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Dissapointment by Overclocked. Share ur thoughts pls. :(

Posted: 30/03/2007 - 14:56
by Lexx
First at all i want to apollogize in advance that i had to open a topic such this but it did hurt me so much, so i wanted to share my thought & emotions refering to the absolute negative expierence with overclocked remix-community.

:idea: :arrow:

As u could read, remix got rejected. No reason for me to think about an apocalypse. Shit "may & can" happen. But it pisses me off when i get critizied & it sounds like a review from a amateur or childish teenager who has been grown with the techno-remixing world & so realy couldn't be objective. The fact that this thread is still activ allthough it's closed, ....sorry but correct me pls when i'm wrong but does it realy make a sense to leave the people, through forum & very puplic critics while u don't get a chance of self-defence ?

I think the guy or the philosophy of overclocked remix, when it's a common thing there, was & is a pretty unfair one. Of avoid a mess of coflicts it does make a sense to close it. But why not a personal message through pm, email etc... And why is this fucking negative thread still active ? I mean it just costs 1 mouse-click but as it seems, ...the stuff from overclocked, especialy those who do the judgement are kind of arrogent. Or the guys tate is that bad.

Apropos "remixes with ur own interpretation". Does it mean they rather prefer technos where the musican or dj is using on the refrain to remind on the classic tune "just a little bit" ?!? Is this kind of remix we realy need that often ? Especialy for is hard to programm or find a similar solution in the sounds & i realy put alot of effort together with my brotha & that is the end-result. :) Not that i worry too much about the cancellation but unfair treatment just pisses me off like a wild chicken.

This is like u would have been told to be silent but u can't because someone already hit in ur face. Could u resist & avoid of screaming, crying , complaining and whatsoever ? If u are a "normal" human, u couldn't. And as i'm pretty normal & a human for fairness, i feel in that chase like i wold have been covered with shit that i don't deserve.

a) Ok he doesn't like the remix = ok by me because not all remix communites accept the way of remix that i prefer. Taste does matter alot.

b) The way of remix doesn't suit the rules by them = also ok & fine by me too.

But even when i know that the review wasn't meant to be an insult, it does matter alot being able to replay the judge's opinion. Especial when u have the feel that the judge's statment, review or whatsoever u want to call it, wasn't objectiv.

And that's why i wanted to know if others, and not just me, expierenced an unfair treatment by them aswell. Just as sidenote my remix is still on queue at but i had a chance to speak with Ziphoid. His statments didn't hurt me even when there were 2 or 3 negative points .... but i had a chance to explain him why this & that while this super moderator was perfectly unfair & called the whole job (that cost us 1 month patience) the meaning like as it would be a poor cover, in other words - a messup :!:

And i feel that handicapped. I can't explain the puplic now why i wanted a so called "make a studioversion from the orginal .mdat file". I tried to pretend i would be Huelsbeck for the reason, would he have done this song for his Cds. As sofar i don't know a full version of the Turrican 1 Theme by him as studioversion. Only the Turrican-medley has a short play about the Turrican theme too but that was too short.

However did invest alot of care, love & time in searching or making the sounds & u know guyz....especialy u all remixers with expierence that it is hard to remix an Amiga-track. Because people do expect an amiga-remix with pretty much as the orginal composer would have done something in studioversion & that's why the amiga-remixes require this special kind of remix. Further more....a so called authentic interpretation. And that means....similar sounds & exactly going with all the parts as good as possible. And in my chase....i wanted a hardrock interpreation merged with synthpop. I claim that this song cried out for getting a little bit hardrock touch & i'm sure that a few of u will like it.

But i'm also sure that u will understand me. Of course this is not the end of world & there are different tastes. Not everything what i have heard on slayradio sofar became my favs but anyhow 70 % are supreme & only 30 % that i call "a mess" cinvicted by my taste.

Oh make a remix of own of the beautiful sid-tunes might be realy the easier than an amiga-track. U have more freedoom as people don't expect too much in a certain way of style. But Amiga-remixes need to cause a dejavue & that's what i wanted to achieve but as u can reasd on mission failed. Maybe , ...i never should have tried to remix something. And we have put so much effort into it. :(

Of course the mixing & mastering isn't perfect. It could have been done more perectly. Also the guitar play could have been more the better but my brotha is a beginner & not a jimi hendrix. So as after 1 month i thought it should be enough & i was done with the song. I couldn't hear it anymore after many days & nights.

