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one rat short

Posted: 20/06/2007 - 8:12
by Infamous

Saw this on youtube-- absolutely STUNNING stuff. and very very sad.

Posted: 20/06/2007 - 8:18
by Subzero
YOU!!! STOP POSTING CRAP AND GET IN TOUCH WITH ME (after bitlive of course)

Posted: 20/06/2007 - 8:36
by Infamous
lol you sour faced old bastard you! :p

found this too looking around, really really sad and profound.

and i shall do mr steve!

Posted: 20/06/2007 - 21:27
by Analog-X64
Infamous wrote:lol you sour faced old bastard you! :p

found this too looking around, really really sad and profound.

and i shall do mr steve!
I love this video!!! thanks for finding it.

Posted: 21/06/2007 - 21:06
by Dumper
Really good videos, i especially liked the rat one.

Posted: 23/06/2007 - 16:09
by cpt_chaos
I just found that one. It's audio only but very impressive. You have to use headphones to get the full effect.

have fun at the virtual barbershop

Posted: 11/08/2007 - 10:26
by tom hawkins
Great stuff!!!!!!!!
Especially rat video
