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Terra Cresta InGame

Posted: 25/07/2007 - 19:27
by Subzero

Re: Terra Cresta InGame

Posted: 28/07/2007 - 8:54
by Marcel Donné
Steve Dee wrote:CMON GODAMMIT!!!! SOMEONE HAS TO!!!!!
In the same frantic pace as the original or a slowed down version?

Posted: 28/07/2007 - 17:19
by Vosla
Frantic... has a good ring to it... yeah, frantic... :wink:

Posted: 28/07/2007 - 19:09
by Chris Abbott
Got MIDI file if anyone wants it... (probably the same one Steve has on his phone!)

Posted: 28/07/2007 - 19:10
by Razmo
He he!... would make good material for some gabber techno :twisted: ... and a perfect followup maybe...

Posted: 28/07/2007 - 19:12
by Razmo
MIDI file appreciated :P ... Chris...

Posted: 28/07/2007 - 19:14
by Razmo
Chris... now that we're at it... do you have the MIDI file for One Man & his Droid, my alltime Hubbard favourite?

Posted: 29/07/2007 - 10:08
by Chris Abbott
I have MIDI files for loads of things (and even Sonar files, most of the time). I'm a bit slow on responding to requests ('cos of all the family illness and stuff, and my day job), but put together a list of requests and email me... and I'll be happy to help :)


Posted: 29/07/2007 - 10:13
by Chris Abbott
Never mind... RARs sent :)


Posted: 29/07/2007 - 10:32
by Razmo
Chris: Things take the time things take... and thanks for the RARs... normaly I play the tunes on my own, by memory (which is not allways the best, hence the faulty note in my Action Biker remix :wink: )... but some SIDs are just so fast and complex it's virtualy impossible to replicate them, and OMAHD is one such example! ... the chords are horrific, and the arpeggios too fast even for a techno-nerd like me :lol:

Posted: 01/08/2007 - 15:29
by Marcel Donné
Not quite sure if the melody's entirely correct as it's all done by SID2Ear2Cubase and it's only a quick and dirty one because I had some time to spare :wink:

@Steve Dee: Is this what you had in mind?

Posted: 01/08/2007 - 15:41
by Scyphe it's all done by SID2Ear2Cubase...
About that, I know there used to be a utility called SID2MIDI but it was discontinued and no support or key is offered anymore which means it's only possible to get a 30 second midi out of it. Is there a similar tool out there that works?

Posted: 01/08/2007 - 16:49
by Analog-X64
Scyphe wrote:Is there a similar tool out there that works?
Sid2Ear is the best :)

But seriously You can maybe use Sidplay and output to .wav use it that way.

Posted: 01/08/2007 - 16:57
by Subzero
Marcel Donné wrote:Not quite sure if the melody's entirely correct as it's all done by SID2Ear2Cubase and it's only a quick and dirty one because I had some time to spare :wink:

@Steve Dee: Is this what you had in mind?
MARCEL I COULD KISS YOU (If I werent a bloke and u werent a bloke and stuff!) but its not long enough - steve needs more terra cresta unz and maybe a bit o marcel genius for good measure??

i'll let you into a little secret, almost 2 years ago now the mighty sonic wanderer was making a mix of this track (at my request) it was comin along really well then of course sonic retired from remixing (BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO :( ) and its never seen the light of day...