However be my judge & leave ur coments. Maybe this song will be rejected by Amigaremix aswell plus never be played/wished during the liveshows on slayradio. If so when i will be sad....of course....but that would be the sign to me that i ldo ack of talent remixing songs.
So however....leave me ur coments & notes reguarding to the remix & the philosphpy from overclocked.

Lexx aka Alexandra

Posted: 30/03/2007 - 15:02
by Lexx
Ahhhh shit....thanks to my depression i have forgotten to include a link to the remix. I hope u will enjoy it in a better way as the overlocked-guyz did.

So far so pleased,

Posted: 30/03/2007 - 15:48
by Chris Abbott
I couldn't really see anything there that justified this outburst, tbh, unless I was missing something in the thread.

I've said similar things myself about stuff: though I haven't listened to your remix, stuff like that comes through RKO all the time.

If you're trying to get personal validation through remixing you're not going to get it: putting creative stuff out is a tough gig.


Posted: 30/03/2007 - 16:25
by Lexx
If you're trying to get personal validation through remixing you're not going to get it: putting creative stuff out is a tough gig.
Not that i'm a so called wannabe-popstar-honey. :) If i would have looking for a remix that fits the way the mainstream requires, i would have done very differently. Just to get that very big attention u know. That's not the way i'm looking for. Ok i do admit...i'm searchging for attention...but i'm not looking for sales or comerical profits. U may follow my project from now on & u will see the i will never go mainstream. And i have special interets, such to using music as international language & to write about certain topics in the future.

But i absolutely have no understanding why they have to let people know through puplic-forum. There are other features to use. I think nobody requires an exhibition in that chase. When a remix got rejected....then fine...that has to be accepted but when i can't replay to review of some super mod then nobody would like this.

Example if i would reject ur song.....and u have put much effort into it & u hope it will get a forum & people enjoy ur work, because that's important for every artist, then u hope for a good review.
Let's pretend u get a wrong review to read....ok...., u must accept but is it important to let the artits know through a puplic thread ? They could have set it to privat. There are many possiblities in all the forum-systems. And what i do complain is not realy that i got rejected nor to ask people for help for a childish fight. I'm not the crazy one. ;)

I just want to know other artists opinion about the song, if they like it or totaly not etc.... and if other artists got rejected so simply too. That's all. I hope u allow me to know about the thoughts & opinion from others & let the thread open.

Apropos craetivity....i start to guess now what kind of remixes they prefer. The best u compose something new then before the end.....approax 3:40 (when the song has the very last mintues) u find a bridge to the orginals melody. It might be a creativ one but this is not the kind of remix that people do like at all. Even the most remixes on slayradio are in the way i prefer.

Of course....with expections when u do, example...a classical song. Then this is a style where alot of in-betweens of new melodies are welcome. However, i'm not crying so much for the rejection. God hell...this may happen. The life can't be only beautiful to me but what i do critizie is that matter, is that they need to make it sooo puplic. Ok by me when i would have the possiblity to reply aswell. At least just 1 reply would be a fair & square to me but reality is different. Sadly. I hope u can follow me now what realy pissed me of.


Posted: 30/03/2007 - 17:13
by Chris Abbott
Well, it is a tad brutal, I guess. Perhaps they think you should have known about the process before submitting the track? I'm sure it's not just you that had to go through it...

Anyway, now you know.... such as it is...

Posted: 30/03/2007 - 18:45
by tas
I'm a little confused..

If they rejected your remix which of course i suspect happens quite frequently did they put the rejection into an open forum for others to comment? If thats what they did then i think thats a little unfair and bordering on ridicule.

Posted: 30/03/2007 - 19:11
by Chris Abbott
tas wrote:I'm a little confused..

If they rejected your remix which of course i suspect happens quite frequently did they put the rejection into an open forum for others to comment? If thats what they did then i think thats a little unfair and bordering on ridicule.
I think that's the system: each remix generates a thread in their forum.


Posted: 30/03/2007 - 19:22
by tas
Chris Abbott wrote:
tas wrote:I'm a little confused..

