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New BIT Live game! You can be held up!

Posted: 13/06/2007 - 21:38
by Chris Abbott
Post your best quotes about the remix scene, people in it, etc, and I'll make the best into laminated A3 to be held up during one or two of the acts :) Your chance for fame!


Posted: 13/06/2007 - 22:29
by merman
"Perhaps-a-Doobie ROCK!"


Posted: 14/06/2007 - 0:12
by Matrix
Makke Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood !

If that's readable on A3 you deserve a medal lol ....

Posted: 14/06/2007 - 6:43
by Subzero
i gave you my quote on the chat last night use it or be doomed forever chris ;)

Posted: 14/06/2007 - 7:23
by Chris Abbott
Steve Dee wrote:i gave you my quote on the chat last night use it or be doomed forever chris ;)
And I keep all my chatlogs forever and keep them in my pocket for live events... :)

Posted: 14/06/2007 - 9:10
by Subzero
Chris Abbott wrote:
Steve Dee wrote:i gave you my quote on the chat last night use it or be doomed forever chris ;)
And I keep all my chatlogs forever and keep them in my pocket for live events... :)
i have just one word....LOL

and incase you forget it was 'WE MISS SUBZERO!!'

Posted: 15/06/2007 - 12:11
by Chappers
"Reyn reserves the right to keep all lingerie thrown on stage"

Posted: 15/06/2007 - 12:20
by Chris Abbott
Chappers wrote:"Reyn reserves the right to keep all lingerie thrown on stage"
Funny but a bit long :)

How about "Throw underwear now!"

Posted: 15/06/2007 - 12:25
by Chappers
Chris Abbott wrote:
Chappers wrote:"Reyn reserves the right to keep all lingerie thrown on stage"
Funny but a bit long :)

How about "Throw underwear now!"
Yep. much better. :)

Could be an interesting mini-contest, to see which performer is most popular judging by the pile of underwear around them.....

Posted: 15/06/2007 - 12:37
by LMan
"Won't somebody please think of the children?"

Posted: 15/06/2007 - 12:37
by dan gillgrass
Chappers wrote: Could be an interesting mini-contest, to see which performer is most popular judging by the pile of underwear around them.....
Ill go have a vindaloo and THEN see which performer wants to keep my pants!

Posted: 15/06/2007 - 12:42
by omoroca
"Image I'm with stupid!"

Edit: Oops! That arrow points at my avatar. :oops:

Posted: 15/06/2007 - 14:09
by Matrix
Chris Abbott wrote:
Chappers wrote:"Reyn reserves the right to keep all lingerie thrown on stage"
Funny but a bit long :)

How about "Throw underwear now!"

"BIT LONG" :lol:

Posted: 15/06/2007 - 16:40
by merman
Don't start that one again, Matrix :lol:

Gotta be a HEY HEY 64K to welcome MJ Hibbett...

Posted: 18/06/2007 - 12:09
by BrutePoet
Praise the lard!