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Oops, have I accidentally dropped a bomb here?

Posted: 08/04/2007 - 7:51
by Rick2525
Ah, so by the sounds of it I may have inadvertently let the cat out of the bag then, eh? I've just done a quick torrent search to see if there is a downloadable version of the Liberty X version of the song, but there are only two around without any seeds atm (darn).

And I'm afraid I can't wait for June when it comes to anything C64 related, hehe. So, is there any other big C64/SID news on the horizon apart from the BIT Live to savour? Myself, I'm actually keen to grab the anticipated 2CD set of the C64 Orchestra performances that were said to be coming later in the year.

Posted: 08/04/2007 - 8:09
by Rick2525
S***. I was meaning to press the Post Reply, but instead made a new topic. I'm referring to the Dirty Cash song mentioned previously. Sorry guys.