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Youtube Musician Account?

Posted: 04/01/2007 - 22:00
by Analog-X64
I noticed YouTube has a Musician SignUp Option?

Whats that about?

Posted: 07/01/2007 - 7:56
by _Traxer_
I think that the musican and comedian accounts are for people who want to promote themselv with thyre own made material.

I know that everything on YouTube is normaly free for eveybody... but when you register as musican maybe there are other forms of copyright management.

maybe your works are watermarked or somthing like that.

Edit :

I found this in the Help-Files / FAQ :

What's the difference between a regular YouTube account and all of these other accounts (Director, Musician, Comedian)?
All accounts share the basic features on YouTube like uploading, commenting, sharing, video responses, etc. Each of the specialized account types offers different customization options:

* Director: Removes the 10-minute limit from video upload, allows custom items and logo on Profile pages, and a custom URL per video. Application and approval are required for this type of account.
* Musician: Allows custom logo, genre and tour date information, and CD purchase links on Profile. Conversion is permanent.
* Comedian: Allows custom logo, style and show date information, and CD purchase links on Profile. Conversion is permanent.