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Feedback / Help! On Super Huey Remix

Posted: 20/05/2003 - 21:52
by skitz

Right, I've been playing and playing with this fruity loops and I think I am finally getting somewhere with it.... well, actually I was hoping for some feedback on a few tracks that I have tried to remix (tried being the operative word!).

There is a remix of Hyper Blob but for the life of me I don't know what style it is in :) There is a remix of Super Huey which is an attempt at a Club Style. A few others there but none are finished..

All my remixes are at if anybody wants to have a listen please feel free and if you have a chance send me some feedback...

I'm not a musician really but really do enjoy all creativity!


Posted: 21/05/2003 - 9:05
by merman
Yo, Skitz, it's feedback time!

Firstly, Hyper Blob. Not bad. The only drawback is the piano - so many remixes use a piano that it sounds over-familiar. Still, a nice overall style.

Now, Super Huey. Excellent, love the club style, with vocals that could be a hit in Ibiza!

Posted: 21/05/2003 - 13:07
by skitz
Merman, thanks for the comments - much appretiated..
merman wrote:Firstly, Hyper Blob. Not bad. The only drawback is the piano - so many remixes use a piano that it sounds over-familiar. Still, a nice overall style.
Yeah, basically I was just playing around with the chords and seeing if I could manually create piano chords that sounded "human" - doesn't really work - maybe I should get a keyboard :)
Now, Super Huey. Excellent, love the club style, with vocals that could be a hit in Ibiza!
Thankyou - I think the next step is to add some SFX, beef up the synths a bit (one sounds very weak!) and as you say vocals... now all I need is to come up with some lyrics and a fit bird to sing them - any offers? :lol:

Posted: 21/05/2003 - 14:58
by merman
Well, I'm not a fit bird, so I can't help you there :wink:

Maybe some lyrics about a massive chopper? Or just a vocoder voice reciting the mission names... actually, that's a good idea!

Posted: 21/05/2003 - 17:29
by Glyn R Brown
Hey Skitz .
I really like the Huey mix , looking forward to the final version :D
If your using Fruity Loops as you said , then you can use the ( mda piano ) Vsti to get the sound your looking for with the Hyper Blob mix.
It's not a great realistic piano sound , but it's pretty good :)
I used it on my Rubicon mix , it has a really nice sound , but you gotta add the reverb :wink:

Glyn ...

Posted: 21/05/2003 - 23:36
by skitz
Glyn, thanks for the info - I think I did d/l that but haven't played with it yet...

I may have to pick your brain about FL some day :)

Posted: 23/05/2003 - 17:10
by skitz
I took your advice Glyn and used the "mda piano" - I think it has promise :) Let me know... it's at the same URL: