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Instant Remedy

Posted: 21/04/2007 - 15:02
by warpgun
whats instant remedy up to nowadays?, i haven't heard anything from him in some years. no news no interviews nothing. :?
so i ask you guys here on have Martin Andersson vanished from the earth?

that would be a shame on that talent ....come on give us some new remixes from instant remedy!


Posted: 21/04/2007 - 16:33
by Chris Abbott
He's working in, I think, graphics for a well known game developer. Last I heard he was vaguely considering doing Amiga remixes, but wasn't greatly inspired to return to C64 remixing.


Posted: 21/04/2007 - 18:34
by Mayhem
A pity, many of my faves have been from him. We can but live in hope...

Posted: 21/04/2007 - 21:00
by Condor
hm... haven't heard druid & outrun remix that can beat his version...

I see the date of creating and I really wonder what he could do now with SID when he did than those remixes.

Posted: 21/04/2007 - 22:51
by Analog-X64
Back in the 90's I had a job offer to do Background Graphics for Sonic and Dragons Lair for the Sega System.

I'm glad I didnt go in that direction. Game Development for a living is not fun... I dont know how people do it.

Posted: 22/04/2007 - 20:12
by Aero
thanks for the info Chris, i believe many have wondered. Me as well since his fairlight remix was what made me discover the c64 scene :)

Posted: 25/04/2007 - 11:53
by Instant Remedy
I'm still alive, but it's been a while.
Best explanation for my absence is being a father for my 2 children. Kids take their share of the spare time.
Cool to see anyone asking about me in community :)

I've done some smaller game-music projects, one shareware game with a Pirate theme and one song for a commecial game which got cancelled due to lack of money. One tune I made for myself got used in a project by UR (UtbildningsRadion/SVT). Probably some small things I have forgot too. I'm going to make some more music (XM's) for the shareware-guys in the future.

Working in games industry is both good and bad depending on what project is going on. Mostly it's good, frustrating sometimes.

I'm planning to do something some day but can't really say when. Probably not a full CD but a couple of tracks would be possible. Haven't done so much in the later 2-3 years so I'm a bit rusty, composers at RKO is getting real good so making new stuff that outshines everything else is a mighty task. Tunes at RKO sounds really good in technical quality too.
But since people seem to like my older tunes best it's probably also a matter of style, feel and taste.

I might pop in her a little more often from now on...
BTW: I've changed my last name to Noriander (instead of Andersson)


Posted: 25/04/2007 - 12:56
by Max Levin

Posted: 25/04/2007 - 13:17
by the_JinX
Instant Remedy wrote:Cool to see anyone asking about me in community :)
You do know that we could allmost change the name of SLAY Rated to List of Instant Remedy tunes ??

Your music is still incredebly popular on SLAY Radio ..
And with good reason :D

Posted: 25/04/2007 - 13:43
by Instant Remedy
I have actually talked with Slaygon himself on the phone a couple of weeks ago and heard my tunes were still popular in the playlist and charts. Really makes me feel warm and happy. And of course surprised, a lot new stuff has been released since when I made the tunes. They may probably have something beyond "most popular c64-game"-recognition.
This makes me want to push myself to make some new tunes. Only thing, many nights of too little sleep will be the result... and maybe something done.
Don't get you hopes too high, I'm still feeling it to be a mighty challenge releasing new stuff, don't want to let fans down with quick'n dirty crap.

Browsing RKO at later years, tunes of classic dance-style seems to be decreasing, am I right? I'm not sure anyone want this kind of remixes anymore.
But if the purpose of doing remixes like I did from the start I made them for my own pleasure and not for others. Maybe a little tweak in style and I'm set again?

Posted: 25/04/2007 - 15:11
by cpt_chaos
Instant Remedy wrote: Browsing RKO at later years, tunes of classic dance-style seems to be decreasing, am I right? I'm not sure anyone want this kind of remixes anymore.
But if the purpose of doing remixes like I did from the start I made them for my own pleasure and not for others. Maybe a little tweak in style and I'm set again?

Well, I'm pretty sure there are lots of ppl out there who want that kind of rmx espcially your kind of style. The decrease of such tracks doesn't nec. mean there is no such a demand. I just bought your album last weekend at Chris' site. I have to admit I was in the mood to spend some money, meaning drunk but heh ;)
So pls don't tweak your style too much.

Posted: 25/04/2007 - 15:36
by Mayhem
Instant Remedy wrote:Browsing RKO at later years, tunes of classic dance-style seems to be decreasing, am I right? I'm not sure anyone want this kind of remixes anymore.
Depends what you mean by classic dance style... Hazel and Sonic Wanderer for two are people keeping the "unz" alive on the beats :)

And good to see you here... after all this time LN1 (extended) is still one of my alltime faves!

Posted: 25/04/2007 - 17:05
by Subzero
Ir - your remixes are some of the best around - we need more im afraid :)

Posted: 26/04/2007 - 6:06
by omoroca
Instant Remedy wrote:This makes me want to push myself to make some new tunes. Only thing, many nights of too little sleep will be the result... and maybe something done.
Don't get you hopes too high, I'm still feeling it to be a mighty challenge releasing new stuff, don't want to let fans down with quick'n dirty crap.
We miss you and your remixes, but hey, family comes first!
Instant Remedy wrote:Browsing RKO at later years, tunes of classic dance-style seems to be decreasing, am I right? I'm not sure anyone want this kind of remixes anymore.
Those UNZ UNZ UNZ style tracks get bad votings by more and more people bc there have been too many of them recently and the listeners are fed up, maybe that's why some arrangers retired from that. But there's also a lot of people who still like this kind of tracks.

Posted: 26/04/2007 - 7:57
by Instant Remedy
Ok, after listening to some more tunes at RKO, I came with the conclusion that keeping the original feel of the SID is really important. Thats why I often keep original SID-sounds, I really like arpeggio-chords. Making it sound as "commercial" as possible is not that important.
I always try to keep the tempo/BPM of the SID so it's not like 200% of the original just to make it fit into the "unz"-tempo. I rather pick songs suitable for that tempo instead of bashing them up. For the CD I may have "forced" some of the songs to make them fit the genre which may work but I don't frefer it.
This should be interesting, I have experimented with some new genres in the meantime so we will see what comes out of it.
I really like most of Sonic Wonderers work, some tunes are awesome. His work enspires me :)

BTW: Thanks cpt_chaos for buying the CD! And everybody elso who got it :)