, I never released the .v2m, mind telling me how you got it? ;)
I got (what i think was) a prerelease .exe version back then from quickyman (how he got it, i don't know), but it didn't have any info, it just said something that it's a v2m tune... for a while i didn't bother with it, but later when i listened to it again i was really feeling the track and decided to make a remix, unfortunately i lost contact with quicky, and didn't ask for more info... :\ (my bad)
wayfinder wrote: Here's the original (14kb executable and mp3): ... mall_stuff

btw. you got the key in the first part wrong (and the bassline), but the breakdown is very nice. Pretty good stuff.
Yeah, it felt a bit disrupted after some time... :P
wayfinder wrote: PS: can you please adjust the file name and ID3 accordingly? Thanks.
The track is not available for download anymore, but for Slay airing I'll immediately ask for name and credit correction. Sorry for the mess. :oops:

The original is amazing! Hope I can hear more of that stuff, and sorry again...

Best Regards!

Re: Being Hated

Posted: 03/02/2008 - 14:57
by wayfinder
Thanks, I think we're all good now!

Re: Being Hated

Posted: 03/02/2008 - 15:24
by Ziphoid
I must say I'm a bit sad about it, since the rawness of the tune makes the name 'Being Hated' sound a lot cooler than 'Short Stuff'... ;)

Well, good that details are in place, then, and I'll try to remember it when I play it the next time, since I'm the only one that have played it on SLAY Radio... ;)

Excellent track, nevertheless!

// Ziph

Re: Being Hated

Posted: 02/06/2008 - 6:16
by quickyman
.... unfortunately i lost contact with quicky, ....

i`am alive :D

good to see you here, dafunk


Re: Being Hated

Posted: 02/06/2008 - 7:08
by Dafunk
hey nice to see ya back quicky!