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My Bitlive 2007 DVD - Post your review here

Posted: 21/07/2007 - 23:25
by Subzero
Ok, i've sent out some copies over the globe, and soon very soon people will make it available, so all I ask is, when you get your mitts on one, please review it here (in other words, tell me what you thought of the layout etc)


Posted: 23/07/2007 - 19:23
by Waz

Got my copy this morning, many thanks for sorting me out with one. Looks like the Verbatim DVDs are doing the trick, not least as my trusty Pioneer DV646A played it first go :)

Anyway, one thing I did notice is that you've accidentally spelt Jan's name incorrect on the credits - but that's a minor thing that my eagle eyes saw.

I also noticed me making a t**t of myself during Deflektor - I really feel bad about that now.

On the whole, the menu system tends to work well (even with the "hidden" menu option to find some of the old bootleg footage) altough occasionally the menu buttons don't jump you back to the menu you actually wanted - could be a DVD player issue though so it might be worth others reporting on that one.

The footage varies in quality of course but at least it's watchable, and it's well arranged with sensible clips of each act placed in there by track title where possible, and the background pics don't get in the way (apart from the main menu, which looks a little messy IMO).

On the whole though, a pleasing effort and definitely with the spirit and community feeling shining through. Good work, Steve!!

Posted: 23/07/2007 - 19:48
by Subzero
Thanks Waz, yeah Im still not too happy with the main menu, but EVERYTIME i made it a motion menu it would crash on me, well done for finding the hidden menu - you win a prize!!! A copy of the bitlive 2007 dvd ;)

Posted: 24/07/2007 - 0:19
by Ziphoid
Steve, I have the DVD, it looks neat and I've made an .ISO out of it... ...but the server is not liking the size of it for download. Well, it works in Firefox but not IE for some reason. I'll sort out a .torrent instead. :)

Tomorrow, though... *yawns*

Posted: 24/07/2007 - 6:57
by Waz
Ziphoid wrote:Steve, I have the DVD, it looks neat and I've made an .ISO out of it... ...but the server is not liking the size of it for download. Well, it works in Firefox but not IE for some reason.
IE doesn't like files of more than 2GB if I remember rightly, it's a known issue that of course was fixed in Firefox so it works correctly.

Torrent would probably be the way to go though...

Posted: 25/07/2007 - 0:40
by Matrix
Why not just split it down into smaller RAR files and lob them on an FTP or something - let people connect to them as best works for them... for me it would be a download manager jobbie since none of my browser based / windows based downloader jobs, ever finish without breaking. I HATE the standard downloader... no functionality at all.

Posted: 25/07/2007 - 8:52
by Jan Lund Thomsen
Torrents are the way to go since the available bandwidth goes up as more and more people download. And it gives a nice warm feeling to know you're giving something back to the community as you're downloading.

Plus, you can pause and resume as you like. So no need to rely on those sucky download clients that come with Firefox/IE out of the box.

Posted: 25/07/2007 - 18:06
by Mayhem
I'm back in the UK on Tuesday (sunning myself in the US currently), hopefully it'll be ready to rock just in time for that ;)

Posted: 20/08/2007 - 14:22
by Subzero

Posted: 20/08/2007 - 16:32
by Chris Abbott
Steve Dee wrote:tumteetum....
"Time for lunch"

"I'm a lawnmower: you can tell by the way I walk"


Posted: 22/08/2007 - 19:28
by Makke
Waz wrote:I also noticed me making a t**t of myself during Deflektor
No you didn't! It was just one of those moments, and it had to be done! Everyone enjoyed it. You too! :D

Re: My Bitlive 2007 DVD - Post your review here

Posted: 22/08/2007 - 19:45
by Analog-X64
Just finished downloading this whopper!!! :) Will watch it and get back to you on a review.

Re: My Bitlive 2007 DVD - Post your review here

Posted: 25/08/2007 - 23:25
by Kenz
Finally got round to downloading this beastie and burning it onto a dual-layered disc, good work Steve! The picture and sound quality is as you would expect from bootleg recordings but it still gives a good idea of what the event was like (even for us mortals who couldn't make it on the day).

One tiny niggle is some of the menu information gets cut off on my TV. With a DVD menu you really need to make sure buttons and stuff are well away from the edges or else you won't be able to see them on certain TVs! Apart from that, tis good!

I wish I'd sent you my lovely DVD quality DV AVI of the Badger Badger clip though - so you could have used that instead of the wobbly web version that's on the DVD. ;)

I've knocked together a lil' DVD label using bits of the BitLive DVD artwork and some of the poster concepts by Matrix (I rather liked the logo even though it wasn't used on the poster in the end). Clicky the piccy below for an 800 x 800 version.


Re: My Bitlive 2007 DVD - Post your review here

Posted: 26/08/2007 - 16:57
by Subzero
excellent dvd label :)

Re: My Bitlive 2007 DVD - Post your review here

Posted: 01/10/2007 - 4:00
by commodork
I am a complete and total jack@**! While cleaning out my HDD I accidentally deleted the data for the DVD download anyone have a torrent that I can leech off of for a while? HELP! :bash: :duh: