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Need a name.

Posted: 15/05/2007 - 20:10
by Analog-X64
Hey Guys I'm registering a business for my contract work and need a name.

So far I've submitted six of them and they were all taken, I even threw in something as crazy as "Uridium" in there and it was taken for some business.

This a regional thing and not global. So I'm open to some real suggestions.

Posted: 15/05/2007 - 21:03
by Chappers
Hmm, I'm taking a wild guess that you don't want references to mooses, mounties and lots of sentences ending with "ey?" ;)


I'm stumped on this one, maybe a name based on the kind of contract work you are doing?

Posted: 15/05/2007 - 21:15
by Vosla
1. Bo-Shuda Banda
2. Ah'chu Apenkee
3. Bazi Batza Bazic

This makes sense, trust me. :wink:

Posted: 15/05/2007 - 21:19
by Analog-X64
Vosla wrote:1. Bo-Shuda Banda
2. Ah'chu Apenkee
3. Bazi Batza Bazic

This makes sense, trust me. :wink:
Well those are unique... but I dont know if I want to get stuck with a name not knowing what they mean. :)

Posted: 15/05/2007 - 21:19
by Analog-X64
Chappers wrote:Hmm, I'm taking a wild guess that you don't want references to mooses, mounties and lots of sentences ending with "ey?" ;)


I'm stumped on this one, maybe a name based on the kind of contract work you are doing?
I considered using the name "Moosemoose" but no!! :)

Posted: 15/05/2007 - 21:32
by Chris Abbott

IT Unleashed?

IGotABigPenis Ltd?

Posted: 15/05/2007 - 21:48
by Analog-X64
Chris Abbott wrote:Azimuth?

IT Unleashed?

IGotABigPenis Ltd?
Excellent suggestion, especially the last one which would make it easy for making a great logo for it. :twisted:

Posted: 15/05/2007 - 21:59
by Vosla
Analog-X wrote:
Vosla wrote:1. Bo-Shuda Banda
2. Ah'chu Apenkee
3. Bazi Batza Bazic

This makes sense, trust me. :wink:
Well those are unique... but I dont know if I want to get stuck with a name not knowing what they mean. :)
These were huttese phrases.
1. The Hallo Band
2. Who are you?
3. Do you speak Basic?

I don't think Jabba will mind you using his funky language...

Posted: 15/05/2007 - 22:09
by Dafunk

Code: Select all

stalda industries
rolnop inc.
staror org.
decsta cmp.
tayrol ltd
see, it's easy. just combine some of the c64 machine code language mnemonics (lda, sta, tay, cmp, inc, rol, nop, etc.) and you have a bunch of original names. cute eh? ;) :lol:

Posted: 15/05/2007 - 22:18
by xo
Incredible Shrinking Sphere.......... no wait, I want that! :D (hey, it's my gmail :wink: )

Posted: 16/05/2007 - 13:44
by Analog-X64
I would like to thank everyone for their suggestions and here is what happend.

I submitted the following.

IT Unleashed

And the Name that was not already taken...Drum Roll Please!!!!! "IT Unleashed"

Chris deserves a bit wet kiss (not from me)... so anyone who lives near Chris or will see him in an upcoming event... could you please give him a Hugg and a Kiss from me?

I was starting to lose hope. :)

Posted: 16/05/2007 - 14:27
by Chappers
Analog-X wrote:Chris deserves a bit wet kiss (not from me)... so anyone who lives near Chris or will see him in an upcoming event... could you please give him a Hugg and a Kiss from me?
My money is on Bog getting there first at Bitlive, with an additional face lick as a freebie. :)

Posted: 16/05/2007 - 14:55
by merman
"Unleash it with IT Unleashed"

Could make quite a catchy jingle, that...

Posted: 16/05/2007 - 15:32
by Analog-X64
I wonder if I could have registered "The Wrath of Analog-X" might get sued by Paramount.

Posted: 17/05/2007 - 7:40
by Condor
How about 'Indium 48'.

Yes, I know, Indium's atomic number is 49, but that's the catch.

Just use Periodic Tables of the Elements, and you'll find your name ... 0table.png