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C64 1351 mouse required

Posted: 07/02/2007 - 12:59
by Tonka
Hi Chaps,

Anyone have a 1351 mouse they want to sell (GIVE :wink: ) to me? I have just ordered a Prophet 64 cartridge and thought that a C64 mouse would be easy to source on Ebay... WRONG!

So if anyone has one spare and would like to sell it to me for a *sensible* price, I would be very interested to hear from you :) Also any links on where to buy one would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Posted: 07/02/2007 - 22:04
by Vosla
"Prophet64 Sequencer is fully mouse controlled and supports Joystick, 1351 mouse (recommended), Amiga mouse and Atari mouse. Additional mouse wheel functionality provided by PC to C64 mouse adapters is also supported."

Found a link for serial mouse interface (PC mouse to C64 adapter): (search for pc mouse)
Direct link to article: ... Mouse.html
(requires soldering skills, i fear)

If somebody actually stumbles over a manufactured PC to C64 mouse adapter and a supplier addresss, please post it here. I want some, too! :wink:

Posted: 12/02/2007 - 14:42
by Tonka
Cheers Vosla,

I'm going to look into that adaptor solution I think :) Seems like they are out of Prophet 64's at the moment anyway (despite letting my order go through - nice touch), so I'm gonna have to wait a while before I get my hands on one...

May even give my Hardsid Quattro another look at this rate... ;)

Posted: 13/02/2007 - 12:52
by Misser
I'll have a go through the c64 related stash, i'm quite sure there are 2 or 3 mouses left. Will let you know.


Posted: 13/02/2007 - 15:44
by Tonka
Misser wrote:I'll have a go through the c64 related stash, i'm quite sure there are 2 or 3 mouses left. Will let you know.

:drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:

Posted: 13/02/2007 - 16:13
by Misser
:D drool wheee :)

I just went to the garage and found a 1351 (bit yellow but working fine), pm me some details and i'll try to post it this week. Yeah for free, see it as a thank you for the nice tunes (KB anyone :) you made in the past.


*edit* It was right in one off those boxes #website-no-longer-available#index.php?option ... _itemId=31

Posted: 13/02/2007 - 21:03
by Misser
Garrrrrrrrrrrrrr addy,

It took me a while to figure out that addy wasn't andy :) But the uk thing seems right. *grin* will post the mouse (hmmm that sounds wierd) tomorrow .

Posted: 14/02/2007 - 10:10
by Tonka
Misser wrote::D drool wheee :)

I just went to the garage and found a 1351 (bit yellow but working fine), pm me some details and i'll try to post it this week. Yeah for free, see it as a thank you for the nice tunes (KB anyone :) you made in the past.


*edit* It was right in one off those boxes #website-no-longer-available#index.php?option ... _itemId=31
And the award for the R64 'Most Generous Act of the Month' goes to:

MISSER!!! :hooray:

Seriously, you just saved me £30.00 I didn't have... I shall cherish my new yellow mouse for years to come! ;)

Thanks! :D

Posted: 14/02/2007 - 10:50
by Misser
I humbly accept the award :hooray:

Now be sure to take good care off that little mouse and show us some pictures :twisted: It should arrive in 2-3 days.

Posted: 14/02/2007 - 13:38
by Analog-X64
Misser wrote: *edit* It was right in one off those boxes #website-no-longer-available#index.php?option ... _itemId=31
So I'm not the only one who has a pile of bits and pieces and a Retail Box of C64 :)

Posted: 14/02/2007 - 14:03
by Misser
Analog-X wrote:
Misser wrote: So I'm not the only one who has a pile of bits and pieces and a Retail Box of C64 :)
it seems you are not indeed. Actually there are 2 retail boxes (bread bin and doorstopper) and not to mention the 35 odd boxes full off floppies also.

But slowly it's getting less and less, who know's i might actually be able to drive the motorbike again this year. :roll:

Posted: 14/02/2007 - 15:08
by Worped
Much to my wife's chagrin, I'm just the opposite - I just keep amassing the stuff. People with old computer gear always seem to say to me "Hey, I've got this old computer - do you want it?" I take more offers, particularly if they are for some interesting computer. I always take anything and everything Commodore-related. My poor basement. :)

Posted: 14/02/2007 - 15:43
by Analog-X64
Worped wrote:Much to my wife's chagrin, I'm just the opposite - I just keep amassing the stuff. People with old computer gear always seem to say to me "Hey, I've got this old computer - do you want it?" I take more offers, particularly if they are for some interesting computer. I always take anything and everything Commodore-related. My poor basement. :)
I would take a picture of my basement and post it but I'm too embarrased. Its where old computers go to die. :)

I've got C64's, Atari St's, monitors, printers, scanners. etc..

The only thing that I dont have is SNES, Vic20 and Amiga 1000.

I was particularly upset when a co-worker a few years ago Threw out two Vic20's!!!!

So I'm the same as you....dont throw it out!! Give it too me.

Posted: 14/02/2007 - 17:42
by Misser
SNES? Well i do got 2 actually, one is on it;s way to Spain with the neighbours. Seems the kids like to play with it, hopefully it will come back in a week or so :)

I won't start but besides some a1200's some a4000's a couple of SGI's it also got some console action :P

Posted: 14/02/2007 - 18:59
by Analog-X64
Misser wrote:SNES? Well i do got 2 actually, one is on it;s way to Spain with the neighbours. Seems the kids like to play with it, hopefully it will come back in a week or so :)

I won't start but besides some a1200's some a4000's a couple of SGI's it also got some console action :P
Yes I regrettably sold my SNES and Amiga 1000 when I was in need of some money.