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Great SID performers on MySpace

Posted: 25/03/2007 - 16:53
by Rick2525
I just thought I'd offer my second foray into the wonderful world of SID music here.

I've been following the SID remixing scene since day dot, however because I come from Adelaide Australia we're usually the last to know about anything that goes on in the world. That said, I can only find out about things like SID remixing over the Internet, so I am very much out of my depth when it comes to what this fantastic subculture really gets up to.

Anyway, I thought I'd express my new feelings about the many SID artists I am discovering on MySpace. I'm sure that many of you know (and probably associate with) Mad Fiddler as I think he appears on your BIT DVD, there is also another group called the SID80s which I have never heard of before where they have an unbelievable live performance of Spellbound (with the aforementioned MF) within.

As much as I have had the dream to create SID remixes of my own (which I'm sure I am more than capable of given my classical musical training), I just feel I do not have the ability or skills needed to do this. I'd love to learn how you people do it (and make it look so easy), but I can never decide on what software will make this possible for me.

Finally, is there a one-stop weblink somewhere where you can find out about these SID artists, especially the ones that are hardly, if not never, mentioned within the hallowed halls of RKO or Remix64? If so, I would love to discover the many more rendetitions of my favourite C64 tunes such as those mentioned above. Thank you for listening.

Posted: 25/03/2007 - 17:24
by Rick2525
God, I feel like a right twit now. I just accidentally went to Ziphoid's site and for no particular reason downloaded the Andreas@Kontroll subtitled video, and there was SID80s in all their glory (and their very first reference was to Chris Abbott himself). Kind of makes me wish I could crawl under a rock, bury my head in the sand and have the world swallow me up right about now.

Anyway, C64 forever people.

Posted: 25/03/2007 - 17:24
by Chris Abbott
Well, in general would be where you needed to be for that kind of stuff if you're not finding it on R64 or RKO (or Slay): when it reopens soonish, it will be packed with extra stuff, much of it completely free and not dependent on purchases. Patience, and keep watching the skies :)

edit: also has loads of interesting resources and interviews... and did you discover the Remix64 interview section?


Posted: 27/03/2007 - 9:02
by Sidman 64
Hi and welcome to the C64 love train :lol:
Here are some links to C64 remixed music, This will please you as its Classical performances of C64 tracks, This is the excellent band Press play on tape who perform live at all the B.I.T concerts. This is my site, click on tracks and scroll to the bottom where you will find Live recordings we did of SID80's live at Manchester last year, performing acoustically :wink:

Hope this helps,


Posted: 01/04/2007 - 15:49
by madfiddler