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Merry Christmas

Posted: 22/12/2006 - 18:06
by o2
Just want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy new Year.


Posted: 22/12/2006 - 18:36
by Vosla
Thanks, O²! :)
I just want to add my wishes for all of you for a Merry Christmas and a Happy and peaceful New Year! :D

Posted: 22/12/2006 - 20:32
by Analog-X64
A Healthy Merry Christmas and a Happy New 2007 for everybody on this board and their families.

Posted: 23/12/2006 - 12:02
by ifadeo
a merry x-mas and a happy new year... for all of you!!!

cheers ifadeo

Posted: 23/12/2006 - 12:55
by tom

to all of you ! :wink:


Posted: 23/12/2006 - 13:09
by Ziphoid

Posted: 23/12/2006 - 13:39
by Makke
Merry Christmas!

I'm currently at my dad's place for some quality time with the family (and more than a few pints of Christmas brew). I hope you all get to have a fine holiday! :D

Posted: 23/12/2006 - 13:54
by Sinopeus
my fellow old teenagers who live in the past. :D

have a tremendous jesus-birthday-party and a happy new year. and never forget: there are many drinks in Jamaica.

Posted: 23/12/2006 - 13:56
by Dr.Future
Have a nice X-mas! :D

Posted: 23/12/2006 - 14:30
by Romeo Knight

Posted: 23/12/2006 - 15:40
by Matrix
A Merry Xmas to all Dude n Dudettes from me and Armand this Jolliday Season :)

Posted: 23/12/2006 - 17:19
by C64GLeN

Posted: 23/12/2006 - 17:25
by dan gillgrass
Merry xmas guys... will see you on the otherside of my hangover...

Posted: 23/12/2006 - 17:26
by merman
Merry Christmas (again) to everyone, hope everyone has a good time, and here's to a healthy and happy 2007 for you all...

Posted: 23/12/2006 - 21:46
by Dumper

Have a great Christmas everyone.