If they rejected your remix which of course i suspect happens quite frequently did they put the rejection into an open forum for others to comment? If thats what they did then i think thats a little unfair and bordering on ridicule.
I think that's the system: each remix generates a thread in their forum.

Not a good way of going about things imho. Discression is the better part of valor!

I can understand somewhat why she's peeved off but at the same time if it's openly made available to how the system is then well you have to take it on the chin i guess!

Posted: 30/03/2007 - 19:34
by Analog-X64
Some thoughts.

- Putting the rejection comment public I think was not necessary.

- Their rules say "When we say 'ReMix', we actually mean something closer to 're-arrangement" But whats funny about that I can point out to several remixes I've downloaded in the past that were not re-arrangements. Maybe they are being more strict with what they accept.

- If you are remixing to get validation you will be disappointed. Only record/make/remix what you like and what makes you happy and if you like sharing, put it out there and you may find there will be people who will like what you do and will let you know...and I think you get you're validation in that way.

- I downloaded you're remix of Turrican and I like it very much, there are spots here and there that can be cleaned up. But if this means anything to you...I couldn't have remixed that song the way you did.

Keep up the good work and don't let this incident let you down.

Posted: 30/03/2007 - 20:00
by Lexx

That's why i thought my remix could have be acceptable there also. When u investigate trough their data or remember remixes from the past, u will figure that many so called "low qualities" happend. But it seems u are right with ur supposing. They became to a extremly strict one & that is not good.

U know it will lead to completely frustration by many artist & at the end noone will have the motivition to bring up their remixes.
I hope that Overclocked will get an enlighting as soon as possible. With this attitude & rules of nonsense they will start to loose the numbers of remixes each year by year. But that's their problem yes ? :)

Aslong as there are enough other communties who cherish the work of people that is done by love & not for the reason to become a popstar-honey it is damn all right to give it away. And of artist is looking for love & acknowledgement so he/she can continue & focuse on future works.

Thank u very much. U saved my day. I realy found it today the very first time & when i read this i felt like i would have recieved a deep cold shock from my head to the feet down. It was as a cold thunder would have beaten me up. I so wanted to bring up my arguments against the realy less objectiv review but as told u guyz...impossible....tread was closed. I swear i never had any conversation before on their forum & i felt like an offender who doesn't has any rights.

If the thread just would have given a "NO" without the silly review, then i could have accepting it a little better but that is indeed too much provocation & every artist in my chase would have reacted with the same thoughts & emotions as i thought & felt today. Catastroph. Now let's check the super moderators tracks. I bet he could teach everyone how to make music professionally, ....if. ;)


Posted: 30/03/2007 - 21:55
by Infamous
I've had a few tunes rejected there, best to just take it on the chin, maybe take on any relevant information and put it up somewere else revised or otherwise, unfortunately not everyone is going to appreciate what we/you do its all part of being a musician i guess.

were all tortured souls and in the end we'll always be our own worst critic's hehe.

Posted: 31/03/2007 - 7:50
by Makke
The public judging system at OC remix is indeed very hard, but all of that is made clear before the track is submitted. Because they've got such a vast amount of remixes coming in, they've become more and more strict about the "rules" over the years, and a whole lot more picky about what gets published.

If I understand this right, your remix got rejected because they deemed it a cover and not a remix. OC remix wants reinterpretations, not "updated" versions, which means you have to get a completely different angle of the track. My remix of RJ's James Pond 2 title track got rejected because they thought it was too much of a cover, and not a remix - which I fully understand.
So, you don't just need good quality in the production, you also need a solid and original idea of how to arrange the track.

As for the public judging system, yes it's hard, but it's also made clear before you submit a track. It has its pro's and con's of course. Pro's - the reasons for rejection is there for all to see, and no one can come and claim their tracks got rejected because of some personal vendetta (which has indeed happened on a well-known remix site). Also, you quite often get more comments from the judges than you get from RKO or AmigaRemix - especially Liontaimer goes through a great deal of work to give indepth comments to every submission, but the rest of the guys usually do a good job as well.
The con's is of course that you could get your feelings hurt if you don't like what they judges have to say, and yes, this is a big con. I guess it's all because of the harder, and in my opinion sometimes very elitist (and even immature) climate over at the OC remix forum/community (although some claim it's very elitist here as well, but said people have probably not tried to start shit up over at the OC remix forums).

