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Oh dear, Kjell.

Posted: 29/01/2007 - 5:55
by Maindrian

I did not know this, nobody has ever mentioned it to me before. Truly sad, a massive shame.

Anybody know of Kjell before? That's seriously upset me that has.

I discovered him sometime in 2005, having a random search on sidfind for something to remix, something unique, something not done before. First thing I typed as a search was "strange", since I fancied doing something weird. Best thing that came up out of a very long list was Sweet Strange Little Linn. I searched out a lot more of his works and developed quite an obsession. Now, tonight, I realised, I knew nothing about the guy and had to find out. And I find this. I'm having a browse through my little folder of his music.

Looking at it from the perspective of the song titles, there's a lot of maudlin stuff, but crikey, the joyous ones are the ones I'll remember.

Go and give Fell in Love, His Voice or track 6 of A New Life a listen. It's brilliantly uplifting stuff.

Posted: 29/01/2007 - 8:49
by k_rostoen
Kjell was a good friend of mine. He was truly a multitalent. He's remembered for his music, but he started out setting a lot of todays standard in graphics. What others had to use FLI for, he used ordinary multicolor. I have/had a lot of his graphics that was never released. A shame, really. It was fantastic for its time.

Posted: 29/01/2007 - 9:05
by Maindrian
I'm sorry to have brought it up to be honest, I got a little emotional finding that out. The music has been a constant companion over the last year and a bit. Some of it I know in and out, having pulled it to bits for remixing and research purposes, and now that feels a little like I've butchered something special.

I hope you have fond memories of him and you and his family are doing okay after the loss.

He did sound like a true believer in pushing the envelope from what I've heard and what you say. Can never have enough of people like that.

Posted: 29/01/2007 - 9:14
by k_rostoen
No problem at all. Just good memories :)

Posted: 29/01/2007 - 18:31
by Analog-X64
Maindrian: thanks for bringing this up. I will listen to the tracks you suggested and the rest of he's work.

Although, I did not know him or havent heard/seen any of his work, I still find it sad to hear we lost an active member of the scene.

Posted: 29/01/2007 - 23:43
by CreaMD
Analog-X wrote:Maindrian: thanks for bringing this up. I will listen to the tracks you suggested and the rest of he's work.

Although, I did not know him or havent heard/seen any of his work, I still find it sad to hear we lost an active member of the scene.
His single-file music-collections were also cool. Not just a list of tunes but a lot of additional things to watch while listening. Truly a multitalent. Around 2002/03? I got a sending from him with his latest works.. never replied back (wasn't swapping anymore at that time, I pity that now because it seems that it was his way of spreading things at that time). I have never been very empathic :cry: , but next time when I'm getting sending for someone calling his demos "the prologue to mad mans dream" I will for sure reply.

Posted: 29/01/2007 - 23:53
by Vosla
Strange thing he comitted suicide... :?

Posted: 30/01/2007 - 1:22
by Maindrian
Analog-X wrote:Maindrian: thanks for bringing this up. I will listen to the tracks you suggested and the rest of he's work.

Although, I did not know him or havent heard/seen any of his work, I still find it sad to hear we lost an active member of the scene.
I could give you a fuller list if you like. Kjells music seems to vary from the incredibly basic, almost dated sounding (but often incredibly catchy), to these wonderful technical feats of true genius. I'm not overly familiar with the world of the c64 demo scene, but blimey, the stuff knocked my socks off.

Here's a few more of my favourites.

Use My Fire
Away From Here
The Ultimate

The entireties of A New Life and Mad Mans Dream are fantastic journeys to take as well.

There's a couple, like The Victim for instance, that are one step away from being perfect scoring for a movie. It hits all the cues, and it reminds me of Alan Silvestris tense action scores, such as Predator or Back to the Future.

Posted: 30/01/2007 - 2:29
by Analog-X64
Is this the official website?

Posted: 30/01/2007 - 3:18
by Maindrian
I hadn't found that before! I shall have to find an emulator or something, check these out with the images to go along with them. I guess that's how they were meant to be heard. I'm particuarly interested in seeing the visuals to Replaced and Little Linn, since I had a particular set of images in my head for the former one.

Cheers for finding that Analog! You're better off heading into Sidfind to find a whole lot more music.

Posted: 30/01/2007 - 18:24
by Analog-X64
I found all he's work in HVSC Collection.

Checkout OSS.RAR from the website and run it using CCS64

Posted: 31/01/2007 - 12:52
by Soppa
I believe his last work was "Larger than life (smaller than death)", with an intro pic that probably shocked many of his friends who received it. It is downloadable at:

with notes from his friend who received the disk, full of load errors, but was able to fix it later. Although I didn't know the man, really sad nonetheless.

Posted: 31/01/2007 - 14:49
by k_rostoen
Yeah, that intropicture was shocking. And then you have the note to the demo which was on the other end of the scale, a quite happy, normal note. Confusing.

Posted: 31/01/2007 - 16:39
by Analog-X64
k_rostoen wrote:Yeah, that intropicture was shocking. And then you have the note to the demo which was on the other end of the scale, a quite happy, normal note. Confusing.
Poor guy, I wonder what demons he was fighting with.

He has 300+ tunes In the HVSC Collection. I dont even think I've done 20 all my life.

Posted: 31/01/2007 - 21:52
by Maindrian
Hmmm, that's a shame, I can't get it working. Any clues people? I'm about as emulator savvy as a housebrick. It would be nice to hear those tunes since they're not up at HVSC.