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Dirty Cash I Want/Need You - major SID sounds!

Posted: 07/04/2007 - 22:21
by Rick2525
I was listening to my local radio station last night and I came across one of those mega-mixes which compilated together a number of different songs, some recent, some old. I couldn't believe my ears when I started hearing the very distinct sounds of the SID chip that I thought I was imaging things, but I swear to god it could have been nothing else other than a SID-style chip generating them.

The song itself that was playing whilst the SID sounds drove their funky beat was something that I vaguely remember not liking back from the 80s or 90s somewhere (the chorus went "Diiirty Caaash I Waaant Yoouu, Diiirty Caaash I Neeed Yoouu). By the time I had my mobile phone ready to bootleg a recording of it it went on to the next remix (again, this was some sort of long mega-mix of songs).

The SID sounds themselves were the sort of variety that you know were kinda special but were possibly not considered good enough to want to identify in our youth, but the range of SID sounds ventured from some long-ago seemingly-familiar semi-samples as well as some doctored analog notes to beef things up a little. I haven't had the time to ask the radio station itself what the mega-mix was called if anything (being Easter and all), but I will endeavour to hunt down the persons responsible for bringing this to the air-waves after Tuesday.

It looks indeed like the SID is being discovered all over again by the (now) hip music community. I guess nobody else has heard of this (or any other similar) pop-song remix with a distinct SID flavour to them?

Posted: 08/04/2007 - 0:14
by Sidman 64
Come back here after this years B.I.T Live event in June :wink:
You will be able to download mixes of C64 with chart etc.

:? All will be revealed then !!!!!!!!!!!

Posted: 08/04/2007 - 1:06
by Analog-X64
I found two references for that song, both have the same lyrics
so the one you found must be the one by Liberty X as the Stevie V version
has no C64 sounds.

Dirty Cash by Liberty X (2005)

Dirty Cash (Money Talks) by Stevie V
Found a link to Stevie V ... ade/Muzic/

Just an update

Posted: 24/04/2007 - 13:57
by Rick2525
On recommendation from Analog-X about the remix-artist who was possibly responsible for this (my alleged) SID version of this song, I managed to scrape up (hunt down) a torrent for Dirty Cash as remixed by Liberty X ... uh, any relation here? :) (or am I just clutching at straws)?

Anyway, when I listened to this version I did not manage to pick up any of the semi-distinct SID sounds that somehow made themselves more prominent on the radio in my car... so either the mp3 that I hunted down is misnamed or misplaced in this torrent, or it is quite possible that the acoustics in my car were such that when I heard this supposed SID version that those sounds were only just audible enough to eerily creep their way into my subconscience ... or maybe I was just hearing things.

Anyway, I'm going to go back to watching my BIT:Live DVDs that I just received in the post today. I've seen the first one and I'll be onto the second with great anticipation. Well done to all. I only wish I will be able to leave my mark in this remix community some day with a memorable and unique rendition of one of these SID tunes before I part ways. Take care.