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Tass Times in Tone Town

Posted: 01/04/2007 - 5:04
by agent4125
I'd love to hear someone do a take on the theme from Tass Times in Tone Town, which was a lesser known graphical/text adventure for the C=64.


The game itself is surreal and musical (the local currency is guitar picks). The theme is sort of funky, but there's probably room for different interpretations.


Posted: 01/04/2007 - 11:43
by Vosla
Dunno exactly why but I think that's pretty hard to do properly. Well, maybe somebody takes up the challenge. Maybe some vocal remix with Makkes' voice in it. A duet perhaps?

Posted: 01/04/2007 - 12:04
by Makke
I hadn't head this before, until this morning when checking this post out, and I was indeed tempted to do something with this.

Don't know if I ever will though, considering I've got pretty limited music-time right now. It's a tough tune to do something good with, but it's a nice and catchy SID!