I'm not going to get into this more now, I'll just say that OC remix has a hard, but most of the time fair system, and they do have very high demands on quality. I'm not sure I always completely agree with it, because it can be very hard on newcommers. However, there's always Overlooked Remix, which offers a second chance - and a lot of the hardcore OC consumers check Overlooked regularly as well, because it's updated more frequently and still publishes a lot of great tracks.

Posted: 31/03/2007 - 8:21
by Subzero
i've had ALL my remixes rejected on RKO, and did I complain about it???

(probly but it was a while ago and they were all shit :shock: )

Posted: 31/03/2007 - 9:07
by Lexx

I've read the conditions before sent my track but i totaly disagree to the way how ur track get's reviewed. After my sending i was wondering if i ever will get any feedback because i thought they would email or at least notify my through private message (forum).

But nothing happend. I don't know if it was a failure by the system, a misstake by them or the princip, ...that they do only feedback u through forum. Anyways, ...i think it's not fair to all artists to hold up all negative critics for probably a year or even longer on their forum. Or better to delete the thread when ur material get's rected with a automatic mail including the reasoning.

But if the thread remains in existence, so it would be very fair not to close it, so u could at least re-coment on their feedback. In that chase it would have been enough to write me such....hey buddy...good work, somehow nicely done but ur remix is a cover & doesn't fit to our rules, sorry but u got rejected...finish.
That would have been fair & square to my eyes because i don#t complain that i got rejected at all because i had the feeling it could happen that's why i tried to explain on their page the reason why the track became in the way how it is, ... if u read my self-description above their feedbacks.

But it's a bullshit to write an exactly feedback when it anyways got rejected. It only makes a sense to me when they would accept it with only small condition of a little rework u know. But in that chase it sounds like i would have to do a completly new track. :)
So u can trust on my promise that i will never knock on their doors anymore. Because the kind of remixes that they prefer will be never as much loved as those u expect on cds such from remix64, immortal & co. People do want covers. Of course they also want to get suprised by a re-interpretation but that makes more sense to sid-classics. Because sid-freaks do mostly love the idea to turn their favourite sids into completely different styles such classic, jazz, ....respectiv in a less or non-electronical manner. Like an unplugged accoustica pleasure u know.

That's the kind of remix the Overclocked seem to accept only but that's the kind of remix the most amigian seem not prioritize on the first place. And so it's by me & that's why i have done in the way as like u did Makke for Richard Joseph's Robocode - theme II (rest in peace my friend u were on of my idols beside Huelsbeck, Brimble, Steinwachs & Lynne aswell - thank u for ur music !)

But be honest...wouldn't it be better to inform the artist directly when the treads get closed ? And the feedback should only concerning the artist & therefore i would expect a little bit more discretion. I don't mean that they don't may reject me on a puplic place. God hell if they need a alot of linking with other websites then that's ok but let me combine the facts:

a) i can't put my 5 cents to their feedback
b) 2 moderators have wrote their opinion.
c) it's naturally that i want to write back but i can't
d) as i have lost my account data too & i so wanted to write the guy back somehow, i lost the motivation in the re-activation & therefore my frustration.
e) Of course i'm somehow sadly about rejection as everyone before for sure was but i was prepared it could happen.
f) therefore i'm not angry of the rejection but i have no understanding that i had to wait for months because i supposed they would write me directly or notify me somehow. Instead of that i have found their feedback by accident when i was about browsing through google with the keyword tsvos.

So try to guess know how it feels like when u don't expect a bad suprise while u check how the things are going for ur website.

I do know the calm words from the cool guy called Lou Reed "walk on the wild side", ...but even this song couldn't calm me down. *tee hee*
Sorry for my madness guyz. I hope u don't missjudge me now.

Posted: 31/03/2007 - 9:28
by Makke
I'm not going to debate their judging system with you, Lexx. I just gave you my point of view, since you asked for peoples opinions. But yes, the judging system is very hard, but it's really hard to make it balanced.

And, just to comment on one thing you said, I fully understand why they won't let people comment on the judge feedback: Because then the judges would have no time to do their work - they'd have to defend their decisions 24/7. The judges are people too, you know, who do this in their spare time. Which is quite often a thankless task.